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Coding guidelines

The following are guidelines used for the code in METAMOD. They are for the most part meant as gentle guidelines and not strict rules. Use them when it makes sense to do so.

Status: Suggested

Reason: A consistent syntax style increases readability and makes it easier to see the real difference between versions.

More information: The style guide for Perl is found here.

Status: Suggested

Reason: This is the convention most commenly used in Perl.

Example: my $longer_var_name

Status: Suggested

Reason: This is the convention most commenly used in Perl.

Example: sub longer_sub_name {}

Status: Suggested

Reason: This is the convention most commenly used in Perl.

Example: package Some::PackageName

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  • metamod/code_guidelines.1278416243.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2022-05-31 09:23:19
  • (external edit)