
This is an old revision of the document!

New Archive

  • 2009-12-18 fimex-0.19
    • debian packages (without grib support)
    • fixing time-interpolator
    • fiGribCut program to extract parameters and geographical region from grib-files
  • 2009-11-13 fimex-0.18
    • addition of C-API (c-fimex.h)
  • 2009-10-19 fimex-0.17.1
    • bugfix in translation of CF projection parameters to proj4
    • double-check of projected variables to contain 'grid_parameter' and 'coordinates' attributes
  • 2009-10-13 fimex-0.17
    • adding grib version 1 and 2 reader (beta)
    • adding program indexGribs to create index-files for large or distributed grib-files
    • better integration to other projects started (api-changes)
    • better support for ellipsoids
  • 2009-09-24 fimex workshop at
  • 2009-08-11 fimex-0.16
    • support for earth-ellipsoids as supported by CF-1.2 (earth_radius, semi_major/minor_axis, inverse_flattening)
    • support for more projections, lambert conformal conic and mercator
    • integrated felt library, fortran no longer required, simpler build process
    • support for static and dynamic library
    • support for udunits2
  • 2009-06-08 fimex-0.15.1
    • bugfix for translation of rotated lat-long from felt to proj
    • removing some compiler warnings
    • improving compatibility with older versions of libxml
  • 2009-05-29 fimex-0.15
    • enabling forward projection interpolation
    • adding configurable quality-status evaluation/extraction
  • 2009-05-15 fimex-0.14
    • support for reading/configuring with NcML
    • backporting to netcdf-3.5
    • skipping of tests with boost < 1.34
  • 2009-03-20 fimex-0.13
    • allowing for auto-tuning axes in interpolation (SpatialAxisSpec)
    • removal of variables/attributes in cdmWriterConfig
    • fixing broken projection-interpolation (broken since 0.12)
  • 2009-03-02 fimex-0.12
    • adding coordinate interpolation (kdtree and brute force)
    • fixing bugs in lat-lon interpolation
    • enabling interpolation of ghrsst satellite data files
    • easier build without felt-library
    • using optional OpenMP for time-critical routines
  • 2009-01-23 fimex-0.11
    • adding bicubic spatial interpolation
    • enabling netcdf-4 output with hdf5-zlib compression
  • 2009-01-13 fimex-0.10
    • adding time-interpolation
    • adding documentation
    • fix for erroneous felt projections
  • 2008-09-23 fimex-0.9
    • adding grib-writer (v1 and v2) via grib_api
    • improved logging
  • 2008-06-20 fimex-0.8
    • moving headers to fimex/*.h
    • throw exception when renaming non-existing field in NetCDF-writer (instead of segfault)
    • allowing additional parameters to MIN_DATETIME()/MAX_DATETIME in attributes for felt2nc_variables
    • reading sigma_hybrid parameters directly from felt_file
    • changing global attributes for damocles
    • fixing a bug in vector-interpolation (errors during calculation of v-vector)
    • improving speed of vector-interpolation
  • 2008-06-12 fimex-0.7
    • fixing coordinates of polar-stereographic felt-files
  • 2008-06-11 fimex-0.6
    • units-support for netcdf output configuration
    • keeping input-order of variables/attributes/dimensions within fimex
  • 2008-06-05 fimex-0.5
    • bugfix for short-fields when converting from felt
    • netcdf output configuration
  • 2008-05-21 fimex-0.4
    • performance improvements of interpolation (>90% with SIMD)
    • adjusting output to damocles
    • fixing order of long, lat projection axes
  • 2008-05-15 fimex-0.3
    • adding vector-interpolation
    • handling _FillValue in interpolation
    • reading of parameterized levels
    • renaming to fimex
  • 2008-04-17 utplukk-0.2
    • backport to routine-machine, BOOST-1.32, hardcoded netcdf-path
    • dist-checked distribution
  • 2008-01-02 utplukk-0.1
    • initial release using autotools
  • 2007-09-18 utplukk-0.0
    • starting work on utplukk
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  • fimex/archive.1290162173.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2022-05-31 09:23:15
  • (external edit)