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Selected Station Overview

List of selected stations for trend analysis. Here one can display national and regional (benchmark) datasets to be used for trend analysis.

The EMEP stations used in the review paper by Tørseth et al 2012 can be downloaded in the below excel files. All the site used that study is listed in appendix A

The datasets are extended to 2012 compared to 2009 in the mentioned paper:

  • EMEP benchmark dataset for S,N and PM, annual means in air and precipitation 1980-2012. Note that for sulphur, Tørseth et al only includes sites with co-current measurements in air and precipitation. More sites could be addeded for the trend assessement main components
  • EMEP benchmark dataset for HM and POPs, annual means in air and precipitation heavy metals and POPs
  • EMEP benchmark dataset for ozone. In Tørseth et al,, a criteria of 75% data coverage was used to select the stations. In the file the sites and number of years with 75% yearly coverage is listed. Further selections may be necessary depending on which years and months are missing. Ozone

Citation: Tørseth, K., Aas, W., Breivik, K., Fjæraa, A. M., Fiebig, M., Hjellbrekke, A. G., Lund Myhre, C., Solberg, S., and Yttri, K. E.: Introduction to the European Monitoring and Evaluation Programme (EMEP) and observed atmospheric composition change during 1972–2009, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 12, 5447-5481, doi:10.5194/acp-12-5447-2012, 2012

Comments to the selection of sites and data?

The Melpitz Site (DE0049) Lat. 51.32.0 N 12.56.0 E 86 masl. should be added for PM10 and PM2.5 (compare Spindler et al. 2013 in TFMM trend assesment publications).

After review by the Parties, an extended and improved list of sites have been included in the trend analysis. EMEP sites with data completeness of the 75% of annual coverage and 75% of years covered for the respektive time periods: 1990-2012 / 1990-2001 / 2002-2012 has been included. The dataset and resukts are presentetd in the excel files

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  • emep/emep-experts/tfmmtrendstations.1428930930.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2022-05-31 09:23:15
  • (external edit)