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noresm:runmodel:advancednoresm2 [2014-03-05 13:09:15]
noresm:runmodel:advancednoresm2 [2022-05-31 09:29:32]
Line 1: Line 1:
-===== Advanced configuration of NorESM2 ===== 
-=== Creating a compset === 
-The essential file to edit is  
-~/noresm/scripts/ccsm_utils/Case.template/config_compsets.xml ==  
-This examples shows how to simply add a to the "F_AMIP_CAM5" compset: 
-Under "<!-- F compsets -->", add 
-The "CAM5%OSLO" options have to be defined, so a line like this is needed: 
-<CAM_CONFIG_OPTS compset="_CAM5%OSLO"     >-phys cam5 -cam_oslo aerlife</CAM_CONFIG_OPTS> 
-The compset needs a description, we also need the line 
-<desc compset="_CAM5%OSLO">cam 5 physcs and oslo aerosols</desc>  
-We could also define a specific use-case (namelist) for our compset. This would need a line like: 
- <CAM_NML_USE_CASE compset="_CAM5%OSLO"        >my_namelist</CAM_NML_USE_CASE> 
-This would only work if the file my_namelist.xml exists as  
-=== Setting up a case with the new compset and building the model === 
-It should now be possible to create a new case directory, which we here name FAMIPOSLOtst 
-and configure with 1 degree horizontal atmospheric resolution; 
-./create_newcase -case ../cases/FAMIPOSLOtst -compset FAMIPOSLO -mach hexagon -res f09_f09 
-and finally set up and compile the model: 
-cd ../cases/FAMIPOSLOtst 
-=== Why does it work to change config_compsets.xml ?   === 
-In NorESM there are 3 new config-options for CAM:   
-  * -cam-oslo aerlife (turns on transport of oslo tracers) 
-  * -cam-oslo dirind  (turns on interaction with radiation) 
-  * -cam-oslo warmclouds (turns on interaction with warm clouds) 
-They change number of tracers and turn on different preprocessor flags in in a perl script called "configure", see:  
-To understand the implementation do: 
-svn diff -r 202 models/atm/cam/bld/configure  
-The new oslo-options also need to be defined, see  
-To see how these new options were added, do: 
-svn diff -r 202 models/atm/cam/bld/config_files/definition.xml 
  • noresm/runmodel/advancednoresm2.txt
  • Last modified: 2022-05-31 09:29:32
  • (external edit)