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noresm:modeldeffiles:nfamipdircorremx [2014-05-20 13:17:01]
alfk created
noresm:modeldeffiles:nfamipdircorremx [2022-05-31 09:29:32] (current)
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 ======  NFAMIPDIRcorremX ====== ======  NFAMIPDIRcorremX ======
-===== Model-run description for two AeroCom A2 test simulations with CAM5-Oslo (NorESM2-M) (UNDER CONSTRUCTION) =====+===== Model-run description for two AeroCom A2 test simulations with CAM5-Oslo (NorESM2-M) =====
-**Purpose of simulation:**  Model documentation and validation for PD conditions, participation in AeroCom Phase 2 and IPCC AR5+**Purpose of simulation:**  Quick aerosol check, and validation for PD conditions (results shown on
 **Contact person:**         Alf Kirkevåg ( **Contact person:**         Alf Kirkevåg (
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 **Data owner:**             Alf Kirkevåg ( **Data owner:**             Alf Kirkevåg (
-**Revision Number:**        r128  +**Revision Number:**        r217 + code not yet committed to svn  
-**Production computer used:** Cray XT3 in Bergen (hexagon)+**Production computer used:** Cray XT in Bergen (hexagon)
-**Production date:**        August 2010 +**Production date:**        May 2014 
 **Ensemble runs:**          No     **Ensemble runs:**          No    
-**Storage locations:**      NorStore (/norstore_osl/projects/NS2345K/noresm/cases/aerocomA2noresm_r128/+**Storage locations:**      local disk (PI and PD), and aerocom-work (only PD simulation)
-aerocom-users (/metno/aerocom/users/aerocom1/CAM4-Oslo-Vcmip5.A2.CTRL+(/metno/aerocom/work/aerocom1/NorESM/CAM5-Oslo_TEST-emi2000)
-**Storage space:**          289 Gb at NorStoreGb at MET Norway (/vol/fou)  +**Storage space:**          26 Gb locally3.2 Gb at aerocom-work  
-**Projects:**               NorClim/EarthClim and AeroCom+**Projects:**               EarthClim/EVA and AeroCom
-**Publications:**           [[|Kirkevåg et al. (2013)]], [[|Myhre et al. (2013)]], [[|Samset et al. (2013)]], [[|Jiao et al. (2014)]], [[|Tsigaridis et al. (2014)]] +**Publications:**           
-**Papers in preparation:** Samset et al. (submitted), Huttunen et al. (in prep.), Kipling et al. (in prep.), Koffi et al. (in prep).+**Papers in preparation:** 
-**Simulation name(s):**      aerocomA2noresm_r128_X, where X = 2006 (AeroCom-A2.CTRL), 1850 (AeroCom-A2.PRE), ZERO (AeroCom-A2.ZERO), 2006preSO4, 2006preffBC, 2006preffOC and 2006prebbBCOC +**Simulation name(s):**      NFAMIPDIRcorrem (renamed CAM5-Oslo_TEST-emi2000 at and NFAMIPDIRcorrempre
-**Compset name used:**      NFAEROCOM1850 for X=1850, NFAEROCOM2006 for the other experiments+**Compset name used:**      NFAMIPDIRIND
 **Model type:**             Stand-alone cam (atmosphere) default with prescribed ocn/ice (ocean and sea-ice) **Model type:**             Stand-alone cam (atmosphere) default with prescribed ocn/ice (ocean and sea-ice)
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 **Type of run:**            Initial **Type of run:**            Initial
-**Simulation period:**      years+**Simulation period:**      years
-**Spin-up period:**         years+**Spin-up period:**         years
 **Initialisation:** **Initialisation:**
-**Resolution:**             f19_g16 1.8x2.5+**Resolution:**             f09_f09 0.9x1.25_0.9x1.25
-**Emission year(s):**        2006 (AeroCom-A2.CTRL)1850 (AeroCom-A2.PRE), 2006 but with aerosol extiction set to 0 (AeroCom-A2.ZERO). For X = 2006preY all emissions are for year 2006, except that 1850 emissions are used for: SO2 and SO4 in the Y = SO4 experiment, fossil fuel BC / OC in the Y = ffBC / ffOC experiment, and biomass BC and OC in the Y = bbBCOC experiment.     +**Emission year(s):**        2000 (NFAMIPDIRcorremand 1850 (NFAMIPDIRcorrempre).     
-**Emission inventories:**    IPCC AR5 for 1850, AeroCom Phase II for 2006, see references in Kirkevåg et al. (2013) +**Emission inventories:**    IPCC AR5, see references in Kirkevåg et al. (2013) 
 **Greenhouse gases:**        Prescribed concentrations  **Greenhouse gases:**        Prescribed concentrations 
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 **Frequency for output:**    Monthly **Frequency for output:**    Monthly
-**Active/changing forcing agents:**  Direct and indirect (1. & 2.) effects by anthropogenic SO4, POM and BC (for X = 2006 - 1850), or by all aerosols (2006 - ZERO, only direct effect), or by anthropogenic SO4 (2006 - 2006preSO4), ff BC (2006 - 2006preffBC), ff OC (2006 - 2006preffOC), or anthropogenic bb BC & OC (2006 - 2006prebbBCOC)  +**Active/changing forcing agents:**  Direct effect by anthropogenic SO4, POM and BC 
 **Special considerations:** **Special considerations:**
-**Tuning parameters which are changed relative to the host model CAM4:** +**Tuning parameters which are changed relative to the host model CAM5:**  None
-rhminl:  0.90        lower RH threshold for formation of low stratiform clouds (0.91 in CAM4)  
-critrp:  5.0 mm/day  maximum prcipitation rate for suppression of autoconversion of cloud water (0.5 mm/day in CAM4) 
-r3lc:    14 um       critical mean droplet volume radius for onset of autoconversion (10 um in CAM4)  
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  • Last modified: 2022-05-31 09:23:24
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