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metamod:install [2012-02-03 17:08:05]
geira [How to configure and install]
metamod:install [2022-05-31 09:29:32] (current)
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 The latest version of the documentation is always available in [[|the code repository]]. The latest version of the documentation is always available in [[|the code repository]].
-===== Installing 2.10 (draft) =====+===== Installing METAMOD 2.10 or later =====
-  $ sudo apt-get install metno-perl-webdev-ver1 +The installation procedure is evolving for each new release, constantly seeking to make it more automated and painlessFor instructions, read the official installation guide for the required release:
-  $ sudo apt-get install metno-metamod-2.10+
-If the latter package not available (or you need devel version):+  * [[|bleeding edge]] 
 +  * [[|2.12]] 
 +  * [[|2.11]] 
 +  * [[|2.10]]
-  $ curl -O 
-  $ sudo dpkg -i metno-metamod-2.10_2.10.0-2_all.deb 
-Copy the example config: 
-  $ cp -r /opt/metno-metamod-2.10/app/example . 
-Then edit example/master_config.txt as needed. For local testing, set APPLICATION_USER to your own login. 
-To install all services: 
-  $ /opt/metno-metamod-2.10/ -u example 
-  $ /opt/metno-metamod-2.10/common/ example 
-Try starting Catalyst: 
-  $ export PERL5LIB=/opt/metno-perl-webdev-ver1/lib/perl5 
-  $ /opt/metno-metamod-2.10/catalyst/script/ -d example 
-MetamodWeb should now be available on http://localhost:3000/. Stop with ctrl-c. 
-To start all services (substitute EXAMPLE with your APPLICATION_ID): 
-  $ sudo /etc/init.d/catalyst-EXAMPLE start 
-  $ sudo /etc/init.d/metamodServices-EXAMPLE start 
-**This documentation below is outdated for versions after 2.6 and needs a serious rewrite. FIXME** 
-===== Dependencies ===== 
-This software depends on the following external software which is not part 
-of the METAMOD 2.x distribution: 
-  * Linux operating system. METAMOD 2.x should work on other UNIX-like operating systems, but this is not tested. 
-  * Mail system 
-  * PostgreSQL database system. Tested on version 8.1 
-  * Apache 2.x web server with PHP 5.x installed, including pgsql, libxml 
-  * Perl v5.8 with the following Perl modules: File::Copy, File::Path, XML::Simple, XML::LibXML, XML::LibXSLT, DBI, DBD::Pg, Geo::Proj4, Mail::Mailer, PDL, PDL::NetCDF, LWP::UserAgent 
-  * NetCDF software 
-  * ImageMagick 
-  * curl, php5-curl (for fimex functionality) 
-==== Ubuntu 8.04 (Hardy) ==== 
-The following packages are required: 
-  * exim4; dpkg-reconfigure exim4-config 
-  * postgresql-8.3 
-  * postgresql-contrib-8.3 
-  * libapache2-mod-php5 
-  * php5-pgsql 
-  * libconfig-tiny-perl 
-  * libdbd-pg-perl 
-  * libxml-simple-perl 
-  * libxml-libxslt-perl 
-  * libmailtools-perl 
-  * libwww-perl 
-  * pdl 
-  * libnetcdf-dev 
-  * netcdf-bin 
-  * proj 
-  * imagemagick 
-  * gcc 
-  * make 
-  * mailx (test only) 
-  * libxml2-utils (test only) 
-  * subversion (test only) 
-  * libdatetime-perl (test only) 
-  * php5-curl (fimex reprojection) 
-  * php-auth 
-  * php-db 
-  * php-log 
-In addition, the following CPAN packages do not exist in etch and need to be installed separately: 
-  * Geo::Proj4 
-  * PDL::NetCDF  
-Note: several people (including me) have seen problems when installing postgresql. The reason is not clear, 
-but a <code>sudo dpkg -P postgresql-8.3 postgresql-client-8.3 
-sudo apt-get install postgresql-8.3</code> seems to help in lots of cases. 
-=== Changes for 2.4 === 
-New packages: 
-  * php5-gd 
-  * php5-xsl 
-  * postgresql-8.3-postgis 
-Removed packages: 
-  * imagemagick 
-  * php5-curl 
-==== Debian Etch ==== 
-The following packages are required on Debian Etch to fulfil the requirements: 
-  * exim4 
-  * postgresql-8.1 
-  * apache2-mpm-prefork 
-  * libapache2-mod-php5 
-  * php5-pgsql 
-  * libdbi-perl 
-  * libdbd-pg-perl 
-  * libxml-simle-perl 
-  * libxml-libxslt-perl 
-  * libmailtools-perl 
-  * libwww-perl 
-  * pdl 
-  * netcdf-bin 
-  * netcdf-dev 
-  * proj 
-  * imagemagick 
-  * gcc 
-  * make 
-  * libdatetime-perl (test only) 
-  * mailx (test only) 
-  * libxml2-utils (test only) 
-In addition, the following CPAN packages do not exist in etch and need to be installed separately: 
-  * Geo::Proj4 
-  * XML::XPathContext 
-  * PDL::NetCDF 
-===== Directory structure ===== 
-The top METAMOD 2.x directory  
-is divided into one subdirectory for each module (base, search, upload and 
-quest). In addition, one subdirectory (app) contains an example application. 
-The module directories shares a common structure. During installation of an 
-application, a new directory is created (the target directory), and all module 
-directories are merged into this target directory. In each module directory 
-there is a htdocs subdirectory. The htdocs directories for all the selected 
-modules are in the same way merged into one htdocs subdirectory in the target 
-directory.  To avoid name collisions, the actual HTML and PHP files etc. are 
-contained within subdirectories of the htdocs directory. For example, all such 
-files are contained in the directory htdocs/sch for the METAMODSEARCH module, 
-and htdocs/upl for the METAMODUPLOAD module. On the target directory, there 
-will be a htdocs directory containing both the sch and the upl subdirectories. 
-Some htdocs subdirectories may be shared among several modules. For example, 
-the METAMODBASE module and the METAMODQUEST module both have files in the adm 
-subdirectory. Special care must be taken for these files to avoid name 
-Each module directory must also contain a file 'filelist.txt' which 
-lists all files comprising the module. 
-The app directory contains one subdirectory for each application. In each 
-of these application directories there must be a configuration file called 
-'master_config.txt', and a 'filelist.txt' file containing a list of files 
-that are specific for the application (image files, style sheets etc.). 
-Application directories may also be found outside the METAMOD 2.x source tree. 
-===== System Configuration ===== 
-The following values should be configured in the **php.ini** file  
-track_errors = On 
-upload_max_filesize = 100M 
-post_max_size = 100M 
-The following values are an advantage to use in **postgresql.conf**: 
-random_page_cost = 2.0 
-===== Configuration ===== 
-The source files within the METAMOD 2.x directories contain a variety of file 
-types (PHP, Perl, XML, HTML/XHTML, CSS and shell-script files, some of 
-them with embedded SQL). The source files are not intended to be used 
-directly, but must be modified and copied to a target directory tree before 
-the application can run. The reason for this is to apply a unified 
-configuration method for all the different file types. 
-An application directory must contain a file, **''master_config.txt''**, which is the master configuration file for the application: 
-This file contains lines as follows: 
-'VARNAME' must be all uppercase letters [A-Z], underscore or digits. Any number 
-of white space characters may separate 'VARNAME' and '=', and also '=' and 
-'VALUE'. 'VALUE' starts with the first non-whitespace character and ends with 
-the last non-whitespace character on the line. Additional lines may be 
-appended to 'VALUE' immideately after the initial 'VARNAME = ...' line. Such 
-lines must start with a space character. No whitespace are removed from such 
-appended lines. 
-VALUEs may be empty, which sometimes indicate that some aspect of the software 
-is turned off. An empty value is indicated by having no characters (or only 
-whitespace characters) after the '=' character. 
-In addition, comment lines, starting with '#', may be found. Blank lines are 
-In the source files, all text strings like: 
-  [==VARNAME==] 
-will be substituted with the corresponding value when the files are modified and 
-moved to the target directory. Such text strings may also be found within 'VALUE' 
-strings, and they will be substituted as appropriate. 
-One variable is mandatory in master_config.txt: TARGET_DIRECTORY. This is the 
-directory name of the target directory, the top level of the target directory 
-The following variables are used to select the modules that will comprise the 
-application. They also identify the absolute path of the source directory for 
-each module: 
-If any of these variables are missing, the corresponding modules will not be part 
-of the application. 
-Each application delivering data to a database (an application with the 
-METAMODUPLOAD and/or the METAMODQUEST module) must have a short acronym 
-that uniquely identify the application for the database. This acronym is 
-included in the master_config.txt file as the value of variable APPLICATION_ID. 
-===== Installation ===== 
-To install an application, the following installation script (located in the top 
-METAMOD 2.x directory) should be run with one argument: 
- application_directory 
-The argument is the absolute or relative path of the application directory, the 
-directory containing the master_config.txt file for the application. 
-For each module selected by the configuration file, there is a **''filelist.txt''** list 
-of files in the corresponding module directory. The installation script will copy 
-all the files in these lists to the target directory tree (given by 
-TARGET_DIRECTORY in the configuration file). In the same way, files in the 
-application specific ''filelist.txt'' file (located in the application directory) 
-will be copied to the target directory tree. If any file name collision occur 
-between the module file lists and the application file list, the file in the 
-application file list is used. Thus, it is possible to substitute any file 
-in any module with an application specific file, although this mechanism is 
-primarily meant for image files, style sheets etc. Name collisions between files 
-from different modules are supposed not to occur. 
-While copying the files, the script will perform all substitutions prescribed 
-in the configuration file. The script will only copy files that are 
-modified later than the corresponding target files (or the target file does not 
-exist). Directories will be created as needed. 
-Some files (e.g. binary files like image files etc.) are not intended for this 
-kind of modification. To avoid substitution on such files, the file names must 
-be prepended with '=' in ''filelist.txt''. 
-The file pathes in each ''filelist.txt'' file must all be relative to the 
-corresponding top module directory (or the application directory). The copied 
-files will keep these relative pathes on the the target directory. 
-**Multiple target files** 
-It is possible to use the configuration file to produce several target files 
-from a single source file. This is done using the special directives: 
-  !substitute_to_file_with_new_name sourcefilepath => targetfilepath 
-  !end_substitute_to_file_with_new_name 
-The 'sourcefilepath' must be a relative file path found in one of the 
-''filelist.txt'' files, and 'targetfilepath' must also be a relative file path, 
-but it is not required to exist in any ''filelist.txt'' file. The source file 
-(given by 'sourcefilepath') will be modified and copied to the target file 
-(given by 'targetfilepath') using the ordinary substitution directives in 
-the configuration file. In addition to these substitutions, any substitution 
-directive between the '!substitute_to_file_with_new_name' directive and the 
-corresponding '!end_substitute_to_file_with_new_name' directive will be 
-performed. Note that these substitution directives will not affect any of the 
-other files produced by the installation script. 
-By using these special directives several times for the same source file, 
-and varying the target file name between each use, several target files are 
-produced from the same source file, and they will have different content 
-depending on the in-between substitution directives found for each target 
 ===== Initialization ===== ===== Initialization =====
 See [[test]]. See [[test]].
  • metamod/install.1328288885.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2022-05-31 09:23:19
  • (external edit)