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metamod:damocles_upgrade [2011-05-03 11:50:43]
metamod:damocles_upgrade [2022-05-31 09:29:32]
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-====== Checklist for upgrading production servers to 2.8 ====== 
-Sites to be upgraded on damocles.met.no: 
-  * damocles (owns damocles_metadata and damocles_userbase) 
-  * dokipy 
-  * ipycoord 
-  * gcwdemo  
-Other sites: 
-  * arcticdata (separate server) 
-===== Phase 1. Preparation ===== 
-Using gcwdemo as an example in code. 
-==== Server configuration ==== 
-  sudo apt-get install metno-perl-webdev-ver1 
-==== Metamod source ==== 
-  cd /metno/metamod/metamod28 
-  sudo svn co https://svn.met.no/metamod/trunk 
-  sudo chown -R damocles.damocles trunk/ # needed for building 
-=== PostgreSQL contribs === 
-Use version 8.3, copy to  
-==== Site configuration ==== 
-This should ideally be setup via https://svn.met.no/projects/metamodapps/, but will take too long to figure out. Instead will use existing generated master_config as starting point and backmerge changes to svn later. Custom styles ignored at this point - must be added later. 
-Must be repeated for each site.  
-=== base directory === 
-To avoid complications with existing instances, put the new sites in ''/metno/metamod/metamod28/*'' (the old sites are in ''/metno/metamod/*''). This means webrun will not be corrupted by mixing old and new data. 
-=== Staticdata === 
-  * upgrade staticdata/searchdata.xml 
-    * all <sc id=“x” type=“x”…> have change to <sc id=“1” idname=“activity_types” type=“basickey”…> (named ids + named rather than numeric types), see app/example for names and types 
-    * add dataset_file_location and dataset_file_size (see app/example) 
-=== master_config === 
-  cd /metno/metamod/metamod28/gcwdemo 
-  sudo -u damocles mkdir app 
-  sudo -u damocles cp /metno/metamod/gcwdemo/r1/master_config.txt app/ 
-Compare old master_config to default: 
-  cd .. 
-  trunk/common/scripts/chk_conf.pl trunk/app/example/master_config.txt \ 
-    gcwdemo/master_config.txt  
-Upgrade master_config (see trunk/docs/upgrade/metamod_28.pod). 
-=== Custom texts and styles === 
-Postponed until Phase 5 
-===== Phase 2. Setting up new database ===== 
-Only done once.  
-Database setup requires scripts generated to target. This means the Generate Target part of Phase 3 for site damocles must be executed first. 
-The database is not on the damocles server, but on **metamoddb.met.no**. This contains among others the following databases: 
-^Name                  ^ Owner    ^ 
-|damocles_metadata     | admin    | 
-|damocles_userbase     | admin    | 
-To avoid conflicts and downtime, make two new databases for 2.8 instead: 
-==== damocles28_userbase ==== 
-  * userdb data are not duplicated anywhere else 
-    * must dump 2.6 userdb and import into 2.8, then run upgradeuserdb_26-28.sh 
-    * see http://www.postgresql.org/docs/8.3/static/backup.html#BACKUP-DUMP 
-  pg_dump -h metamoddb -U admin damocles_userbase > damocles_userbase.sql  
-  createdb -U admin -h metamoddb -E UTF-8 damocles28_userbase 
-  cat damocles_userbase.sql | psql -h metamoddb -U admin damocles28_userbase 
-  cd /metno/metamod/metamod28/damocles 
-  target/userinit/upgradeuserdb_26-28.sh 
-==== damocles28_metadata ==== 
-  * metadatadb must be generated from scratch using createdb.sh 
-  * which xml files should be used to populate the DB? 
-    * /metno/metamod/damocles/webrun/XML/DAMOC ? (see damocles/master_config) 
-    * run import_dataset.pl on files 
-      * anything else to think of? (if so, probably best Heiko did this) 
-===== Phase 3. Setting up generic metamod ===== 
-This will setup a generic Metamod 2.8 instance to test the system is running. Customization will be done afterwards, and the installation re-run. 
-Must be repeated for each site.  
-==== Generate target ==== 
-  cd /metno/metamod/metamod28/gcwdemo 
-  sudo -u damocles PERL5LIB=/opt/metno-perl-webdev-ver1/lib/perl5 ../trunk/update_target.pl app/ 
-Note that Calalyst building tests during update_target will fail unless you have a working, up-to-date database; also, you cannot upgrade your database without running update_target. Chicken, meet egg. Suggest temporary commenting out the following on line 237 (+/-): 
-  # 
-  # install Catalyst files before $appdir to avoid clobbering custom files 
-  # 
-  &install_catalyst; 
-You will now get the following error message: 
-  Configuring application '' with Metamod 2.8 (2.8.0) 
-  Cannot write to target dir /metno/metamod/metamod28/damocles/target at ../trunk/update_target.pl line 189. 
-Time to take the weekend off and try again next week. 
-Create/update the runtime-environment: 
-  sudo -u damocles ./target/prepare_runtime_env.sh 
-==== Test Catalyst ==== 
-Remember each site must have its own dedicated port: 
-==== Apache configuration ==== 
-This server uses DNS-based virtual hosting, however each site already has an existing 
-setup in sites-available. This means the generated httpd.conf in target/etc cannot be used directly; instead you must manually copy & paste the new config into the old file. 
-(Perhaps later when the 2.6 versions are turned off we could use the generated config files directly.) 
-==== Install services ==== 
-Do not run install_jobs.sh; instead install links manually. 
-===== Phase 4. Adding custom functions and styling ===== 
-Todo by someone else (have no idea what is required and how to implement it). 
-Must be repeated for each site.  
- --- //[[geir.aalberg@met.no|Geir Aalberg]] 2011/04/29 11:04// 
  • metamod/damocles_upgrade.txt
  • Last modified: 2022-05-31 09:29:32
  • (external edit)