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emep:emep-experts:tfmmtrendstations [2015-04-25 19:01:12]
wenche.aas@nilu.no [EMEP datasets]
emep:emep-experts:tfmmtrendstations [2022-05-31 09:29:32]
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-====== Selected Station Overview ====== 
-List of selected stations for trend analysis. Here one can display national and regional (benchmark) datasets to be used for trend analysis. 
-===== EMEP datasets ===== 
-==== Sites used in the Tørseth et al (2012) paper ==== 
-The EMEP stations used in the review paper by Tørseth et al [[http://www.atmos-chem-phys.net/12/5447/2012/acp-12-5447-2012.html|2012]] can be downloaded in the below excel files.  
-All the site used that study is listed in  [[https://wiki.met.no/_media/emep/emep-experts/appendix_a.docx|appendix A]]  
-The datasets are extended to 2012 compared to 2009 in the mentioned paper:  
-    * EMEP benchmark dataset for S,N and PM, annual means in air and precipitation 1980-2012. Note that for sulphur, Tørseth et al only includes sites with co-current measurements in air and precipitation. More sites could be addeded for the trend assessement  [[https://wiki.met.no/_media/emep/emep-experts/emep_data_trend.xlsx|main components]] 
-    * EMEP benchmark dataset for HM and POPs, annual means in air and precipitation [[https://wiki.met.no/_media/emep/emep-experts/hm_trend.xlsx|heavy metals]] and [[https://wiki.met.no/_media/emep/emep-experts/pops_trend.xlsx|POPs]] 
-    * EMEP benchmark dataset for ozone. In Tørseth et al,, a criteria of 75% data coverage was used to select the stations. In the file the sites and number of years with 75% yearly coverage  is listed. Further selections may be necessary depending on which years and months are missing. [[https://wiki.met.no/_media/emep/emep-experts/ozone_sites.xlsx|Ozone]] 
-Citation: //Tørseth, K., Aas, W., Breivik, K., Fjæraa, A. M., Fiebig, M., Hjellbrekke, A. G., Lund Myhre, C., Solberg, S., and Yttri, K. E.: Introduction to the European Monitoring and Evaluation Programme (EMEP) and observed atmospheric composition change during 1972–2009, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 12, 5447-5481, doi:10.5194/acp-12-5447-2012, [[http://www.atmos-chem-phys.net/12/5447/2012/acp-12-5447-2012.html|2012]]//  
-|Comments to the selection of sites and data?| 
-The Melpitz Site (DE0049) Lat. 51.32.0 N 12.56.0 E 86 masl. should be added for PM10 and PM2.5 (compare Spindler et al. 2013 in TFMM trend assesment publications). 
-==== Updated site selection and trend analysis (prior TFMM workshop in Krakow, May 2015)==== 
-After review by the Parties, an extended and improved list of sites have been included in the trend analysis. EMEP sites with data completeness of 75% throughout the year (or season) and 75% of years covered for the respektive time periods (1990-2012 / 1990-2001 / 2002-2012) have been included. The dataset and results are presented in the excel files below: 
-**Sulphur, nitrogen,PM10 and PM2.5** 
-    *  [[https://wiki.met.no/_media/emep/emep-experts/main_trend_1990_2012_v25apr.xlsx|Benchmark dataset]]  for S,N and PM including annual and seasonsal means  
-    * [[https://wiki.met.no/_media/emep/emep-experts/results_trend_1990_2012_v25apr.xlsx|Summary of results]] for S, N and PM including annual and seasonal trends 
-    * statistical output in ascii files (zipped)  [[https://wiki.met.no/_media/emep/emep-experts/annual.zip|Annual trends]][[https://wiki.met.no/_media/emep/emep-experts/season.zip|Seasonal trends]] 
-Plots of timeseries and the Sen slope if sinificant trend (p=0.05) (pdf files) 
-    * The 25th highest value of the daily 8hours running max.  [[https://wiki.met.no/_media/emep/emep-experts/dmax8hmean_1990_2012_numhigh25.pdf|1990-2012]], [[https://wiki.met.no/_media/emep/emep-experts/dmax8hmean_1990_2001_numhigh25.pdf|1990-2001]], [[https://wiki.met.no/_media/emep/emep-experts/dmax8hmean_2002_2012_numhigh25.pdf|2002-2012]].   
-    * Average daily max (April - Sept) [[https://wiki.met.no/_media/emep/emep-experts/dmaxmean_1990_2012.pdf|1990-2012]], [[https://wiki.met.no/_media/emep/emep-experts/dmaxmean_1990_2001.pdf|1990-2001]],   [[https://wiki.met.no/_media/emep/emep-experts/dmaxmean_2002_2012.pdf|2002-2012]]   
-    * 99 percentile of  daily values between 10.00 and 20.00 ó clock [[https://wiki.met.no/_media/emep/emep-experts/perc99_1990_2012_h10_h20.pdf|1990-2012]], [[https://wiki.met.no/_media/emep/emep-experts/perc99_1990_2001_h10_h20.pdf|1990-2001]],   [[https://wiki.met.no/_media/emep/emep-experts/perc99_2002_2012_h10_h20.pdf|2002-2012]]  
-Statistical output of the Mann Kendall and Sen slope calculations (text files) 
-    * The 25th highest value of the daily 8hours running max.  [[https://wiki.met.no/_media/emep/emep-experts/obs_trend_1990_2012_dMAX8hMEAN_numhigh_25.txt|1990-2012]], [[https://wiki.met.no/_media/emep/emep-experts/obs_trend_1990_2001_dMAX8hMEAN_numhigh_25.txt|1990-2001]], [[https://wiki.met.no/_media/emep/emep-experts/obs_trend_2002_2012_dMAX8hMEAN_numhigh_25.txt|2002-2012]].   
-    * Average daily max (April - Sept) [[https://wiki.met.no/_media/emep/emep-experts/obs_trend_1990_2012_dmax_mean_m1_4_m2_9.txt|1990-2012]], [[https://wiki.met.no/_media/emep/emep-experts/obs_trend_1990_2001_dmax_mean_m1_4_m2_9.txt|1990-2001]],   [[https://wiki.met.no/_media/emep/emep-experts/obs_trend_2002_2012_dmax_mean_m1_4_m2_9.txt|2002-2012]]   
-    * 99 percentile of  daily values between 10.00 and 20.00 ó clock [[https://wiki.met.no/_media/emep/emep-experts/obs_trend_1990_2012_PERC_perc_99_hr1_10_hr2_20.txt|1990-2012]], [[https://wiki.met.no/_media/emep/emep-experts/obs_trend_1990_2001_PERC_perc_99_hr1_10_hr2_20.txt|1990-2001]],   [[https://wiki.met.no/_media/emep/emep-experts/obs_trend_2002_2012_PERC_perc_99_hr1_10_hr2_20.txt|2002-2012]]  
-===== National datasets =====  
  • emep/emep-experts/tfmmtrendstations.txt
  • Last modified: 2022-05-31 09:29:32
  • (external edit)