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diana:installing_diana_from_launchpad [2015-10-28 16:06:56]
davidb [Ubuntu 14.04 (Trusty)]
diana:installing_diana_from_launchpad [2019-02-21 09:50:25]
alexanderb Update version to 3.50.
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 ====== Installing Diana from Launchpad ====== ====== Installing Diana from Launchpad ======
-Diana is available as a set of packages from Launchpad. For users of Ubuntu, installing these packages is the easiest way to install Diana.+For users of Ubuntu, it might be easiest to install the pre-built packages for Diana and other software 
 +from MET Norway from the [[https://launchpad.net/~met-norway/+archive/ubuntu/metapps|MET Norway metapps PPA]].
-===== Ubuntu 14.04 (Trusty) =====+General installation instructions are given under //Adding this PPA to your system// and //Read about installing//.
-**Note:** You need to be able to run the ''sudo'' command to be able to install Diana.+==== Installation Summary ====
-Obtain the ''apt-add-repository'' tool from the ''software-properties-common'' package:+You need to be able to run the ''sudo'' command to be able to install Diana packages (or any other packages).
-  sudo apt-get install software-properties-common+  sudo apt-get install python-software-properties 
 +  sudo apt-add-repository ppa:met-norway/fimex 
 +  sudo apt-add-repository ppa:met-norway/metapps 
 +  sudo apt-get update
-Add the Diana repository to those that the system can use by running the ''apt-add-repository'' tool in the following way:+  sudo apt-get install diana-3.50 ...
-  sudo apt-add-repository ppa:diana-deployment/trusty+The version numbers might, of course, change over time.
-This command will ask you to continue or cancel. Press ENTER to continue.+==== First Test ====
-Add the Fimex repository to the system in the same way: +Assuming that you installed ''diana-3.50'', you might want to test that Diana is installed correctly by running it:
- +
-  sudo apt-add-repository ppa:heiko-klein/fimex +
- +
-It should then be possible to update the system sources: +
- +
-  sudo apt-get update+
-Now you can install Diana and some additional packages that Diana uses:+  diana.bin-3.50 -s /etc/diana/3.50/diana.setup
-  sudo apt-get install diana-3.39 dianamaps metno-bufrtables+Now you need to configure Diana for your workstation by editing/writing a ''diana.setup'' file.
  • diana/installing_diana_from_launchpad.txt
  • Last modified: 2022-05-31 09:29:31
  • (external edit)