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CityZen Home


This page gives a brief overview of the CityZen project. For more detailed information please use the menu on the left.

CityZen is a 3-year research project focusing on megacities and emission hot spots.
It is funded by the European Commission through Framework Programme 7.

Michael Gauss
Norwegian Meteorological Institute
P.O.Box 43 Blindern
0313 Oslo, Norway

Per Helmer Skaali
Norwegian Meteorological Institute
P.O.Box 43 Blindern
0313 Oslo, Norway

José M. Jimenez Mingo
European Commission - Research Directorate General (RTD)
Environment Directorate
Unit I.5 - Climate Change and Environmental Risks
1049 Brussels, Belgium

Partner No. Partner Name Short Name Country
1Meteorologisk instituttmetnoNorway
2Peking UniversityPKUChina
3Centre National de la Recherche ScientifiqueCNRSFrance
4Institut National de l'Environnement Industriel et des RisquesINERISFrance
5Universität BremenIUP-UBGermany
6Rhenish Institute for Environmental Research at the University of CologneFRIUUKGermany
7Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbHFZJGermany
8University of CreteECPLGreece
9Consiglio Nazionale Delle RicercheCNRItaly
10Norsk Institutt for LuftforskningNILUNorway
11Universitetet i OsloUiONorway
12Institute of Marine Sciences-Middle East Technical UniversityMETUTurkey
13University of LeicesterULeicUnited Kingdom
14International Institute for Applied Systems AnalysisIIASAAustria
15National Observatory of AthensNOAGreece
16Cairo University Center for Environmental Hazard MitigationCEHMEgypt

Click here for a short overview of the CityZen project. Further information is available from the menu on the left.

This website does not represent the opinion of the European Community or any of participating institutions, nor is the Community or any of the participating institutions responsible for any use that might be made of the data appearing herein. Coordinator: Michael Gauss, responsible for this website: Michael Gauss,

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  • cityzen/start.1250690592.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2022-05-31 09:23:11
  • (external edit)