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MEGAPOLI & CityZen Joint Events / Meetings

3-8 April 2011 – AS3.6 Special joint MEGAPOLI, CityZen, and MILAGRO session to be organized at the European Geosciences Union (EGU-2011) Annual General Assembly, followed by a joint splinter meeting between the three megacity projects

  • AS3.6 convened by M. Gauss, L.T. Molina and A. Baklanov (66 abstracts submitted)
  • Splinter meeting convened by A. Baklanov and M. Gauss; presentations and minutes from that meeting will be available on this page

3-4 May 2010 – participation of the MEGAPOLI & CityZen partners and collaborators in the European Geosciences Union (EGU-2010) Annual General Assembly (2-7 May 2010, Vienna, Austria)

  • 3 May 2010 - AS3.7 Special joint MILAGRO, CityZen, and MEGAPOLI session "Megacities: Air Quality and Climate Impacts from Local to Global Scales" (about 80 oral and poster presentations were submitted), Convener: L.T. Molina, Co-Conveners: M. Gauss, A. Baklanov
  • 4 May 2010 - joint splinter meeting of the MEGAPOLI, CityZen and MILAGRO projects (Introduction - by Michael Gauss, status and progress on projects - MEGAPOLI - by Alexander Baklanov, MILAGRO - by Luisa Molina, CityZen - by Michael Gauss; and followed discussions led by Mark Lawrence and Michael Gauss; summary notes of the meeting - by Alexander Mahura); Attendees: 43 persons (MEGAPOLI: 16; CityZen: 16; MILAGRO: 7; other projects: 4) from 13 countries (Germany, Italy, Czech Republic, USA, Mexico, Singapore, The Netherlands, France, Russia, UK, China, Norway, and Denmark) from 27 research organizations/ institutions (list of participants)

24-26 Feb 2010 – End-User Workshop “Mesoscale modelling for air pollution applications - achievements and challenges” at WMO in Geneva, Switzerland

  • organized together with WMO, GURME, COST-728 and MEGAPOLI in cooperation with CityZen, COST-ES602, ACCENT, and MACC Projects (materials are placed at internal websites)

19-24 Apr 2009 – participation of the MEGAPOLI & CityZen partners and collaborators in the European Geosciences Union (EGU-2009) Annual General Assembly (19-24 Apr 2009,Vienna, Austria)

  • 20 Apr 2009 – 08.30-19.30 : AS3.8 Special Session on “Megacity Impacts on Regional and Global Scales” (in total 17 oral and 45 poster presentations were presented - divided into 3 oral and 2 poster sessions)
  • 21 Apr 2009 – 10.30-12.00 : Joint splinter meeting with the MEGAPOLI-CityZen projects participants; discussions on IGAC-sponsored “Assessment on Impacts of Mega-cities on Air Quality and Climate: Outline and Activities” (chapter on “Past and Current * Research Activities on Atmospheric Chemistry in Mega-cities in Europe”) and
  • Summary memo-notes including list of participants, summary of presentations; details of discussions - summarized by Alexander Mahura (DMI Team)
  • presentations: Michael Gauss ( – Introduction to the Meeting; Alexander Baklanov (DMI) – Introduction of the MEGAPOLI Project; Michael Gauss ( – Introduction of the CityZen Project
  • 24 Apr 2009 – discussions on joint session with contributions from the MEGAPOLI, CityZen, and MILAGRO projects; session is scheduled for the EGU-2010 Annual Meeting (May 2010, Vienna, Austria) - with presentations by continents (e.g. Europe, America, Asia, and other); a 2nd splinter meeting between the MEGAPOLI and CityZen projects will be organized as well.

24-27 Mar 2009 – 7th International Conference on Air Quality - Science and Application (Istanbul, Turkey;

  • The relevant presentations were given at the “Air Quality and Climate/ Meteorology Interactions and Feedbacks” special session organized in cooperation with the EUCAARI, MEGAPOLI, CityZen, COST-728 and other projects.

7 Jan 2009 – MEGAPOLI & CityZen Sister Project Telephone Conference (participated 7 persons)

  • The meeting included (notes are available here) discussions on identification of collaboration between the 2 projects; differences and overlaps; IGAC assessment; Establishing links to each other’s web sites; Emission inventories; Coordinated model studies; Exchange of measurement data; Common database at NILU; Exchange and use of each other’s mailing lists; Future conferences, where MEGAPOLI and CityZen should meet; Action items; Research questions of MEGAPOLI and CityZen.

FP7 EC MEGAPOLI & CityZen, 2008-2011

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  • cityzen/joint_activities_with_megapoli.1296165798.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2022-05-31 09:23:11
  • (external edit)