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First annual meeting in Laxenburg, September 28-29, 2009

Larger size available here.

The 1st annual meeting took place on September 28-29, 2009. It was hosted by IIASA in Laxenburg near Vienna.

During the first day, each partner reported on scientific progress, plans and ideas.

On the second day we discussed future collaboration in four themes: Observations, Emissions, Modelling, and Observations-Modelling.

View Agenda.

For modellers: A list of discussion items for the modelling theme(s) was provided by INERIS before the meeting.

28 September 2009:

Introduction (Michael Gauss,
Satelite work (Folkard Wittrock, UB-IUP)
… will upload more during the weekend.

29 September 2009:

Project Implementation FP7 (Jose Jimenez, EC).
… will upload more during the weekend.

Coming soon.

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  • cityzen/first_annual_meeting.1254491264.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2022-05-31 09:23:11
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