This is an old revision of the document!


ContactName = Alf Kirkevåg

ContactEmail =

Institution = MET Norway (

Project = EarthClim / AeroCom

ExperimentName = AEROCOM_A2.CTRL

ModelIntercomparison =

ModelIntercomparisonExperimentID =

Purpose = Model validation and documentation, participation in AeroCom P2

Comment =

cf_version = CF-1.0

Optional global attributes

Authors = Alf Kirkevåg, Øyvind Seland, Trond Iversen

ModelVersion = CAM4-Oslo / NorESM1-M

ModelVersionRevisionNumber = r112

ChemicalMechanism =

ModelDomain = Global

EnsembleNumber = 1

EmissionSet = IPCC AR4 / AeroCom

InitialConditions =

BoundaryConditions =

Forcing =

TuningParameters =

SpinUpPeriod = 3 years

MeterologyUsed = produced by CAM4-Oslo but CAM4 aerosols and CDNC

DatasetStartDate =

DatasetEndDate =

Calendar =

GridType =

GridResolution = 1.9 x 2.5 degrees

OutputFrequency = Monthly

AeroComDirectoryName =

ProductionComputerUsed = Cray XT3 (hexagon)

ProductionOutputStorageLocation = NORSTORE and locally at MET Norway

ProductionOutputStorageDirectory =

ProductionDate = August 2010

ReferencePublications =

ReferenceEmissions =

ReferenceModel =

ReferenceRetrieval =

Acknowledgement =

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  • aerocom/modeldocumentation/noresm/cam4-oslo-vcmip5.a2.ctrl.1394705812.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2022-05-31 09:23:11
  • (external edit)