ContactName = Alf Kirkevåg
ContactEmail =
Institution = MET Norway (
Project = EarthClim / AeroCom
ExperimentName = CTRL
ModelIntercomparison = AeroCom
ModelIntercomparisonExperimentID = AEROCOM_A2.CTRL
Purpose = Model documentation and validation for PD conditions, participation in AeroCom P2
Comment = Unlike most models in this experiment, CAM4-Oslo used aerosol emissions for year 2006. For year 2000 results, see cam4-oslo-vcmip5emi2000.a2.ctrl
cf_version = CF-1.0
Optional global attributes
Authors = Alf Kirkevåg, Øyvind Seland, Trond Iversen
ModelVersion = CAM4-Oslo / NorESM1-M
ModelVersionRevisionNumber = r128
ChemicalMechanism =
ModelDomain = Global
EnsembleNumber = 1
EmissionSet = AeroCom Phase II
InitialConditions =
BoundaryConditions =
Forcing = Direct, 1 and 2. indirect effects
TuningParameters = rhminl = 0.90 (lower RH threshold for formation of low stratiform clouds, is 0.91 in CAM4), critrp = 5.0 mm/day (maximum precipitation rate for suppression of autoconversion of cloud water, is 0.5 mm/day in CAM4), r3lc = 14 um (critical mean droplet volume radius for onset of autoconversion, is 10 um in CAM4)
SpinUpPeriod = 2 years
ADDED ALFK: Simulation period = 5 years
MeterologyUsed = produced by CAM4-Oslo but CAM4 aerosols and CDNC
DatasetStartDate =
DatasetEndDate =
Calendar =
GridType =
GridResolution = 1.9 x 2.5 degrees
OutputFrequency = Monthly
AeroComDirectoryName =
ProductionComputerUsed = Cray XT3 in Bergen (hexagon)
ProductionOutputStorageLocation = NorStore and at local disks at MET Norway
ProductionOutputStorageDirectory = /norstore_osl/projects/NS2345K/noresm/cases/aerocomA2noresm_r128
ProductionDate = August 2010
ReferencePublications = Kirkevåg et al. (2013), Jiao et al. (2014), Myhre et al. (2013), Samset et al. (2013), Tsigaridis et al. (2014)
ADDED ALFK: Emission year = 2006
ReferenceEmissions = Listed in Kirkevåg et al. (2013)
ReferenceModel =
ReferenceRetrieval =
Acknowledgements = NCAR, PNNL, BCCR, MetOs-UiO, NERSC, MET Norway, MISU, Bolin Centre, NorClim, EarthClim, NOTUR/NorStore, Norwegian Space Centre, PEGASOS and ACCESS