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Aerocom model data represent a voluntary based common information source on global aerosol modeling. The model data have been assembled for the purpose of advancing aerosol science and help assessments such as the IPCC to reduce uncertainty in aerosol climate forcing.

This data policy concerns the model data contained on the AeroCom dataserver and visualizations accessible via the AeroCom web interface. It also informs about the terms of usage of the observational data stored on the Aerocom dataserver.

1) Papers based on from one or several individual models should label the individual models and associated AeroCom experiment, reference the models and offer co-authorship to the respective modelling groups (typically one author each) and to one of the AeroCom coordination team members.

2) Papers based on average/median/composite results of AeroCom models should offer co-authorship to the respective modelling groups if these results constitute the main part of the publication.

3) However, if the AeroCom model results constitute only a minor part of a publication (e.g. papers describing mainly measurements) no co-authorship is required but: i) the work should be made available to the respective modelling groups before publication (e.g. 2 weeks) for commenting, ii) these modelling groups should be acknowledged and iii) all models used in composites and respective AeroCom experiments and overview publications should be referenced explicitly (see AeroCom website) to ensure reproducibility. iv) Any author using AeroCom model results should notify the modellers of the citation once the paper is published.

4) When using AeroCom results appropriate referencing is required to one or several of the articles, which provides an overview and document the AeroCom modelling activity (see references here

5) Usage of observational datasets stored on the AeroCom data server require that the respective data authors are contacted before any publication type of use is made of these data.

6) Images from the AeroCom web interface and information herein are a preliminary information source and shall not be used in any publication without acquiring agreement from model authors and the AeroCom coordination team. Images may be used for presentations to discuss model results, indicating “Source AeroCom”.

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  • aerocom/data_policy.1318503567.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2022-05-31 09:23:10
  • (external edit)