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tseries:technical [2014-01-22 08:12:28]
juergens [The Main Control file – tseries.ctl]
tseries:technical [2022-05-31 09:29:32] (current)
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 +Styles and control are located in a separate package - The source code is downloadable at [[https://svn.met.no/tseries/config|subversion]]
 ===== Command line parameters: ===== ===== Command line parameters: =====
Line 101: Line 101:
 | **Images** | Path to find images used in diagrams, like weather symbols | | **Images** | Path to find images used in diagrams, like weather symbols |
 | **Lang**   | Path to find language files, //Tseries// looks for  tseries_XX.qm files in this directory, where XX is the country code.  .qm files are generated by the the Qt linguist tool. | | **Lang**   | Path to find language files, //Tseries// looks for  tseries_XX.qm files in this directory, where XX is the country code.  .qm files are generated by the the Qt linguist tool. |
 +| **Styles** | Path to find stylefiles in tsDiagrams.def |
Line 106: Line 107:
 ^ Token ^ Description ^ ^ Token ^ Description ^
-| **Defs**      | The diagram definition file | +| **Defs**      | The diagram definition file (tsDiagrams.def) 
 | **Configure** | Autogenerated File to store configuration (like window size, language etc) from  the GUI. | | **Configure** | Autogenerated File to store configuration (like window size, language etc) from  the GUI. |
 | **WeatherSymbols** | The weather symbol definition file | | **WeatherSymbols** | The weather symbol definition file |
Line 120: Line 121:
 ^ Token ^ Description ^ ^ Token ^ Description ^
 | **FimexStreamTypes** | List of streamtypes that will be read by  [[fimex:start|Fimex]] , seperated by colon  ''netcdf : ncml'' | | **FimexStreamTypes** | List of streamtypes that will be read by  [[fimex:start|Fimex]] , seperated by colon  ''netcdf : ncml'' |
 +=== SECTION: <WDB> ===
 +^ Token ^ Description ^
 +| **Host**  | The WDB host |
 +| **User**  | The WDB User |
 +| **busymovie** | Animated gif to display that the server is busy - caching |
 +| **readtime**  | If a request takes longer than readtime, the cache option appears ( in milliseconds ) |
 +| **maxRecord **| Cutoff for records in bookmarks |
 +=== SECTION: <klima>===
 +^ Token ^ Description ^
 +| **url** | base URL for the klima requequest |
 +| **maxDistance** | max distance to an observation in km (default=50) |
 +| **maxObservationLength** | how many hours to look into the past (default=300) |
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 == A HDF/ASCII Stream == == A HDF/ASCII Stream ==
 ^ Token ^ Description ^ ^ Token ^ Description ^
-| **DataFile**        |  The HDF file | +| **DataFile**        | The HDF file | 
-| **DataDescription** |  The data description. A hdf file can contain several streams. You have to find the exact stream name in the file (when in doubt use vshow). The data description is used to define values in the diagram definition. (tsDiagrams.def) |+| **DataDescription** | The data description. A hdf file can contain several streams. You have to find the exact stream name in the file (when in doubt use vshow). The data description is used to define values in the diagram definition. (tsDiagrams.def) |
 | **DataType** | HDF or ASCII | | **DataType** | HDF or ASCII |
 | **Contents** | What parameter are defined in the file, x means any.  The string is separated into four sections: Parameter,level,stream,runtime \\ ''x,x,ECMWF,12'' – means: All parameters from ECMWF, 12 \\ ''x,x,ECMWF,x'' - All parameters from ECMWF, all times | | **Contents** | What parameter are defined in the file, x means any.  The string is separated into four sections: Parameter,level,stream,runtime \\ ''x,x,ECMWF,12'' – means: All parameters from ECMWF, 12 \\ ''x,x,ECMWF,x'' - All parameters from ECMWF, all times |
Line 156: Line 176:
 == A FIMEX Stream == == A FIMEX Stream ==
 ^ Token ^ Description ^ ^ Token ^ Description ^
-| **DataFile**        |  The datafile or URL (opendap) - use of glob is possible +| **DataFile**        | The datafile or URL (opendap) - use of glob is possible 
-| **DataDescription** |  The data description. Just a string to connect this stream to the diagram definition. (tsDiagrams.def)  |+| **DataDescription** | The data description. Just a string to connect this stream to the diagram definition. (tsDiagrams.def)  |
 | **DataType** | [ type : tag ] type has to be defined in fimexStreamTypes, tag is optional. if no tag is given, tag=type. Tag is used to connect the parameterdescription to this stream  | | **DataType** | [ type : tag ] type has to be defined in fimexStreamTypes, tag is optional. if no tag is given, tag=type. Tag is used to connect the parameterdescription to this stream  |
 | **Contents** | Not really used in Fimexstreams  | | **Contents** | Not really used in Fimexstreams  |
Line 163: Line 183:
 +=== SECTION: <wdbParameter> ===
 +This section maps wdb parameters to tseries parameters
 +# tseries parameter  = <wdb parameter> | <height> < height name>  : <scale> 
 +MSLP,0,x,x,APP=  air pressure at sea level               | 0   height above ground             :/100
 +RR,0,x,x,APP=    lwe precipitation rate                  | 0   height above ground
 +TT,0,x,x,APP=    kalman air temperature                  | 2   height above ground             :-273.15
 +UU,0,x,x,APP=    x wind                                  | 10  height above ground             :*1.94384
 +connect two parameters to a vector( to rotate them into a greografic grid)
 +UU,0,x,x,x :VV,0,x,x,x
 +=== SECTION: <klimaparameter> ===
 +# tseries parameter = klimaparameter
 +=== SECTION: <klimanormals> ===
 +# tseries parameter = klimaparameter
 +# for these parameters, tseries has to build a timeline
 +=== SECTION: <fimexParameters> ===
 +tag       = Given at the fimexstream definition  (DataType : Tag)
 +fimexname = Request parametername
 +Unit      = Udunits string
 +extradim  = Predefined dimensions are time and position, height or similar has to
 +            be defined her for this particular parameter
 +# tseries parameter   = tag | fimexname                | Unit | extradim1 start1 len1 | extradim2 ...
 +MSLP,x,x,x = netcdf | air_pressure_at_sea_level         | hPa      | height 0 1
 +TT,x,x,  = netcdf | air_temperature_2m                | Celsius
 +UU,x,x,  = netcdf | x_wind_10m                        | kt
 +# with a defined RRAC, tseries knows automatically how to extract RR from it
 +RRAC,x,x,x = netcdf | precipitation_amount_acc          | kg/m^2
 +# Postprocessed temperature - alias...
 +TTPP,x,x,x = netcdf | air_temperature_2m                | Celsius
 +## Wrf data
 +MSLP,x,x,x = wrf | air_pressure_at_sea_level      | hPa     
 +TT,x,x,  = wrf | T2                             | Celsius
 +UU,x,x,  = wrf | U10                            | kt  | 
 +VV,x,x,  = wrf | V10                            | kt  | 
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 ===The [models] section=== ===The [models] section===
-Any model have to be defined in the models section, it also allows to change the display name of the model in the diagrams. The key has to be equal the stream name from tseries.ctl like+All Models have to be defined in the models section, here one can change the display name of the model in the diagrams. The key has to be equal the stream name from tseries.ctl
 <code> <code>
  ECMWF=Ecmwf  ECMWF=Ecmwf
 </code> </code>
-ECMWF is the DataDescription from tseries.ctl, Ecmwf will be displayed in the menus+ECMWF equals the DataDescription from tseries.ctl, Ecmwf will be displayed in the //Tseries// GUI menus
Line 193: Line 289:
 NAME=Meteogram NAME=Meteogram
 # The connected style file # The connected style file
 # The streams connected to this diagram # The streams connected to this diagram
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 There are several types in //Tseries// that can be used by the different elements.  There are several types in //Tseries// that can be used by the different elements. 
-Colors:  ^^^ +====Colors==== 
-| BLACK            |   GREY95           SPRING_GREEN        + 
-BLUE              MIST_RED     | IRR_GREEN           |  +{{:tseries:pets_colors.png|}} 
-| GREEN              MIST_GREEN   | MOSS_GREEN         |  +
-| CYAN              MIST_BLUE    | GRASS_GREEN  |  +
-| RED              DARK_GREEN   | THUNDER_GREY       |  +
-| MAGENTA      BROWN     | SEA_BLUE           |  +
-| YELLOW      ORANGE     | SKY_BLUE           |  +
-| WHITE              PURPLE     | ICE_BLUE           |  +
-| GREY25      LIGHT_BLUE   | GLACIER_WHITE      |  +
-| GREY40      DARK_YELLOW  | RAIN_GREY           |  +
-| GREY45      DARK_RED     | IVORY            |  +
-| GREY50      DARK_BLUE    | DARK_IVORY   |  +
-| GREY55      DARK_CYAN    | BLUEGREY     |  +
-| GREY60      DARK_MAGENTA | GREYBROWN           |  +
-| GREY65      MIDNIGHT_BLUE| OLIVE            |  +
-| GREY70      DNMI_GREEN   | MUDDYGREEN         |  +
-| GREY75      DNMI_BLUE    | GREYBLUE     |  +
-| GREY80      RUST_RED     | DARK_BLUEGREY      |  +
-| GREY85      DAWN_RED     | DARKOLIVE           |  +
-| GREY90      SUN_YELLOW   | RED_YELLOW         |  +
-| YELLOW_RED       |     |           +
-      +
  • tseries/technical.1390378348.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2022-05-31 09:23:29
  • (external edit)