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stars:dataset [2011-04-12 11:53:02]
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-====== STARS Data Set ====== 
-A data set has been build for the STARS project, containing satellite data, in situ observations and NWP data, called STARS-DAT. This data set is fundamental for most of the studies performed in STARS. In the STARS-DAT data set all data sources has been re-gridded to a common 2km polar stereographic projection, and data files are provided on NetCDF3 format. \\ 
-More details about the data set is available in the the STARS-DAT User Manual: {{:stars-dat_user-manual_d6_v2p1.pdf|stars-dat_user-manual_d6_v2p1.pdf}} 
-The STARS-DAT data set consist of about 137.000 files. To ease the exploration of the STARS-DAT data set, an image-based data set of all the polar low cases of the STARS-DAT has been built. This image-based data set has been made available through a PHP script setup available at this link: \\ 
-{{:stars-dat-img2.png|Examples from the STARS-DAT quicklooks}} 
  • stars/dataset.1302609182.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2022-05-31 09:23:28
  • (external edit)