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noresm:usingtheissuetracker [2013-10-23 10:54:11]
noresm:usingtheissuetracker [2022-05-31 09:29:32] (current)
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 ===== Using the issue tracker ===== ===== Using the issue tracker =====
-=== Log in and check what is there === +[[|Quick Link to NORESM scrum]]
-  - Log in to JIRA ( using the same user-name and password that you use for svn access (This is the LDAP password at, external users have an external LDAP password). +
-  - Verify that you can go to "manage dashboards" and search for dashboards created by Alf Grini. You should find the NorESM default dashboard. +
-  - Add the NorESM default dashboard as a favourite. +
-  - The dashboards shows the epics (large tasks we are supposed to solve for the next version) together with some other information. It the NorESM "homepage" at JIRA. +
-  - Make sure you can go to agile ==> manage boards and find the NorESM scrum board. **This board is shared between Oslo and Bergen, and it is our way of communicating what we are working with right now.** +
-  - Note that the scrum board can be filtered by components, so it is easy to look at only MICOM issues or only cam-oslo issues.+
-===Create issues and start working === +=== Why do we need an issue tracker === 
-  - Go to "create issue". Note that in NorESM, the issues are different **components**. Make sure you select the right component for your issue. +  - Oslo and Bergen can easily see what the others are working on 
-  - Every other weekwe will create new "sprint"That means that the scrum board will be refreshed. (see below)+  - Better traceabilty of code changes (an issue can contain a reference to a code change) 
 +  - Better work planning 
 +  - Better communication between developers 
 +  - Help us work as a teamnot just collection of individuals.
-===Issue type definition for NorESM === +=== Log in and check what is there === 
-An issue can be created as one of several typesIn NorESM we will use the following definitions: +  - In github: Go to the "issues" tab. Sort by milestones or labels to see the ones you are interested in 
 +===Create issues  === 
 +  - Go to "create issue"Note that in NorESMthe issues are different **components**. Make sure you select the right component for your issue. 
 +  - Also add other information to the issue as label (can be e.g. be a project-name). Adding Multiple labels is OK.
-  - EPIC: A task which demands some man-months. For example in the EVA-project, a sub-task is an epic. An epic consists of several stories. See 
-  - STORY: A task which demands a couple of man-weeks. Typically the sub-tasks in EVA are stories. 
-  - TASK: A story will have several sub-tasks. They are created inside the story (open the issue ==> more ==> create sub-task). The tasks will last some man-days and it is the tasks which will be added to the sprints. 
 ===Priority definition for NorESM === ===Priority definition for NorESM ===
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-===Which issues should we add to the scrum board ===+===Which issues should we add to different milestones ===
   - Find out together with your team which issues are most important   - Find out together with your team which issues are most important
-  - Try to compose a sprint so that the product (NorESM) is more or less usable at the end of the sprint. +  - Add the issue to the appropriate milestone
-  - If a task requires more than 3 days of work, it should probably be splitted into sub-tasks. Create an epic and convert the issues into sub-tasks of that epic. Go to issue, more actions and "convert to sub-task".+
 ===Working === ===Working ===
-  - When you want to start working on something you should always do something which is **in the sprint**. Those are the tasks that the team has defined as most important.+  - When you want to start working on something you should always do something which is **included in a milestone**. Those are the tasks that the team has defined as most important.
   - Go to the task and choose "assign" and "assign to me".   - Go to the task and choose "assign" and "assign to me".
-  - Also in the task go to "more actions" and "start progress". You can also just drag the task over in the "in progress" column in the scrum board 
-  - When the task is finished, there should always be a comment saying which changeset in the version control system which solved the problem. For example if I solve task "NE-10", I should comment in JIRA "this taks was solved by svn changeset nn" 
-  - In svn, I should commit with a comment mentioning the issue, something like "svn commit -m "solved issue NE-10 by removing possible divide-by-zero"" 
-  - Drag the issue to the "resolved" column when the problem is solved. 
 +===Connection to version control system ===
 +  - Mention the task when you commit the fix. For example git commit -m "metno/noresm#346: I did something clever" will link the changeset to the right issue in github.
  • noresm/usingtheissuetracker.1382525651.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2022-05-31 09:23:24
  • (external edit)