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noresm:norstorearchive [2014-06-19 09:11:10]
noresm:norstorearchive [2014-10-28 12:44:43]
alok.gupta@uni.no [Metadata recommendations]
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 ==== BibliographicCitation ==== ==== BibliographicCitation ====
-For NorESM1-M output: http://www.geosci-model-dev.net/6/687/2013/gmd-6-687-2013.html +Specify "http://cmip-pcmdi.llnl.gov/cmip5/terms.html" as value.
- +
-For NorESM1-ME output: http://www.geosci-model-dev.net/6/301/2013/gmd-6-301-2013.html+
 ==== Coverage ==== ==== Coverage ====
Line 138: Line 136:
 Mapping between CMIP5 experiment acronyms and NorESM1-M cases: Mapping between CMIP5 experiment acronyms and NorESM1-M cases:
 <file> <file>
- piControl      r1 NAER1850CNOC_f19_g16_06  + piControl      r1 NAER1850CNOC_f19_g16_06  (3.1) none 
- 1pctCO2        r1 N1850RMAERCN_f19_g16_01  + 1pctCO2        r1 N1850RMAERCN_f19_g16_01  (6.1) GHG 
- abrupt4xCO2    r1 N18504XAERCN_f19_g16_01  + abrupt4xCO2    r1 N18504XAERCN_f19_g16_01  (6.3) GHG 
- amip           r1 NFAMIP2005AERAMIPO_f19_f19_01 (1979-2005), NFAMIP2008AERAMIPO_f19_f19_01 (2006-2008) + amip           r1 NFAMIP2005AERAMIPO_f19_f19_01 (1979-2005), NFAMIP2008AERAMIPO_f19_f19_01 (2006-2008) (3.3) GHG+AER 
- amip           r2 NFAMIP2005AERAMIPO_f19_f19_02 (1979-2005), NFAMIP2008AERAMIPO_f19_f19_02 (2006-2008) + amip           r2 NFAMIP2005AERAMIPO_f19_f19_02 (1979-2005), NFAMIP2008AERAMIPO_f19_f19_02 (2006-2008) (3.3) GHG+AER 
- amip           r3 NFAMIP2005AERAMIPO_f19_f19_03 (1979-2005), NFAMIP2008AERAMIPO_f19_f19_03 (2006-2008) + amip           r3 NFAMIP2005AERAMIPO_f19_f19_03 (1979-2005), NFAMIP2008AERAMIPO_f19_f19_03 (2006-2008) (3.3) GHG+AER 
- amip4xCO2      r1 NF20054XAERAMIPO_f19_f19_01 (1979-2005), NF20084XAERAMIPO_f19_f19_01 (2006-2008) + amip4xCO2      r1 NF20054XAERAMIPO_f19_f19_01 (1979-2005), NF20084XAERAMIPO_f19_f19_01 (2006-2008) (6.5) GHG  
- historical     r1 N20TRAERCN_f19_g16_01 + historical     r1 N20TRAERCN_f19_g16_01 GHG+AER 
- historical     r2 N20TRAERCN_f19_g16_02  + historical     r2 N20TRAERCN_f19_g16_02 GHG+AER 
- historical     r3 N20TRAERCN_f19_g16_03  + historical     r3 N20TRAERCN_f19_g16_03 GHG+AER 
- historicalExt  r2 NRCP85AERCN_f19_g16_02    + historicalExt  r2 NRCP85AERCN_f19_g16_02 GHG+AER   
- historicalExt  r3 NRCP85AERCN_f19_g16_03  + historicalExt  r3 NRCP85AERCN_f19_g16_03 GHG+AER 
- historicalGHG  r1 N20TRAERCNGHG_f19_g16_01 (1850-2005), NRCP85AERCNGHG_f19_g16_01 (2006-2012) + historicalGHG  r1 N20TRAERCNGHG_f19_g16_01 (1850-2005), NRCP85AERCNGHG_f19_g16_01 (2006-2012) (7.2) GHG 
- historicalMisc r1 N20TRAERCNAER_f19_g16_01 (1850-2005), NRCP85AERCNAER_f19_g16_01 (2006-2012) + historicalMisc r1 N20TRAERCNAER_f19_g16_01 (1850-2005), NRCP85AERCNAER_f19_g16_01 (2006-2012) (7.3) AER 
- historicalNat  r1 N20TRAERCNNAT_f19_g16_01 (1850-2005), NRCP85AERCNNAT_f19_g16_01 (2006-2012) + historicalNat  r1 N20TRAERCNNAT_f19_g16_01 (1850-2005), NRCP85AERCNNAT_f19_g16_01 (2006-2012) (7.1) NONE 
- rcp26          r1 NRCP26AERCN_f19_g16_01 + rcp26          r1 NRCP26AERCN_f19_g16_01 (4.3) GHG+AER  
- rcp45          r1 NRCP45AERCN_f19_g16_01 (2006-2100), NRCP45XTAERCN_f19_g16_01 (2101-2300) + rcp45          r1 NRCP45AERCN_f19_g16_01 (2006-2100), NRCP45XTAERCN_f19_g16_01 (2101-2300) (4.1-L) GHG+AER 
- rcp6           r1 NRCP60AERCN_f19_g16_01  + rcp6           r1 NRCP60AERCN_f19_g16_01 (4.4) GHG+AER 
- rcp85          r1 NRCP85AERCN_f19_g16_01  + rcp85          r1 NRCP85AERCN_f19_g16_01 (4.2) GHG+AER 
- sst2030        r1 NFRCP45_2026-2035_f19_f19  + sst2030        r1 NFRCP45_2026-2035_f19_f19 (2.1) GHG+AER 
- sstClim        r1 NF1850AERCNAMIPC_f19_f19_01   + sstClim        r1 NF1850AERCNAMIPC_f19_f19_01  (6.2a) none 
- sstClim4xCO2   r1 NF18504XAERCNAMIPC_f19_f19_01  + sstClim4xCO2   r1 NF18504XAERCNAMIPC_f19_f19_01 (6.2b) GHG 
- sstClimAerosol r1 NF1850AER20CNAMIPC_f19_f19_01 + sstClimAerosol r1 NF1850AER20CNAMIPC_f19_f19_01 (6.4a) AER
 </file>     </file>    
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 | **Conforms to** | Climate and Forecast (CF) metadata conventions |  | **Conforms to** | Climate and Forecast (CF) metadata conventions | 
 | **Provenance** | gzip compression of restart files and conversion of history output to compressed NetCDF-4 format | **Ingo:** specify time stamp of last compressed restart file |    | **Provenance** | gzip compression of restart files and conversion of history output to compressed NetCDF-4 format | **Ingo:** specify time stamp of last compressed restart file |   
-| **Coverage** | Box: southlimit=-90, northlimit=90, westlimit=-180, eastlimit=180, units=signed decimal degrees; Period: start=2006-01-31, end=2012-12-31, scheme=W3C-DTF | **Ingo:** use of DCMI standard makes it easy for external servers to interpret the coverage information | +| **Coverage** | Box: Southlimit=-90, Northlimit=90, Westlimit=-180, Eastlimit=180, Uplimit=20000, Downlimit=-9000, Units=signed decimal degrees, Zunits=m; Period: start=2006-01-01, end=2012-12-31, scheme=W3C-DTF | **Ingo:** use of DCMI standard makes it easy for external servers to interpret the coverage information | 
 ** Description **  ** Description ** 
-<code>  +<code>Norwegian Earth System Model version 1 (medium resolution) output prepared for the CMIP5 historical extension experiment with forcing scenario RCP8.5.
-Norwegian Earth System Model version 1 (medium resolution) output prepared for the CMIP5 historical extension experiment with forcing scenario RCP8.5.+
 Citation: Bentsen, M., Bethke, I., Debernard, J. B., Iversen, T., Kirkevåg, A., Seland, Ø., Drange, H., Roelandt, C., Seierstad, I. A., Hoose, C., and Kristjánsson, J. E.: The Norwegian Earth System Model, NorESM1-M – Part 1: Description and basic evaluation of the physical climate, Geosci. Model Dev., 6, 687-720, doi:10.5194/gmd-6-687-2013, 2013. Citation: Bentsen, M., Bethke, I., Debernard, J. B., Iversen, T., Kirkevåg, A., Seland, Ø., Drange, H., Roelandt, C., Seierstad, I. A., Hoose, C., and Kristjánsson, J. E.: The Norwegian Earth System Model, NorESM1-M – Part 1: Description and basic evaluation of the physical climate, Geosci. Model Dev., 6, 687-720, doi:10.5194/gmd-6-687-2013, 2013.
 +Technical details:
 +Production machine: Cray XT3 in Bergen (hexagon)
 +Model source: https://svn.met.no/viewvc/noresm/noresm/branches/noresm-ver1_cmip5-r112
 +Model revision number: 112
 +Model components: atmosphere=CAM4; ocean=MICOM; land=CLM; sea ice=CICE
 +Horizontal resolution: atmosphere/land=1.9x2.5 degree; ocean/sea ice=~1 degree  
 +Output frequency: monthly + daily + 6-hourly + 3-hourly as requested by CMIP5
 +Experiment type: fully coupled
 +Initialisation: branched from CMIP5 historical simulation r2 (N20TRAERCN_f19_g16_02) at 2006-01-01
 +Changing forcing agents: prescribed GHG concentration changes; aerosol emissions for SO4, POM and BC (see Kirkevåg et al. 2013)
 +Tuning parameters changed relative to the host model CAM4: rhminl=0.90 (0.91 in CAM4) reduced RH threshold for formation of low stratiform clouds; critrp=5.0 mm/day (0.5 mm/day in CAM4) maximum precipitation rate for suppression of autoconversion of cloud water; r3lc=14 um (10 um in CAM4) critical mean droplet volume radius for onset of autoconversion
 +Other comments: -
 External references: External references:
Line 226: Line 236:
 http://search.es-doc.org (model system, boundary conditions, experiments, etc) http://search.es-doc.org (model system, boundary conditions, experiments, etc)
 http://noresg.norstore.no (Norwegian ESGF portal with post-processed CMIP5 data) http://noresg.norstore.no (Norwegian ESGF portal with post-processed CMIP5 data)
 +http://www.geosci-model-dev.net/special_issue20.html (NorESM special issue)
 http://www.cristin.no/as/WebObjects/cristin.woa/wo/18.Profil. (link to national publication database) http://www.cristin.no/as/WebObjects/cristin.woa/wo/18.Profil. (link to national publication database)
 </code> </code>
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