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noresm:norstorearchive [2014-06-19 09:04:54]
noresm:norstorearchive [2022-05-31 09:29:32]
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-====== NorStore Research Data Archive: Guidelines for ingestion of NorESM output====== 
-The recommendations presented on this page are based on discussion between Alok, Mats and Ingo. Please feel free to comment and modify them.   
-The access point to NorStore's Research Data Archive is http://archive.norstore.no  
-For testing purposes, the alternative site http://archive-test.norstore.uio.no should be used.  
-===== Metadata recommendations===== 
-==== BibliographicCitation ==== 
-For NorESM1-M output: http://www.geosci-model-dev.net/6/687/2013/gmd-6-687-2013.html 
-For NorESM1-ME output: http://www.geosci-model-dev.net/6/301/2013/gmd-6-301-2013.html 
-==== Coverage ==== 
-Please follow DCMI recommendations when specifying coverage.  
-=== Box (http://dublincore.org/documents/dcmi-box) === 
-If coverage is global, use:  
-  * northlimit=90 
-  * southlimit=-90  
-  * westlimit=-180 
-  * eastlimit=180 
-  * units=signed decimal degrees  
-(leave rest unspecified) 
-=== Period (http://dublincore.org/documents/dcmi-period http://www.w3.org/TR/NOTE-datetime) === 
-Specification of start- and end-year required (optionally, month and day):      
-  * start=YYYY[-MM-DD] 
-  * end=YYYY[-MM-DD] 
-  * scheme=W3C-DTF 
-The value of //scheme// should be always set to W3C-DTF. The value of //name// can be left blank.    
-==== Description ====  
-Recommended content in description:  
-  * long version of title, e.g. "Norwegian Earth System Model version 1 (medium resolution) output prepared for the CMIP5 pre-industrial control experiment."  
-  * citation information (see below) 
-  * reference to CMIP5 experimental design (http://cmip-pcmdi.llnl.gov/cmip5/docs/Taylor_CMIP5_design.pdf)  
-  * forcing agents (link to http://search.es-doc.org) **(INGO: skip?)**  
-  * initialisation (parent experiment, branch time) **(INGO: skip?)**  
-NorESM1-M citation:  
-**Bentsen, M., Bethke, I., Debernard, J. B., Iversen, T., Kirkevåg, A., Seland, Ø., Drange, H., Roelandt, C., Seierstad, I. A., Hoose, C., and Kristjánsson, J. E.: The Norwegian Earth System Model, NorESM1-M – Part 1: Description and basic evaluation of the physical climate, Geosci. Model Dev., 6, 687-720, doi:10.5194/gmd-6-687-2013, 2013.** 
-NorESM1-ME citation:  
-**Tjiputra, J. F., Roelandt, C., Bentsen, M., Lawrence, D. M., Lorentzen, T., Schwinger, J., Seland, Ø., and Heinze, C.: Evaluation of the carbon cycle components in the Norwegian Earth System Model (NorESM), Geosci. Model Dev., 6, 301-325, doi:10.5194/gmd-6-301-2013, 2013.** 
-=== Mapping of CMIP experiment long/short names === 
-10- or 30-year run initialized in year XXXX    decadalXXXX 
-volcano-free hindcast initialized in year XXXX noVolcXXXX 
-prediction with 2010 volcano                   volcIn2010 
-pre-industrial control                         piControl 
-historical                                     historical 
-historical extension                           historicalExt 
-other historical forcing                       historicalMisc 
-mid-Holocene                                   midHolocene 
-last glacial maximum                           lgm 
-last millennium                                past1000 
-RCP4.5                                         rcp45 
-RCP8.5                                         rcp85 
-RCP2.6                                         rcp26 
-RCP6                                           rcp60 
-ESM pre-industrial control                     esmControl 
-ESM historical                                 esmHistorical 
-ESM RCP8.5                                     esmrcp85 
-ESM fixed climate 1                            esmFixClim1 
-ESM fixed climate 2                            esmFixClim2 
-ESM feedback 1                                 esmFdbk1 
-ESM feedback 2                                 esmFdbk2 
-1 percent per year CO2                         1pctCO2 
-abrupt 4XCO2                                   abrupt4xCO2 
-natural-only                                   historicalNat 
-GHG-only                                       historicalGHG 
-AMIP                                           amip 
-2030 time-slice                                sst2030 
-control SST climatology                        sstClim 
-CO2 forcing                                    sstClim4xCO2 
-all aerosol forcing                            sstClimAerosol 
-sulfate aerosol forcing                        sstClimSulfate 
-4xCO2 AMIP                                     amip4xCO2 
-AMIP plus patterned anomaly                    amipFuture 
-aqua planet control                            aquaControl 
-4xCO2 aqua planet                              aqua4xCO2 
-aqua planet plus 4K anomaly                    aqua4K 
-AMIP plus 4K anomaly                           amip4K  
-=== Boundary conditions === 
--Prescribed atmospheric concentrations of pre-industrial well mixed gas: Carbon Dioxide 
--Unperturbed Pre-Industrial Land Use 
--Prescribed concentrations or emissions of pre-industrial natural aerosols 
--Prescribed concentrations or emissions of pre-industrial natural aerosol precursors 
--Prescribed atmospheric concentration of pre-industrial short lived (reactive) gas species 
--Prescribed concentrations or emissions of pre-industrial short lived (reactive) aerosol species 
--Prescribed atmospheric concentrations of pre-industrial well mixed gases: excluding CO2 
-==== Label ==== 
-If the dataset matches a NorESM case then specify the case name as label, e.g., //NAER1850CNOC_f19_g16_06//. 
-==== Rights holder ==== 
-If in doubt, specify  
-  * Organization: //Norwegian Climate Centre// 
-  * Organization acronym: //NCC// 
-  * Organization web-page: //gfi.uib.no/EarthClim// 
-  * Contact email: //noresm-ncc@met.no// **(INGO: NEED TO FIND BETTER SOLUTION FOR EMAIL ADDRESS)** 
-==== Title ==== 
-We recommend to use following formula:  
-  <MODEL ACRONYM> <PROJECT> <OFFICIAL EXPERIMENT ACRONYM> (<experiment number in Taylor document>) r<realisation number>[<realisation letter>] <output type>  
-  * ''NorESM1-M CMIP5 historicalExt (3.2) r1 raw output''   
-  * ''NorESM1-ME CMIP5 rcp85 (4.2) r1a raw output''  
-  * ''NorESM1-ME CMIP5 rcp85 (4.2) r1 cmor-processed output''  
-<output type> should be a brief and general description of the type of output, e.g. //raw output// or //cmor-processed output//. Information on data format etc will be specified elsewhere.   
-<realisation letter> can be used if an experiment is composed of several cases -- e.g., ''NorESM1-ME CMIP5 rcp85 r1'' is associated with the cases ''NRCP85AERCNOC_f19_g16_01'' and ''NRCP85AERCNOC_f19_g16_02'' -- and one intends to create a dataset for each cases.  
-Mapping between CMIP5 experiment acronyms and NorESM1-M cases: 
- piControl      r1 NAER1850CNOC_f19_g16_06  
- 1pctCO2        r1 N1850RMAERCN_f19_g16_01  
- abrupt4xCO2    r1 N18504XAERCN_f19_g16_01  
- amip           r1 NFAMIP2005AERAMIPO_f19_f19_01 (1979-2005), NFAMIP2008AERAMIPO_f19_f19_01 (2006-2008) 
- amip           r2 NFAMIP2005AERAMIPO_f19_f19_02 (1979-2005), NFAMIP2008AERAMIPO_f19_f19_02 (2006-2008) 
- amip           r3 NFAMIP2005AERAMIPO_f19_f19_03 (1979-2005), NFAMIP2008AERAMIPO_f19_f19_03 (2006-2008) 
- amip4xCO2      r1 NF20054XAERAMIPO_f19_f19_01 (1979-2005), NF20084XAERAMIPO_f19_f19_01 (2006-2008) 
- historical     r1 N20TRAERCN_f19_g16_01 
- historical     r2 N20TRAERCN_f19_g16_02  
- historical     r3 N20TRAERCN_f19_g16_03  
- historicalExt  r2 NRCP85AERCN_f19_g16_02    
- historicalExt  r3 NRCP85AERCN_f19_g16_03  
- historicalGHG  r1 N20TRAERCNGHG_f19_g16_01 (1850-2005), NRCP85AERCNGHG_f19_g16_01 (2006-2012) 
- historicalMisc r1 N20TRAERCNAER_f19_g16_01 (1850-2005), NRCP85AERCNAER_f19_g16_01 (2006-2012) 
- historicalNat  r1 N20TRAERCNNAT_f19_g16_01 (1850-2005), NRCP85AERCNNAT_f19_g16_01 (2006-2012) 
- rcp26          r1 NRCP26AERCN_f19_g16_01 
- rcp45          r1 NRCP45AERCN_f19_g16_01 (2006-2100), NRCP45XTAERCN_f19_g16_01 (2101-2300) 
- rcp6           r1 NRCP60AERCN_f19_g16_01  
- rcp85          r1 NRCP85AERCN_f19_g16_01  
- sst2030        r1 NFRCP45_2026-2035_f19_f19  
- sstClim        r1 NF1850AERCNAMIPC_f19_f19_01   
- sstClim4xCO2   r1 NF18504XAERCNAMIPC_f19_f19_01  
- sstClimAerosol r1 NF1850AER20CNAMIPC_f19_f19_01  
-Mapping between CMIP5 experiment acronyms and NorESM1-ME cases names: 
-  piControl     r1 N1850AERCNOC_f19_g16_CTRL_02  
-  1pctCO2       r1 N1850RMAERCNOC_f19_g16_02  
-  historical    r1 N20TRAERCNOC_01 
-  esmControl    r1 N1850AERBPRP_f19_g16_02  
-  esmHistorical r1 N20TRAERCNOCBPRP_f19_g16_01   
-  esmrcp85      r1 NRCP85AERBPRP_f19_g16_03    
-  esmFdbk1      r1 N1850RMAERCNOC_f19_g16_RAD_02   
-  esmFixClim1   r1 N1850RMAERCNOC_f19_g16_BGC_02  
-  rcp26         r1 NRCP26AERCNOC_f19_g16_01 (2006-2060), NRCP26AERCNOC_f19_g16_02 (2061-2101)   
-  rcp45         r1 NRCP45AERCNOC_f19_g16_02   
-  rcp6          r1 NRCP60AERCNOC_f19_g16_01 (2006-2050), NRCP60AERCNOC_f19_g16_02 (2051-2101)  
-  rcp85         r1 NRCP85AERCNOC_f19_g16_01 (2006-2044), NRCP85AERCNOC_f19_g16_02 (2045-2100)    
-==== Project ==== 
-For CMIP5 output, specify //Integrated Earth System Approach to Explore Natural Variability and Climate Sensitivity (EarthClim)// 
-==== Conforms to ==== 
-If in doubt, specify "//Climate and Forecast (CF) metadata conventions//" 
-==== Provenance ====  
-In case the output has been compressed, specify "//gzip compression of restart files and conversion of history output to compressed NetCDF-4 format//" and state the time stamp of the last compressed restart file.  
-Please add additional provenance entries in case further manipulations have been performed on the output.     
-===== Metadata example===== 
-Link to [[norstorearchive#Metadata example|this section]]. 
-^ Parameter         ^ Value  ^ Comment ^                                            
-| **Title**         | NorESM1-M CMIP5 historicalExt (3.2) r2 raw output | 
-| **Created on**    | 29/Oct/2011 | **Ingo:** time stamp of the last restart folder (i.e, time experiment was completed) | 
-| **Category**      | Simulation | 
-| **State**         | Raw |  
-| **Domain**        | Natural Sciences |  
-| **Field**         | Earth Sciences |  
-| **Creator**       | Norwegian Climate Center (NCC) |  
-| **Contributor**   | Alok Kumar Gupta (Alok.Gupta@uni.no) | **Ingo:** NorStore defines the contributor as the person who puts in the metadata |  
-| **Data Manager**  | Alok Kumar Gupta (Alok.Gupta@uni.no) |  
-| **Rights Holder** | Norwegian Climate Center (NCC) (Ingo.Bethke@uni.no) | **Ingo:** need to find better solution for the email address |  
-| **Access Rights** | Public | **Ingo:** our processed CMIP5 is public, so we might as well make the raw data public | 
-| **Label**         | NRCP85AERCN_f19_g16_02 | **Ingo:** decided to use the experiment "case name" as label |  
-| **BibliographicCitation** | http://www.geosci-model-dev.net/6/687/2013/gmd-6-687-2013.html | **Ingo:** the ''BibliographicCitation'' value has to be an URL. We decided to add additional citation information to ''Description'' | 
-| **Project** | Integrated Earth System Approach to Explore Natural Variability and Climate Sensitivity (EarthClim) | 
-| **Conforms to** | Climate and Forecast (CF) metadata conventions |  
-| **Provenance** | Action: gzip compression of restart files and conversion of history output to compressed NetCDF-4 format; Action date: | **Ingo:** specify time stamp of last compressed restart file |    
-| **Coverage** | Box: southlimit=-90, northlimit=90, westlimit=-180, eastlimit=180, units=signed decimal degrees; Period: start=2006-01-31, end=2012-12-31, scheme=W3C-DTF | **Ingo:** use of DCMI standard makes it easy for external servers to interpret the coverage information |  
-** Description **  
-Norwegian Earth System Model version 1 (medium resolution) output prepared for the CMIP5 historical extension experiment with forcing scenario RCP8.5. 
-Citation: Bentsen, M., Bethke, I., Debernard, J. B., Iversen, T., Kirkevåg, A., Seland, Ø., Drange, H., Roelandt, C., Seierstad, I. A., Hoose, C., and Kristjánsson, J. E.: The Norwegian Earth System Model, NorESM1-M – Part 1: Description and basic evaluation of the physical climate, Geosci. Model Dev., 6, 687-720, doi:10.5194/gmd-6-687-2013, 2013. 
-(link to national citation database: http://www.cristin.no/as/WebObjects/cristin.woa/wo/18.Profil. 
-External references: 
-http://cmip-pcmdi.llnl.gov/cmip5/docs/Taylor_CMIP5_design.pdf (experimental design) 
-http://search.es-doc.org (model system, boundary conditions, experiments, etc) 
-http://noresg.norstore.no (Norwegian ESGF portal with post-processed CMIP5 data) 
  • noresm/norstorearchive.txt
  • Last modified: 2022-05-31 09:29:32
  • (external edit)