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noresm:modeldiagnostics [2016-02-26 11:09:20]
annal [Cloud droplet analysis (budgets)]
noresm:modeldiagnostics [2022-05-31 09:29:32] (current)
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 ====== Model Diagnostic Tools====== ====== Model Diagnostic Tools======
-This page links to tools used for NorESM model evaluation.+This page links to tools used for the NorESM model evaluation.
-For comparison to older model simulations use the list of available simulations and runs, to be found =>[[NORESM:ListOfRuns| here]]. 
 ===== NorESM Diagnostic Packages ===== ===== NorESM Diagnostic Packages =====
-Please, refer to GUIDE_ReadME_first and the ReadME files in each of the Model Components Diagnostic Tools (Packages) locations below for more details. 
-<file> +**NBThe wiki page for the NorESM diagnostic tools is moved!!**
-Usagenohup [your work directory path]/[amwg/ice_diag]_template.csh >& out &  +
- +
-Purpose: Model solution validation, evaluation, and analysis  +
-         compared to observations and reference model simulation.   +
- +
-Description: Automated diagnostic packages for each of the NorESM model components (atmosphere, sea ice, land, ocean) +
-             based on the NCAR CESM diagnostics packages.  +
-             Written in NCL, NCO and C-Shell. Output is in the form of: .ps or .png plots and web-pages. +
- +
-The packages are installed and stored in 4 locations; please use them on Cruncher or Grunch when possible: +
- +
-On in: +
- +
-/projects/NS2345K/diagnostics/Packages +
- +
-On in: +
- +
-/work-common/shared/noresm/diagnostics/Packages +
- +
-On in: +
- +
-/work/shared/noresm/diagnostics/Packages +
- +
-There are 6 diagnostic tools CAM_DIAG (ready for use), CICE_DIAG (ready for use), CLM_DIAG (in testing), +
-POP_DIAG (in testing), MICOM_DIAG (in development) and CVDP_DIAG (the new NCAR Climate Package, in testing) +
- +
-Currently only the CAM (AMWG) and the CICE packages are ported and ready to use.  +
-You will find for each of those c-shell macroscript *_template.csh.[machine] +
-Copy it in your working directory, change the paths and file names in the user-defined part of it and run. +
- +
-</file> +
-Report any problems or suggestions to Detelina Ivanova: [[|]] +
- +
- +
-===== MICOM Diagnostic Package ===== +
- +
- (NEW 2015.04.23)  +
-First version of MICOM diagnostic package is available on grunch/norstore/hexagon/vilje. Please find more details  {{:noresm:detelinaivanova_noresm_diagnostics_rg1_032515.pdf|here}}. +
- +
-===== SVN Repository for NorESM Diagnostic Packages  ===== +
- +
-(NEW 2015.04.23)+
-The NorESM Diagnostic Packages can be downloaded via svn using the command +Last updated12-Dec-2020.
-  svn export svn://
 +Please go to the following NorESM documentation page for the latest description:
-A web-viewer is available at [[]] (user: guestuser, passw: friendly). 
 ====== Aerosol and Chemistry, Clouds and Forcing Diagnostics ====== ====== Aerosol and Chemistry, Clouds and Forcing Diagnostics ======
Line 196: Line 153:
 <ModelName>_<ExperimentName>: is the dataset identifier under which the plots appear on the AeroCom webinterface \\  <ModelName>_<ExperimentName>: is the dataset identifier under which the plots appear on the AeroCom webinterface \\ 
-of the form NorESM-CAM5_svn{RevisionNumber}_YYMMDD{initials}_Freetext. \\ +in the required format  
-Example: "NorESM-CAM5_svn1094_151201AG_CMIP6endelig" \\+**NorESM-CAM5_svn{RevisionNumber}_YYMMDD{initials}_Freetext**. \\ 
 +"**NorESM-CAM5_svn1094_151201AG_CMIP6endelig**" \\
 Initials AG: Alf Grini, AK: Alf Kirkevåg, DO: Dirk Olivie... Initials AG: Alf Grini, AK: Alf Kirkevåg, DO: Dirk Olivie...
 +Where the date YYMMDD corresponds to the time when the  AeroCom data preparation script has been executed. 
 The script creates files named like The script creates files named like
Line 227: Line 189:
 +====== Post analysis and workup of CAM diagnostics output tables ======
 +A tool for post analysis of (multiple) CAM diagnostics ASCII tables can be found in 
 +the following repository:
 +To get started, please follow the instructions in repository README (displayed in repository). Currently, the main 
 +analysis tool is a jupyter IPython notebook called 
 +//**analysis_tool.ipynb**// (
 +which includes more detailed instructions about setup and options. 
 +Use the notebook 
 +to download local copies of result tables using a list of URL's.
 +**Short summary:** 
 +The notebook reads multiple diagnostics files (runs) into one long table and creates heatmap plots
 +of //Bias, RMSE and RMSE relative error// for a subset of variables (rows -> y-axis of heatmap) 
 +vs. the individual runs (columns -> xaxis). 
 +**NOTE:** In the current version, you need to download all tables that you are interested in as csv or 
 +ascii into one directory, that is specified in the header of the notebook.
 +Variable groups can be defined in this config file:
 +**NOTE:** If you add groups to this file in your local copy of the repository, please consider sending
 +the updated to [[|]] or to submit a pull request, so that the remote repository 
 +remains up to date.
 +If you run into problems, please raise an issue in the repository or contact [[|]]
  • noresm/modeldiagnostics.1456484960.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2022-05-31 09:23:24
  • (external edit)