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noresm:modeldeffiles:nf2006to2008r164 [2014-04-03 08:31:01]
alfk [Model-run description for a simulation with CAM4-Oslo (NorESM1-M)]
noresm:modeldeffiles:nf2006to2008r164 [2022-05-31 09:29:32] (current)
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 **Contact person:**         Alf Kirkevåg ( **Contact person:**         Alf Kirkevåg (
 +**Data owner:**             Alf Kirkevåg ( 
 **Revision Number:**        r164   **Revision Number:**        r164  
-**Production computer used:** Cray XT6 in Bergen (hexagon)+**Ensemble runs:**          No     
 +**Production computer used:** Cray XT in Bergen (hexagon)
 **Production date:**        October 2013  **Production date:**        October 2013 
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 **Projects:**               EarthClim/ACCESS **Projects:**               EarthClim/ACCESS
-**Publications:**            +**Publications:**           [[|Glantz et al. (2014)]]
-**Papers in preparation:**  Glantz et al. (submitted)+**Papers in preparation:**  
 **Simulation name(s):**     NF2006to2008r164   **Simulation name(s):**     NF2006to2008r164  
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 **Simulation period:**      3 years **Simulation period:**      3 years
-**Spin-up period:**         0 years in the branch run itself, but continued from 1979-2005 +**Spin-up period:**         0 years in the branch run itself, but continued from 1979-2005
-**Ensemble runs:**          No    +**Initialisation:**         Data from the end of a 1979-2005 AMIP simulations 
 **Resolution:**             f19_f19 = 1.8x2.5 **Resolution:**             f19_f19 = 1.8x2.5
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 **Emission year(s):**       2006 - 2008 (aerosols and precursors)      **Emission year(s):**       2006 - 2008 (aerosols and precursors)     
-**Emission inventories**    RCP8.5 from IPCC AR5  +**Emission inventories**    RCP8.5 from IPCC AR5  
 +**Greenhouse gases:**       Prescribed concentrations 
-**Frequency for output:**    Monthly+**Frequency for output:**   Monthly
 **Active/changing forcing agents:**  In principle, direct and indirect (1. & 2.) effects by anthropogenic SO4, POM and BC, but aerosols were run offline (CAM4-Oslo aerosols do not affect the model meteorology, only prescribed aerosols and CDNC from CAM4 )  **Active/changing forcing agents:**  In principle, direct and indirect (1. & 2.) effects by anthropogenic SO4, POM and BC, but aerosols were run offline (CAM4-Oslo aerosols do not affect the model meteorology, only prescribed aerosols and CDNC from CAM4 ) 
 +**Special considerations:**
 **Tuning parameters which are changed relative to the host model CAM4:**  **Tuning parameters which are changed relative to the host model CAM4:** 
  • noresm/modeldeffiles/nf2006to2008r164.1396513861.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2022-05-31 09:23:24
  • (external edit)