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noresm:modeldeffiles:n20traercn [2014-04-04 13:39:54]
oyvindse created
noresm:modeldeffiles:n20traercn [2022-05-31 09:29:32] (current)
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-======  N20TRAERCN  ======+======  N20TRAERCN_X  ======
 ===== Model-run description for three simulations with NorESM1-M (UNDER CONSTRUCTION)===== ===== Model-run description for three simulations with NorESM1-M (UNDER CONSTRUCTION)=====
-**Purpose of simulation:**  Estimate the effect of BC on global and Arctic climate+**Purpose of simulation:**  Transient run for describing climate change in the 20th century (1850-2005)
-**Contact person:**         Alf Kirkevåg (**Contact person:**         Øyvind Seland (
-**Revision Number:**        r99  +**Data owner:    **         Mats Bentsen  (     
 +**Revision Number:**        r112  
 **Production computer used:** Cray XT3 in Bergen (hexagon) **Production computer used:** Cray XT3 in Bergen (hexagon)
-**Production date:**        October - November 2010 +**Production date:**        November - March 2010 /2011
-**Storage locations:**      NorStore (/norstore_osl/projects/NS2345K/noresm/cases/N_r99PDX)where X = yr116, noBCyr116, noBCdepyr116  +**Ensemble runs:**          Yes3 members    
-**Storage space:**          1500 Gb at NorStore +**Storage locations:**      NorStore (/projects/NS2345K/noresm/cases/N20TRAERCN_f19_g16_0X), where X = ensemble member, X=1,2,3 for this particular set-up  
-**Projects:**               EarthClim/ACCESS+**Storage space:**          1,6 Tb at NorStore (for each ensemble member) 
-**Publications:**            +**Projects:**               EarthClim
-**Papers in preparation:**  Sand et al. (submitted)+**Publications:**            Bentsen, M., I. Bethke, J. B. Debernard, T. Iversen, A. Kirkevåg, Ø. Seland, H. Drange, C. Roelandt, I. A. Seierstad, C. Hoose, and J. E. Kristjansson (2012): The Norwegian Earth System Model, NorESM1-M. Part 1: Description and basic evaluation, Geosci. Model Dev., 6, 687-720, doi:10.5194/gmd-6-687-2013
-**Simulation name(s):**     N_r99PDX, where X = yr116noBCyr116noBCdepyr116 +**Papers in preparation:**   
 +**Simulation name(s):**     N20TRAERCN_f19_g16_0X), where X = ensemble member, where X = 1,2,3 for this set-up 
-**Compset name used:**      NAER2000+**Compset name used:**      N20TRAERCN
 **Model type:**             Fully coupled **Model type:**             Fully coupled
-**Type of run:**            Initial+**Type of run:**            Hybrid
-**Simulation period:**      92 years+**Simulation period:**      156 years
-**Spin-up period:**         116 years +**Initialisation **         Start from CMIP5 control simulation. Ensemble member 1: NAER1850CNOC_f19_g16_05, year 700. 2: NAER1850CNOC_f19_g16_06, year 730, 3: NAER1850CNOC_f19_g16_06, year 760
-**Ensemble runs:**          No    +**Resolution:**             f19_g16= 1.9x2.5 degree atmosphere/land. Dipolar ocean/ice grid, ~ 1 degree
-**Resolution:**             f19_g19 = 1.8x2.5+**Emission year(s):**       1850-2005 (aerosol and aerosol-precursors) 
-**Emission year(s):**       2000 (aerosols and precursors), but BC emissions set to 0 for X = noBCyr116. For X = noBCdepyr116 BC emissions are for year 2000, but deposition of BC on snow and sea-ice is set to 0.      +**Greenhouse gases:**        Prescribed concentrations 1850-2005
 **Emission inventories**    IPCC AR5, see references in [[|Kirkevåg et al. (2013)]]   **Emission inventories**    IPCC AR5, see references in [[|Kirkevåg et al. (2013)]]  
-**Frequency for output:**   Monthly (for atmocn and lnd)+**Frequency for output:**   Monthly and selected daily 1850-1949: Monthly + daily + 6h +3h as defined by CMIP5: 1950-2005 
 +**Active/changing forcing agents:**  Greenhouse gases: Direct and indirect (1. & 2.) effects of SO4POM and BC.  
 +** Special considerations: ** An extension of the historical simulation to 2012 is done by using RCP8.5 scenario; There is a bug in the column burden for aerosols. The column burden has to be recalculated using concentrations. This was corrected before the RCP scenarios (revision 118); The CMIP 5 files for these simulations can be found at /projects/NS9034K/CMIP5/output1/NCC/NorESM1-M/historical. 
-**Active/changing forcing agents:**  Direct and indirect (1. & 2.) effects by anthropogenic SO4, POM and BC. The effects of all BC is found from the difference between the experiments N_r99yr116 and N_r99noBCyr116, and the effect of BC deposited on snow and sea-ice is found from the difference between N_r99yr116 and N_r99noBCdepyr116. 
 **Tuning parameters which are changed relative to the host model CAM4:**  **Tuning parameters which are changed relative to the host model CAM4:** 
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  • Last modified: 2022-05-31 09:23:24
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