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metamod:upload_spec [2011-01-10 16:40:13]
geira created
metamod:upload_spec [2022-05-31 09:29:32] (current)
Line 17: Line 17:
   * delete data files from the repository   * delete data files from the repository
   * edit metadata for the datasets   * edit metadata for the datasets
 +==== Implementation ====
 +=== General ===
 +  - user must be authenticated and authorized
 +=== Test file ===
 +  - receive file from user
 +  - validate filename
 +  - write file to webrun/upl/ftaf
 +  - write new file with same name containing user's email to webrun/upl/etaf
 +=== Upload file ===
 +  - receive file from user
 +  - check dirkey
 +  - validate filename
 +  - write file to webrun/webupload
 +  - rest is handled by upload_monitor
 +=== Register files on disk (osisaf) ===
 +  - user calls webservice with filename, dataset and dirkey
 +  - call upload_indexer
  • metamod/upload_spec.1294677613.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2022-05-31 09:23:19
  • (external edit)