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metamod:logging [2010-07-06 12:40:33]
heikok starting with head1
metamod:logging [2022-05-31 09:29:32] (current)
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 It is important to understand how the log4p* frameworks work before you start using them. In particular it is important to understand how categories, levels and appenders work. This article gives a good introduction to the central concepts of the frameworks: It is important to understand how the log4p* frameworks work before you start using them. In particular it is important to understand how categories, levels and appenders work. This article gives a good introduction to the central concepts of the frameworks:
 +===== Synopsis =====
 +<code perl>
 +#There are three possbilities for initialising the logger
 +# 1. Initialise it at compile time like this. This method assumes the use of the default master_config.txt file
 +use Metamod::Config qw(:init_logger);
 +# 2. Use the Metamod::Config object
 +use Metamod::Config;
 +my $config = Metamod::Config->new();
 +# 3. Use the static class function
 +use Metamod::Config;
 +Metamod::Config::staticInitLogger($path_to_master_config); # or Metamod::Config::staticInitLogger();
 +#after initialisation
 +use Log::Log4perl qw(get_logger); #this line can be before init as well
 +my $logger = get_logger($category);
 +$logger->error("something wrong just happend\n"); # remember \n
 +<code php>
 +  # There are three possible ways to initialise the logger
 +  # 1. Initialise the default config
 +  require_once("../funcs/");
 +  $mmConfig->initLogger(); # $mmConfig is created when is parsed
 +  # 2. Initialise using a different config
 +  require_once("../funcs/"); 
 +  $otherConfig = new MMConfig($path_to_other_config);
 +  $otherConfig->initLogger();
 +  # 3. Initialise using a static function that is basically option 2. reduced to one statement
 +  require_once("../funcs/"); 
 +  $otherConfig = MMConfig::getInstanceWithLogger();
 +  # after the logger is initialised you can do this
 +  # Note that you don't need to include the log4php library as that has already been done 
 +  $logger = Logger::getLogger( $category );
 +  $logger->info( 'Loggmelding' );    
 ===== Configuration ===== ===== Configuration =====
 +  # prevent garbage from reaching the root logger
   log4perl.appender.SEARCH_LOGGER=Log::Log4perl::Appender::File   log4perl.appender.SEARCH_LOGGER=Log::Log4perl::Appender::File
   log4perl.appender.SEARCH_LOGGER.filename = /some/file   log4perl.appender.SEARCH_LOGGER.filename = /some/file
   log4perl.appender.SEARCH_LOGGER.layout=Log::Log4perl::Layout::PatternLayout   log4perl.appender.SEARCH_LOGGER.layout=Log::Log4perl::Layout::PatternLayout
   log4perl.appender.SEARCH_LOGGER.layout.ConversionPattern=%F on line: %L msg: %m%n   log4perl.appender.SEARCH_LOGGER.layout.ConversionPattern=%F on line: %L msg: %m%n
-  # prevent garbage from reaching the root logger + 
-  log4perl.appender.SEARCH_LOGGER.additivity=0+==== Example screen appender ==== 
 +The following configuration will send all log messages to the screen. 
 +  log4perl.rootLogger=DEBUG, SCREEN 
 +  log4perl.appender.SCREEN=Log::Log4perl::Appender::Screen 
 +  log4perl.appender.SCREEN.stderr = 1 
 +  log4perl.appender.SCREEN.layout=Log::Log4perl::Layout::PatternLayout 
 +  log4perl.appender.SCREEN.layout.ConversionPattern=[%p] %c %m in %F at line %L%n
 ===== Levels ===== ===== Levels =====
Line 37: Line 101:
   * FATAL: requires instant human assistance (IT operations). For instance full disks, lack of connection to database servers, file servers or LDAP.   * FATAL: requires instant human assistance (IT operations). For instance full disks, lack of connection to database servers, file servers or LDAP.
   * ERROR: serious error, but isolated to current task/request. Does not affect entire METAMOD instance. IT operations should be notified.   * ERROR: serious error, but isolated to current task/request. Does not affect entire METAMOD instance. IT operations should be notified.
 +    * Exceptions, even if caught later
   * WARNING: Might be an error, but not necessarily. Should be looked at to see if it is an actual problem.   * WARNING: Might be an error, but not necessarily. Should be looked at to see if it is an actual problem.
-  * INFO: Used to track main application use in production. For instance tracking user log inuploads, metadata parsing info and other statistics+    * milder Exceptions, usually caught 
 +  * INFO: Used to track main application use in production
 +    * tracking user 
 +      * log in 
 +      * log out 
 +      * generate/update directories 
 +    * tracking of data: 
 +      * uploads (ftp/http (which user?)) 
 +      * moving 
 +      * deletion 
 +    * tracking of metadata 
 +      * source (ncdigestharvest), ownertag 
 +      * installing/changing xml-files 
 +      * changes of xmd-metadata (which user?) 
 +      * uploading to search-database(s) 
 +    *  other statistics?
   * DEBUG: Free to be used by the developers as they see fit during development. DEBUG logging should rarely be used in production.   * DEBUG: Free to be used by the developers as they see fit during development. DEBUG logging should rarely be used in production.
  • metamod/logging.1278420033.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2022-05-31 09:23:19
  • (external edit)