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mersea-oil-spill:wiki_instructions [2007-09-13 08:27:32]
mersea-oil-spill:wiki_instructions [2022-05-31 09:29:32] (current)
Line 40: Line 40:
-This is an uploaded image:  {{ charybdis.png|The sea monster Charybdis }}                +This is an uploaded image:  {{charybdis.png|The sea monster Charybdis}}                
 This is a document file: {{wp12.3_demo_plans.doc|Mersea oil spill demo plan document}}      This is a document file: {{wp12.3_demo_plans.doc|Mersea oil spill demo plan document}}     
 This is a zipped kml data file: {{| oil spill 5 kml}} This is a zipped kml data file: {{| oil spill 5 kml}}
 +===== GoogleEarth data files (kml) =====
 +We will test the use of GoogleEarth as a means of diplaying the oil spill forecasts for a broad range of users. The forecast providers will upload GoogleEarth-ready files (in kml or kmz format). Users may then download them as described above and load them into GoogleEarth locally. 
 +Note: [[kml_workaround|DokuWiki and kml]]
  • mersea-oil-spill/wiki_instructions.1189672052.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2022-05-31 09:23:19
  • (external edit)