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kvalobs:kvoss:todo [2010-01-22 14:30:51]
kvalobs:kvoss:todo [2022-05-31 09:29:32] (current)
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 The original to do list is managed in a word document at met.no. Here updated versions of the todo list are posted as well as space to discuss tasks of wider interest. The objective of this page is to provide global visibility of the to do list. The original to do list is managed in a word document at met.no. Here updated versions of the todo list are posted as well as space to discuss tasks of wider interest. The objective of this page is to provide global visibility of the to do list.
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 | {{kvoss:kvalobs-hqc-plan-104.doc|20080304}}                |#| - | - | | {{kvoss:kvalobs-hqc-plan-104.doc|20080304}}                |#| - | - |
 | - |#| {{kvoss:kvalobs-plan-203.doc|20081104}}  | - | | - |#| {{kvoss:kvalobs-plan-203.doc|20081104}}  | - |
-| - |#| {{:kvoss:kvalobs-plan-209.doc|20090511}} | - | +| - |#| {{kvalobs:kvoss:kvalobs-plan-209.doc|20090511}} | - | 
-| - |#| {{:kvoss:kvalobs-plan-211.doc|20100122}} | - |+| - |#| {{kvalobs:kvoss:kvalobs-plan-211.doc|20100122}} | - | 
 +| - |#| {{kvalobs:kvoss:kvalobs-plan-213.rtf|20100208}} | - |
 | - |#| - | - | | - |#| - | - |
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 [[Link]] to archive of old discussions [[Link]] to archive of old discussions
 +===== QC2 specifications =====
 +===== QC1 enhancement specifications =====
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   * [[status20090826|Oppsummering av statusmøtet 2009-08-26]]   * [[status20090826|Oppsummering av statusmøtet 2009-08-26]]
-  +  * {{kvalobs:kvoss:prosjektdirektiv_2009-09-14.pdf|Prosjektdirektiv 2009-09-14}} 
- +  * Oppdatert prosjektdirektiv 2010: {{kvalobs:kvoss:prosjektdirektiv.2009-09-14.doc|(.doc)}} og {{kvalobs:kvoss:prosjektdirektiv_2009-09-14.odt|(.odt)}} 
 +  * [[product_backlog|Hva skal gjøres i KVALOBS prosjektet?(product backlog)]]
  • kvalobs/kvoss/todo.1264170651.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2022-05-31 09:23:18
  • (external edit)