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kvalobs:kvoss:todo [2008-11-04 12:34:03]
kvalobs:kvoss:todo [2022-05-31 09:29:32] (current)
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 The original to do list is managed in a word document at met.no. Here updated versions of the todo list are posted as well as space to discuss tasks of wider interest. The objective of this page is to provide global visibility of the to do list. The original to do list is managed in a word document at met.no. Here updated versions of the todo list are posted as well as space to discuss tasks of wider interest. The objective of this page is to provide global visibility of the to do list.
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 ^Norwegian ^ ^English ^ ... ^ ^Norwegian ^ ^English ^ ... ^
-| {{kvoss:kvalobs-hqc-plan-103.doc|20080303}}                |#| {{kvoss:kvalobs-plan-201.doc|20081104}} | - |+| {{kvoss:kvalobs-hqc-plan-103.doc|20080303}}                |#| - | - |
 | {{kvoss:kvalobs-hqc-plan-104.doc|20080304}}                |#| - | - | | {{kvoss:kvalobs-hqc-plan-104.doc|20080304}}                |#| - | - |
-| {{kvoss:kvalobs-hqc-plan-104.doc|LAST NORWEGIAN VERSION}}  |#| - | - |+| - |#| {{kvoss:kvalobs-plan-203.doc|20081104}}  | - | 
 +| - |#| {{kvalobs:kvoss:kvalobs-plan-209.doc|20090511}} | - | 
 +| - |#| {{kvalobs:kvoss:kvalobs-plan-211.doc|20100122}} | - | 
 +| - |#| {{kvalobs:kvoss:kvalobs-plan-213.rtf|20100208}} | - |
 | - |#| - | - | | - |#| - | - |
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 +===== QC2 specifications =====
 +===== QC1 enhancement specifications =====
 +===== Kvalobs*QC preparation documents =====
- +  * [[status20090826|Oppsummering av statusmøtet 2009-08-26]] 
- +  {{kvalobs:kvoss:prosjektdirektiv_2009-09-14.pdf|Prosjektdirektiv 2009-09-14}} 
- +  Oppdatert prosjektdirektiv 2010: {{kvalobs:kvoss:prosjektdirektiv.2009-09-14.doc|(.doc)}} og {{kvalobs:kvoss:prosjektdirektiv_2009-09-14.odt|(.odt)}} 
- +  [[product_backlog|Hva skal gjøres i KVALOBS prosjektet?(product backlog)]]
- +
-===== Summary of high pritority tasks ===== +
- +
-The summary is provided for information only to give an indication of tasks in progress. The status and full details of tasks are tracked in the todo document (above 8-o) and/or [[https://kvoss.bugs.met.no|Bugzilla]]. +
- +
-Pri=0 represents highest priority. +
- +
- +
-^ Pri ^ Akt.Nr. ^ System ^ Description ^ Solved ^ +
-| 0 | 10 | Aggregator | <del>Aggregere RR_12 for Geonor. **Aggregation of data for GEONOR**</del>| X | +
-| 0 | 20 | qaBase ; obs_pgm | Hvordan bestemme hva som skal kontrolleres betydning av obs_pgm **How to decide what to control meaning of obs_pgm**+
-| 0 | 21 | qaBase ; obs_pgm | <del>Sommertid for nedbørstasjoner **Summertime for precipitation station**</del> All morning observations will be set to 06 UTC because of the real variation in observation time at manual stations, and because of the increasing use of 06 UTC obs time| X | +
-| 0 | 25 | qaBase | <del>Forbedre html-loggene **Improvements in HTML log files**</del>| X | +
-| 0 | 30 | Flyt ut av Kvalobs | <del>Kv2kl og kv2klgetdata må tolke kv2klima_filter ** Kv2kl and kv2klgetdata must interpret kv2klima_filter**</del> | X | +
-| 0 | 31 | Flyt ut av Kvalobs | Ikke overensstemmelse mellom kvalobs og kv2klima **Inconsistencies between kvalobs and kv2klima** | | +
-| 0 | 32 | Flyt ut av Kvalobs | kvServiced2, persistente subscribere **persistent subscription**| | +
-| 0 | 33 | Flyt ut av Kvalobs | <del>Overføring av text_data til KlimaDB **Transfer of text data to KlimaDB**</del>| X | +
-| 0 | 41 | Flyt inn i Kvalobs | <del>Backup av rader i data-tabellen som overskrivesVesjonering. **Backup of over-written rows in the data-tableVersioning**</del>X | +
-| 0 | 140 | Implementering | Prosedyrer for implementering og testing **Procedures for implementation and testing** | | +
-| 0 | 141 | Implementering | Algoritmetesting **Algorithm Testing**| | +
-| 0 | 150 | Flagg |   | | +
-| 0 | 404 | S/W and H/W | <del>Byggesystem **Build System**</del>| X | +
-| 0 | 45 | Flyt inn i Kvalobs | Transaksjoner **Transactions** __Delvis løst:...__| Partly | +
-| 1 | 11 | Aggregator | <del>Feil i aggregator for TAX_12 og TAN_12 **Error in aggregation of TAX_12 and TAN_12**</del> | X | +
-| 1 | 22 | qaBase | QABase takler ikke mer enn en typid for samme paramID **QABase no longer handles a typeid for the same paramID**| | +
-| 1 | 23 | qaBase | level og sensor **level and sensor**| | +
-| 1 | 27 | qaBase | QABase ignorerer typeid i signaturen ichecks-fila. **QaBase ignores typeid in the signature checks file** | | +
-| 1 | 43 | Flyt inn i Kvalobs | Innlegging av korrigerte meldinger **input of corrected missing data** | | +
-| 1 | 60 | Dekoding | <del>Snødybde og snødekke</del> | X | +
-| 1 | 70 | QC2 | QC2romkontroll og interpolering **space control and interpolation**| | +
-| 1 | 80 | QC1 | Nye metadata for QC1 **New metadata for QC2**| | +
-| 1 | 91 | HQC-1 | Flagging og nær sanntids-håndtering av svært mistenkelige data**Flagging and handling of very suspicious data.** +
-| 1 | 95 | HQC | Maritim HQC ved VV | | +
-| 1 | 160 | Datafangst | Sikre datafangst fra utomatstasjoner **Secure data capture from ??automatic?? stations** | | +
-| 1 | 300 | Dokumentasjon | Dokumentasjon over til dokIT **transfer of documentation to wiki (is it really dokit ... internal?)**+
-| 1 | 403 | S/W and H/W | <del>Porting av Kvalobs til etch **Porting of kvalobs to etch (new machine?)**</del>| X | +
- +
- +
- +
- +
- +
  • kvalobs/kvoss/todo.1225802043.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2022-05-31 09:23:18
  • (external edit)