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kvalobs:kvoss:system:qc2:requirements [2009-12-06 18:26:40]
kvalobs:kvoss:system:qc2:requirements [2022-05-31 09:29:32]
Line 1: Line 1:
-====== Requirements ====== 
-**Specification of Qc2 Algorithms** 
-  * [[.Requirements:Algorithms:Template|Algorithm Template]] 
-  * [[.Requirements:Algorithms:RARR_24|Redistribution of 24 hour preciptation]] 
-  * [[.Requirements:Algorithms:MIST|Interpolation of _Single_ Missing Temperature Observations with TAN, TAX comparison]] 
-  * [[.Requirements:Algorithms:MIST|Interpolation of Missing Temperature Observations]] 
-  * [[.Requirements:Algorithms:Extreme|Detection and correction of extremes / Dip Test / ...]] 
-  * [[.Requirements:Algorithms:Interpolation|General Guide to Interpolation Options]] 
-  * [[...]] 
-  * [[..]] 
-  * [[.]] 
-**System Specification** 
-  * {{kvoss:system:qc2:flags_in_qc2.ppt|Qc2 Flags}} 
-**NORDKLIM-OBS Project 4** 
-A Nordklim-OBS working group is in the process of being set up to develop Qc2 algorithms and provide guidelines for Qc2 software development. 
-   * [[.Requirements:Nordklim|Inputs from the NORDKLIM-OBS working group]] 
-   * [[http://www.smhi.se/hfa_coord/nordklim/index.php?page=project|NORDKLIM]] 
  • kvalobs/kvoss/system/qc2/requirements.txt
  • Last modified: 2022-05-31 09:29:32
  • (external edit)