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emep:page1:emepmscw_opensource [2013-05-24 11:27:56]
semeenav [Verification Tables]
emep:page1:emepmscw_opensource [2022-05-31 09:29:32] (current)
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 ====== Open Source EMEP/MSC-W model ====== ====== Open Source EMEP/MSC-W model ======
-=====Welcome===== +The EMEP models have been instrumental to the development of air quality policies in Europe since the late 1970s, mainly through their support to the strategy work under the [[http://www.unece.org/env/lrtap/welcome.html|Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution]]. In the 1990s the EMEP models became also the reference tools for atmospheric dispersion calculations as input to the Integrated Assessment Modelling, which supports the development of air quality polices in the European Union. 
-The EMEP models have been instrumental to the development of air quality policies in Europe since the late 1970s, mainly through their support to the strategy work under the [[http://www.unece.org/env/lrtap/welcome.html|Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution]]. In the 1990s the EMEP models became also the reference tools for atmospheric dispersion calculations as input to the Integrated Assessment Modelling, which supports the development of air quality polices in the European Union. While results from the EMEP models have been available to the international community through the [[http://www.emep.int|EMEP ]] programme for many years, the model code of one of the EMEP chemical transport models was made publicly available only recently. +
- +
-Through this web page the EMEP/MSC-W model version rv4.3 is released, together with a full set of input data for the year 2010, under [[http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html|GPL license v3]].  +
- +
-[[ftp://ftp.met.no/projects/emep/OpenSource/201304/|OpenSource2013 (rv4.3)]] +
- +
-This tar file of Opensource code rv4.3 contains the model code, the runscript, namelist file called 'config_emep.nml' and the GPL licence.  'config_emep.nml' is a new feature of the model and the necessary flags and switches are defined here, whereas it was defined in the module 'ModelConstants_ml.f90' in the previous versions.   +
- +
-Previous releases: +
-  * [[ftp://ftp.met.no/projects/emep/OpenSource/201209/|OpenSource2012 (rv4.0)]] +
-  * [[ftp://ftp.met.no/projects/emep/OpenSource/201108/|OpenSource2011 (v.2011-06)]] +
-  * [[ftp://ftp.met.no/projects/emep/OpenSource/200802/|OpenSource2008 (rv3)]] +
- +
-The EMEP/MSC-W model is designed to calculate air concentrations and deposition fields for major acidifying and eutrophying pollutants, photo-oxidants and particulate matter. The present release of the model is intended to: +
-  * facilitate insight in the model assumptions, the parametrisation used, the requirements for input data and the actual model code +
-  * encourage dialogue and collaboration with the modelling community +
-  * allow individual model runs and insight on how to run different scenarios +
- +
-Questions on the EMEP model can be addressed to [[emep.mscw@met.no]]. Support to the user community will be developed here with your contribution. Please let us know what your needs for information are. +
- +
-=====Documentation===== +
-The EMEP/MSC-W model is a chemical transport model developed at the Meteorological Synthesizing Centre - West (MSC-W) at the Norwegian Meteorological Institute (met.no). The EMEP model is a limited-area, terrain following sigma coordinate model designed to calculate air concentration and deposition fields for +
- +
-    * acidifying and eutrophying compounds (S, N) +
-    * ground level ozone (O3) +
-    * particulate matter (PM2.5, PM10).  +
- +
-as well as their long-range transport and fluxes across national boundaries (Transboundary air pollution). A history of the development of the EMEP model can be found at [[http://www.emep.int/models.html#mscwmodels|http://www.emep.int/models]]. +
- +
-====Model Description==== +
-The EMEP MSC-W chemical transport model – technical description +
-D. Simpson, A. Benedictow, H. Berge, R. Bergström, L. D. Emberson, H. Fagerli, C. R. Flechard, G. D. Hayman, M. Gauss, J. E. Jonson, M. E. Jenkin, A. Nyíri, C. Richter, V. S. Semeena, S. Tsyro, J.-P. Tuovinen, Á. Valdebenito, and P. Wind +
-Atmos. Chem. Phys., 12, 7825-7865, 2012 +
-http://www.atmos-chem-phys.net/12/7825/2012/acp-12-7825-2012.html +
- +
-====Computer requirements==== +
-To compile the EMEP model you need: +
-  * Fortran 95 compiler +
-  * NetCDF Library (>4.1.3) +
-  * MPI Library (>1.0) +
- +
-It is necessary to compile with double precision reals (8 bytes reals). The program has +
-been used on computers ranging from a Linux laptop to supercomputers (Itanium2 cluster, +
-Intel Xeon cluster, Cray XT4, IBM power5+). It is compatible with all compilers tested +
-so far: Intel, PGI, gfortran, XL fortran. A Make file is included, the path to netcdf (INCL +
-and LLIB) has to be adapted to your machine, and to the fortran compiler (F90) and  +
-flags (F90FLAGS) to the compiler you are using. +
- +
-The code has been tested with 1 to 1024 CPUs, and scales well (for large grids). If +
-only one CPU is used 1-2 GB memory is required. If more than one, for example 64 +
-CPUs are used, 200 MB of memory per CPU is enough (in the case of a 132 X 159 grid +
-size). For runs on more than 32 CPUs, a fast interconnect is recommended (in finiband +
-for example), for smaller runs, gigabit ethernet is sufficient. It takes ~3.5 hrs on 64*Xeon +
-X5355 (2.66GHz) for a 1-year simulation. +
- +
-When downloading input data in order to do a "base run" please make sure that there +
-are 35 Gb disc space available, especially due to large meteorology input fi les. The model +
-can be run for shorter periods, users can download meteorology for only the period they +
-are interested in, plus one day. +
- +
-=====Registration as an EMEP User===== +
-It is recommended to [[http://dynamic.emep.int/forum/ucp.php?mode=login|register as an EMEP User]] before you start downloading any input data, model code or model results. Please read through the "Terms of use" and "Privacy Policy" thoroughly before you agree to the terms presented there. +
- +
-Your registration gives you access to the [[http://dynamic.emep.int/forum/|EMEP forum]] where questions and answers on the model code and its uses are to be exchanged. Support to the user community of the EMEP model will develop here with your contribution. +
- +
-The information given about your e-mail address in this registration is not to be distributed, but it is stored in a database only available to the administrator of this EMEP Forum. The database can be useful for the EMEP/MSC-W group if, for instance, special information about the EMEP/MSC-W model is to be distributed to the Users. +
- +
-=====Download===== +
-You are recommended to [[#registration_as_an_emep_user|register as an EMEP User]] and read all chapters of the [[ftp://ftp.met.no/projects/emep/OpenSource/201304/userguide_rv4_3.pdf|EMEP/MSC-W model User Guide]] before you start downloading data from the following links: +
-  * a complete set of [[#input data]] to allow for model runs for year 2010 +
-  * the open source [[#model code]] of the EMEP/MSC-W model version rv4_3 +
-  * [[#model results]] for the year 2010 for comparison of a successful run +
- +
-====Input data==== +
-A complete set of input files is provided in tar files available from the EMEP/MSC-W Open Source ftp sites: +
-[[ftp://ftp.met.no/projects/emep/OpenSource/met2010|met2010]] and [[ftp://ftp.met.no/projects/emep/OpenSource/201304/input_data|input_data]] to allow model runs for the year 2010. +
- +
-**IMPORTANT:** The input data available in this ftp site should be appropriately acknowledged when used for model runs. If nothing else is specified according to references further in this chapter, please acknowledge EMEP/MSC-W in any use of these data. +
- +
-The standard input files for the EMEP model are provided in two different formats, netCDF or ASCII. We presently follow as much as possible the [[http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/software/netcdf/conventions.html|netCDF CF1.0 conventions]] for both input and output data. More details about the input files are described in Chapter 2 of the [[ftp://ftp.met.no/projects/emep/OpenSource/201304/userguide_rv4_3.pdf|EMEP/MSC-W model User Guide]].  +
- +
-====Model Code==== +
-The EMEP/MSC-W model code version rv4.3 is archived into a tar file available from the EMEP Open Source ftp site [[ftp://ftp.met.no/projects/emep/OpenSource/201304/model_code|model_code]]. The tar file includes the model source code, a run script, the namelist file, a makefile and a copy of the gpl license. More details about the model code and how to submit a model run are described in the [[ftp://ftp.met.no/projects/emep/OpenSource/201304/userguide_rv4_3.pdf|EMEP MSC-W model User Guide]]. +
- +
-The EMEP/MSC-W model is very flexible with regard to the horizontal resolution and in 2008 the EMEP domain was extended to include EECCA countries. The current version, and the provided gridded input data, have a horizontal resolution of 50x50 km2 (at 60°N) and are defined on a polar stereographic projection.  +
- +
-====Model Results==== +
-A reference run for the year 2010 have been done and the results of this run is available from the EMEP Open Source ftp site [[ftp://ftp.met.no/projects/emep/OpenSource/201304/model_results_rv4_3_2010|model_results]] for comparison for new users of the EMEP/MSC-W model. +
- +
-The main output files are in netCDF ([[http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/software/netcdf/conventions.html|netCDF CF1.0 conventions]]) format and some additional output files are in ASCII format. More details about the output files are described in Chapter 3 of the [[ftp://ftp.met.no/projects/emep/OpenSource/201304/userguide_rv4_3.pdf|EMEP MSC-W model User Guide]] +
- +
-=====Verification===== +
-The EMEP/MSC-W model is validated and reported to the Cooperative Programme for Monitoring and Evaluation of the Long-range Transmission for Air Pollutants in Europe ([[http://www.emep.int/|EMEP]]) each year by the EMEP/MSC-W group. The reports can be found under the following links: +
-    * [[http://www.emep.int/publ/common_publications.html|Status Reports]] +
-    * [[http://www.emep.int/OpenSource/index.html|Technical Reports]] +
-    * [[http://www.emep.int/mscw/mscw_datanotes.html|Country Reports]] +
- +
-======Verification Tables======= +
-A set of verification tables is created for different versions of the model and can be found under the following links:  +
- +
-{{:emep:page1:Res_rv4_0_2010.pdf|Verification Table rv4_0_2010}}\\ +
-{{:emep:page1:Res_BMscript_rv4_2564_2010.pdf|Verification Table rv4_2564_2010}} \\ +
-{{:emep:page1:Res_rv3_7_5_2008.pdf|Verification Table rv3_7_5_2008}}\\ +
-{{:emep:page1:Res_rv3_7rc5_2008.pdf|Verification Table rv3_7rc5_2008}}\\ +
-======***Notes on current Open source code***======================== +
- +
-An error was found recently with the way soil-NOx emissions are working. These emissions depend upon a pre-calculated field of annual N-depositions. To save having to re-calculate that field every time a new future scenario was introduced, i.e., a scaling system which compares the future EU emissions with current-day ones, and just scaled accordingly. The problem with this is that if changes are made in emissions from just one EU country, the whole soil-NOx emission field changes, so we can get emission changes in e.g. the Po valley. So care should be taken while using this code for major production runs such as Source Receptor calculations.   +
- +
-Also please note that the code does not work well with 'gfortran' All these will be fixed soon and a new Open Source code will be released after EMEP Reporting this year, which is in June.  In the mean time, a revised version of the code will be available on request for 'gfortran' and Source Receptor purposes.    +
- +
- +
-========Training Course Presentations (24-26 April 2013)========= +
- +
-The Presentations of EMEP MSC-W Taining Course from 24-26th April 2013 are now available at the following links:   +
- +
-{{:emep:page1:Dave_Intro_240413.pdf|Training Course Introduction 240413, David Simpson}} +
- +
-{{:emep:page1:Svetlana_EMEPIntro_240413.pdf|Training Course Introduction 240413, Svetlana Tsyro}} +
- +
-{{:emep:page1:Agnes_Emissions_240413.pdf|Training Course Emissions 240413, Agnes Nyiri}} +
- +
-{{:emep:page1:Peter_CompRequ_240413.pdf|Training Course Computer Requirements 240413, Peter Wind}} +
- +
-{{:emep:page1:Anna_MET_240413.pdf|Training Course Computer Meteorology 240413, Anna Benedictov}} +
- +
-{{:emep:page1:Semeena_Exercises_240413.pdf|Training Course Exercises 240413}}, {{:emep:page1:Notes.pdf|Exercises_Notes 240413, Semeena Valiyaveetil}} +
- +
-{{:emep:page1:Dave_Chemistry_250413.pdf|Training Course Chemistry 250413, David Simpson}} +
- +
-{{:emep:page1:Svetlana_Aerosols_250413.pdf|Training Course Aerosols 250413, Svetlana Tsyro}} +
- +
-{{:emep:page1:Peter_GridFlex_250413.pdf|Training Course Grid Flexibility 250413, Peter Wind}} +
- +
-{{:emep:page1:JanEiof_Outputs_250413.pdf|Training Course Outputs 250413, Jan Eiof Jonson}} +
- +
-{{:emep:page1:Birthe_NewSpecies_250413.pdf|Training Course New Species 250413, Birthe Steensen}} +
- +
-{{:emep:page1:Mathias_PlumeRise_250413.pdf|Training Course Plume Rise 250413, Mathias Karl}} +
- +
-{{:emep:page1:Massimo_WRF-EMEP_250413.pdf|Training Course WRF EMEP 250413, Massimo Vieno}} +
- +
-{{:emep:page1:Dave_FutureIssues_250413.pdf|Training Course Future Issues 250413, David Simpson}} +
- +
-{{:emep:page1:Alvaro_NCLPlot_260413.pdf|Training Course NCL Plotting 260413}},[[ftp://ftp.met.no/projects/emep/OpenSource/201304/mscw-osrc_ncl.tar.gz|NCL Plotting Scripts, Alvaro Valdebenito ]] +
- +
-{{:emep:page1:Semeena_Plotting_260413.pdf|Training Course Plotting 260413, Semeena Valiyaveetil}} +
- +
-{{:emep:page1:MichaelG_Products_260413.pptx|Training Course Products 260413, Michael Gauss}} +
- +
-{{:emep:page1:Jan_ITInfra_260413.pdf|Training Course IT Infrastructure 260413, Jan Griesfeller}} +
- +
-{{:emep:page1:MichaelS_Verification_260413.pdf|Training Course Verification 260413, Michael Schulz}} +
- +
- +
- +
 +**We moved:**
 +You can find the latest latest EMEP/MSC-W model version on the projects 
 +[[https://github.com/metno/emep-ctm|github page]].
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