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emep:emep-experts:tfmmtrendstations [2016-08-22 14:04:54]
augustin.colette@ineris.fr [National datasets]
emep:emep-experts:tfmmtrendstations [2022-05-31 09:29:32] (current)
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 After the TFMM workshop in Krakow, further screening of the datasets was done and a final datasets and statistical results can be downloaded: After the TFMM workshop in Krakow, further screening of the datasets was done and a final datasets and statistical results can be downloaded:
 +These data are used in the Joint Report of the EMEP TFMM, CCC, MSC-E, MSC-W, [[http://www.nilu.no/projects/ccc/reports/cccr1-2016.pdf|Air pollution trends in the EMEP region between 1990 and 2012]],EMEP/CCC-Report 1/2016
 +**Sulfur, nitrogen and PM**
-**Sulphur, nitrogen and PM** 
- +    * [[https://wiki.met.no/_media/emep/emep-experts/Trend_1990_2012_alldata.xlsx|Benchmark dataset in excel format]] for S,N and PM including annual and seasonal means 
-    * [[https://wiki.met.no/_media/emep/emep-experts/main_trend_1990_2012_oct2015.xlsx|Benchmark dataset in excel format]] for S,N and PM including annual and seasonal means +
     * [[https://wiki.met.no/_media/emep/emep-experts/annual_datafiles_assessement.zip|Benchmark dataset annual mean in ascii format]]  for S,N and PM      * [[https://wiki.met.no/_media/emep/emep-experts/annual_datafiles_assessement.zip|Benchmark dataset annual mean in ascii format]]  for S,N and PM 
     * [[https://wiki.met.no/_media/emep/emep-experts/season_datafiles_assessement.zip|Benchmark dataset seasonal mean in ascii format]] for S,N and PM      * [[https://wiki.met.no/_media/emep/emep-experts/season_datafiles_assessement.zip|Benchmark dataset seasonal mean in ascii format]] for S,N and PM 
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 **Ozone**  **Ozone** 
-    * [[https://wiki.met.no/_media/emep/emep-experts/README_O3.txt|README]]  Short explanation of the data+    * [[https://wiki.met.no/_media/emep/emep-experts/README_O3_new.txt|README]]  Short explanation of the data
     * Data:      * Data: 
  • emep/emep-experts/tfmmtrendstations.1471874694.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2022-05-31 09:23:15
  • (external edit)