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ecoop-river:start:s2.5.2 [2007-10-15 20:43:37]
ecoop-river:start:s2.5.2 [2022-05-31 09:29:32]
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-====== Subtask 2.5.2 ====== 
-Title: **Interfacing to ECOOP Data Management System** 
-Lead partner: **met.no** 
-Participants: **All** 
-Period: **Months 4-24**  
-===== Activity description (Annex I 6.1) ===== 
-  * clarify data policy issues within the various regions; 
-  * define data transfer procedures from data providers to the EDMS; 
-  * adopt data formats and procedures defined for the EDMS; 
-  * clarify data exchange requirements in the regional associations; 
-  * initial tests of the data flow procedures on representative sources in each region. 
-===== Work Package description (Annex I 8.1) ===== 
-===== Deliverables ===== 
-^ No.      ^ Title                                                               ^ Resp   ^ MM ^ Nature ^ Diss ^ Due ^ 
-| D2.5.2.1 | Interfacing river runoff data to the ECOOP Data Management System   | met.no |  3 |  R      PP  |  18 | 
-===== Action list ===== 
-[[start:s2.5.1:actions|⇒ Action list]] 
  • ecoop-river/start/s2.5.2.txt
  • Last modified: 2022-05-31 09:29:32
  • (external edit)