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ecoop-eurodess:s9.2.2_-_ecosystem_health_in_the_north_sea [2009-05-27 08:50:07]
ecoop-eurodess:s9.2.2_-_ecosystem_health_in_the_north_sea [2022-05-31 09:29:32]
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-====== S9.2.2 - Ecosystem health in the North Sea ====== 
-===== Description ===== 
-This work package addresses 'Ecosystem Health in the North Sea', intended for decision makers concerned with monitoring and predicting the health of marine ecosystems - for example whether there is a risk of algal bloom, poor water quality, or danger to marine organisms. The information provided is past, present and forecast ocean information from the UK Met Office Shelf-Seas physical and ecosystem numerical model (which is called MRCS-ERSEM), together with ocean measurements from several fixed and moving platforms. These include:  
-  * SmartBuoys operated by the Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science  
-  * Ferrybox systems operated by the UK National Oceanography Centre, and the Norwegian Institute for Water Research  
-  * Fixed platforms that contribute observations to EuroGOOS, through the SEPRISE project  
-Other observations are to be included during the demonstration phase. Standards based data services have been used where possible: Open Geospatial Consortium Web Map Services for maps, Web Feature Service for observations, and THREDDS OpenDAP for gridded data. This addresses another aim of the project: to provide interoperable systems that can be combined for different uses and in different regions. 
-===== Users and user requirements ===== 
-User requirements were captured for S9.2.2 Ecosystem Health in the North Sea and S9.2.8 Environmental Status Support to North Sea Fisheries Assessment, from interviews conducted with users and experts.  A single requirements capture exercise covered both applications, since the users were able to offer expertise on both and the main input dataset (UK Met Office physical-ecosystem shelf seas model) is the same.  The differences in requirement between the two systems are reflected in the two web portals. 
-==== Variables: ==== 
-  * Temperature, salinity and chlorophyll most important, followed by algal occurences.   
-  * Waves, wind and currents also useful for fisheries. 
-==== Products: ==== 
-  * Maps of surface and bottom fields and anomalies, and surface-bottom difference as a familiar proxy for stratification. 
-  * Time series. 
-==== Time Horizon: ==== 
-  * Daily for ecosystem health, past data plus five day forecast where available. 
-  * Monthly means for fisheries. 
-==== Regions: ==== 
-  * Whole MRCS domain fine for Ecosystem Health – DESS provides full flexibility for region and zoom 
-  * Subregions useful for fisheries - ICES regions are a good choice. 
-==== Resolution: ==== 
-  * 6km model resolution adequate for open water applications but may be insufficient for very-near-coast applications. 
-===== The present system ===== 
-The system will contain the following information 
-  * Ecosystem information from Met Office Medium Resolution Continental Shelf -  European Regional Seas Ecosystem Model (MRCS-ERSEM), plus near real time ecosystem observations (Smartbuoys, Ferrybox, coastal monitoring stations, others) 
-  * Forecast and hindcast information from model and observations, plus model quality assessment by comparison 
-[[|Web page]] 
  • ecoop-eurodess/s9.2.2_-_ecosystem_health_in_the_north_sea.txt
  • Last modified: 2022-05-31 09:29:32
  • (external edit)