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clipc:procedure [2015-07-15 09:08:40]
andreasd created
clipc:procedure [2022-05-31 09:29:31] (current)
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 ====== Procedure====== ====== Procedure======
-(This is mainly a reminder to myself listing the steps involved)+(This is mainly a listing of the steps involved for myself. Scripts and templates: {{:clipc:scripts.tar.gz|}})
   - run ${VAR}/scripts/FULL_batch_bc_${VAR}   - run ${VAR}/scripts/FULL_batch_bc_${VAR}
   - wait till jobs have finished   - wait till jobs have finished
Line 6: Line 6:
   - wait till jobs have finished, check .out and .err files\\ \\   - wait till jobs have finished, check .out and .err files\\ \\
   - rename files according to CLIPC, BCIP and arcticdata standards: run ../scripts/BCIP_rename_${VAR}.sh #(in out directory)   - rename files according to CLIPC, BCIP and arcticdata standards: run ../scripts/BCIP_rename_${VAR}.sh #(in out directory)
-  - Edit NetCDF attributes according to CLIPC and BCIP standards: for file in *nc.;do ../scripts/BCIP_ncatted_${VAR}.sh $file;done #(in out directory) +  - Edit NetCDF attributes according to CLIPC and BCIP standards: for file in *.nc;do ../scripts/BCIP_ncatted_${VAR}.sh $file;done #(in out directory) 
-  - Do some simple check for reasonable values: for file in *.nc; do $file;done >> ../test/basics.log &+  - Do some simple check for reasonable values: for file in *.nc; do BCIP_basic_test_${VAR}.sh $file;done >> ../test/basics.log &
   - upload to arcticdata server: adjust ${VAR}/out/ and run it   - upload to arcticdata server: adjust ${VAR}/out/ and run it
Line 18: Line 18:
   - merge eval plots to one pdf: convert -geometry 2000x1200 bias*png bias_${VAR}_EUR-11.pdf; rm bias*png   - merge eval plots to one pdf: convert -geometry 2000x1200 bias*png bias_${VAR}_EUR-11.pdf; rm bias*png
   - make taylor plot for with all models: Rscript eval_taylorplot.R   - make taylor plot for with all models: Rscript eval_taylorplot.R
  • clipc/procedure.1436951320.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2022-05-31 09:23:11
  • (external edit)