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cityzen:results [2010-02-15 16:09:51]
cityzen:results [2022-05-31 09:29:31] (current)
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 ====== CityZen Results ====== ====== CityZen Results ======
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-Important results obtained in the CityZen project will be presented here. In some cases (unpublished results), the pages containing the results will be password-protected. 
 \\ \\
 +Important results obtained in the CityZen project are presented here. In some cases (unpublished results), the pages containing the results are password-protected.
 ===== Emission data ===== ===== Emission data =====
-  * Emissions for Europe provided by INERIS, click [[emissions|here]] (requires login). +  * Emissions for Europe provided by INERIS, click [[:cityzen:page2:emissions_eur|here]] (requires login). 
-  * Global emissions provided by CNRS, click [[emissions|here]] (requires login).+  * Emissions for Istanbul and Athens provided by ECPL/ITU, click [[:cityzen:page2:emissions_ist|here]] (requires login). 
 +  * Emission data for provided by PKU, click [[:cityzen:page2:emissions_prd|here]] (requires login). 
 +  * Global emissions provided by CNRS, click [[:cityzen:page2:emissions_glob|here]] (requires login). 
 +  * Emission scenarios for 2030 provided by IIASA for the selected CityZen regions, click [[:cityzen:page2:emissions_fut|here]] (requires login). 
 ===== Ground-based measurements ===== ===== Ground-based measurements =====
-  * PRD measurement data provided by PKU, click [[measurements|here]] (requires login). +  * Eastern Mediterranean measurement data provided by ECPL, NOA, METU, and CEHM, click [[:cityzen:page2:measurements|here]]. 
-  * Po Valley measurement data provided by CNR-ISAC, click [[measurements|here]] (requires login). +  * PRD measurement data provided by PKU, click [[:cityzen:page2:measurements|here]] (requires login). 
-  * BeNeLux/Rhine-Ruhr measurement data provided by FRIUUK, click [[measurements|here]] (requires login).+  * Po Valley measurement data provided by CNR-ISAC, click [[:cityzen:page2:measurements|here]] (requires login). 
 +  * BeNeLux/Rhine-Ruhr measurement data provided by FRIUUK, click [[:cityzen:page2:measurements|here]] (requires login). 
 +  * Measurement data extracted by NILU, click [[:cityzen:page2:measurements|here]] {requires login}. 
 ===== Satellite measurements ===== ===== Satellite measurements =====
-  * Global SCIAMACHY CO2 and CH4 satellite retrievals provided by IUP, click [sat_measurements|here]] (requires login). +  * Global SCIAMACHY CO2 and CH4 satellite retrievals provided by IUP-UB, click [[:cityzen:page2:sat_measurements|here]] (requires login). 
- +  * Aerosol data from SeaWiFS and MERIS provided by IUP-UB, click [[:cityzen:page2:sat_measurements|here]] (requires login). 
 +  * GOME and SCIAMACHY NO2, SO2, HCHO, and CHOCHO data provided by IUP-UB, click [[:cityzen:page2:sat_measurements|here]] (requires login).
  • cityzen/results.1266250191.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2022-05-31 09:23:11
  • (external edit)