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cityzen:joint_activities_with_megapoli [2011-01-27 17:27:33]
cityzen:joint_activities_with_megapoli [2022-05-31 09:29:31] (current)
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 ====== MEGAPOLI & CityZen Joint Events / Meetings ====== ====== MEGAPOLI & CityZen Joint Events / Meetings ======
 +{{:cityzen:cityzenlogo_gif_small.gif?200x121|}} {{:cityzen:MEGAPOLI_logo_small.jpg?140x140||}} 
 +===Dissemination and collaboration with the EU FP7 MEGAPOLI project===
-**3-4 May 2010 – participation of the MEGAPOLI & CityZen partners and collaborators in the European Geosciences Union ([[|EGU-2010]]) Annual General Assembly (2-7 May 2010, Vienna, Austria)+The purpose of this task was linked to possibilities of mutual benefits between the EU FP7 projects MEGAPOLI and CityZen. At the beginning, after the joint Telephone Conference (Jan 2009) web pages with joint activities of the two projects were established. 
 +During 2008-2011, the special sessions on Megacities and joint splinter meetings (including also the MILAGRO project) were organized at the European Geosciences Union Annual General Assemblies - EGU-2009 (21 Apr 2009), EGU-2010 (4 May 2010) and EGU-2011 (5 Apr 2011) in Vienna, Austria, and an End-User Workshop was jointly organized in Geneva, Switzerland (WMO, Feb 2010). The two projects have made joint contributions to the WMO/IGAC assessment on megacities. ECPL has also participated in the Final MEGAPOLI Symposium (26-28 Sep 2011; Paris, France) and presented their results.\\ 
 +**4-5 April 2011 – participation of the MEGAPOLI & CityZen partners and collaborators in the European Geosciences Union ([[|EGU-2011]]) Annual General Assembly (3-8 Apr 2011, Vienna, Austria)** 
 +    * 4 Apr 2011 - Mon, 08:30-17:00 - AS3.6 Session [[|"Megacities: Air Quality and Climate Impacts from Local to Global Scales"]] (21 oral presentations); Convener: Michael Gauss, Co-Conveners: Luisa Molina, Alexander Baklanov) 
 +    * 4 Apr 2011 - Mon, 17:30-19:00 - AS3.6 Session [[|"Megacities: Air Quality and Climate Impacts from Local to Global Scales"]] (more than 40 poster presentations) 
 +    * 5 Apr 2011 - Tue, 08:30-10:00 - Room SM2 - MEGAPOLI/ CityZen/ MILAGRO joint splinter meeting of the MEGAPOLI, CityZen and MILAGRO projects ({{:cityzen:docs1:EGU11_SplinterMeeting_Introduction.pdf|Introduction}} - by Alexander Baklanov; status and progress on projects - {{:cityzen:docs1:EGU11_SplinterMeeting_CityZen.pdf|CityZen}} - by Michael Gauss, {{:cityzen:docs1:EGU11_SplinterMeeting_MEGAPOLI.pdf|MEGAPOLI}} - by Alexander Baklanov, MILAGRO - by Spyros Pandis; and followed discussions lead by Mark Lawrence;{{:cityzen:docs1:EGU11_SplinterMeeting_SummaryNotes.pdf|summary notes}} of the meeting - by Alexander Mahura); Attended - 27 persons (MEGAPOLI - 16; CityZen - 8; MILAGRO - 1; other projects - 2) from 13 countries and from 22 research organizations/ institutions ({{:cityzen:docs1:EGU11_SplinterMeeting_ListParticipants.pdf|list of participants}}) 
 +**3-4 May 2010 – participation of the MEGAPOLI & CityZen partners and collaborators in the European Geosciences Union ([[|EGU-2010]]) Annual General Assembly (2-7 May 2010, Vienna, Austria)
 ** **
-  * 3 May 2010 - special joint MILAGRO, CityZen, and MEGAPOLI session [[|"Megacities: Air Quality and Climate Impacts from  Local to Global Scales"]] (about 80 oral and poster presentations were submitted), Convener: L.T. Molina,  Co-Conveners: M. Gauss, A. Baklanov+  * 3 May 2010 - AS3.7 Special joint MILAGRO, CityZen, and MEGAPOLI session [[|"Megacities: Air Quality and Climate Impacts from  Local to Global Scales"]] (about 80 oral and poster presentations were submitted), Convener: L.T. Molina,  Co-Conveners: M. Gauss, A. Baklanov
   * 4 May 2010 - [[|joint splinter meeting]] of the MEGAPOLI, CityZen and MILAGRO projects ({{:cityzen:docs1:EGU10_SplinterMeeting_Intro.pdf|Introduction}} - by Michael Gauss, status and progress on projects - {{:cityzen:docs1:EGU10_SplinterMeeting_MEGAPOLI.pdf|MEGAPOLI}} - by Alexander Baklanov, {{:cityzen:docs1:EGU10_SplinterMeeting_MILAGRO.pdf|MILAGRO}} - by Luisa Molina, {{:cityzen:docs1:EGU10_SplinterMeeting_CityZen.pdf|CityZen}} - by Michael Gauss; and followed discussions led by Mark Lawrence and Michael Gauss; {{:cityzen:docs1:EGU10_SplinterMeeting_SummaryNotes.pdf|summary notes of the meeting}} - by Alexander Mahura); Attendees: 43 persons (MEGAPOLI: 16; CityZen: 16; MILAGRO: 7; other projects: 4) from 13 countries (Germany, Italy, Czech Republic, USA, Mexico, Singapore, The Netherlands, France, Russia, UK, China, Norway, and Denmark) from 27 research organizations/ institutions ({{:cityzen:docs1:EGU10_SplinterMeeting_ListParticipants.pdf|list of participants}})   * 4 May 2010 - [[|joint splinter meeting]] of the MEGAPOLI, CityZen and MILAGRO projects ({{:cityzen:docs1:EGU10_SplinterMeeting_Intro.pdf|Introduction}} - by Michael Gauss, status and progress on projects - {{:cityzen:docs1:EGU10_SplinterMeeting_MEGAPOLI.pdf|MEGAPOLI}} - by Alexander Baklanov, {{:cityzen:docs1:EGU10_SplinterMeeting_MILAGRO.pdf|MILAGRO}} - by Luisa Molina, {{:cityzen:docs1:EGU10_SplinterMeeting_CityZen.pdf|CityZen}} - by Michael Gauss; and followed discussions led by Mark Lawrence and Michael Gauss; {{:cityzen:docs1:EGU10_SplinterMeeting_SummaryNotes.pdf|summary notes of the meeting}} - by Alexander Mahura); Attendees: 43 persons (MEGAPOLI: 16; CityZen: 16; MILAGRO: 7; other projects: 4) from 13 countries (Germany, Italy, Czech Republic, USA, Mexico, Singapore, The Netherlands, France, Russia, UK, China, Norway, and Denmark) from 27 research organizations/ institutions ({{:cityzen:docs1:EGU10_SplinterMeeting_ListParticipants.pdf|list of participants}})
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 **7 Jan 2009 – MEGAPOLI & CityZen Sister Project Telephone Conference (participated 7 persons)** **7 Jan 2009 – MEGAPOLI & CityZen Sister Project Telephone Conference (participated 7 persons)**
-  *The meeting included (notes are available {{:cityzen:m105:summary07JAN2009_v19JAN2009.pdf|here}}) discussions on identification of collaboration between the 2 projects; differences and overlaps; IGAC assessment; Establishing links to each other’s web sites; Emission inventories; Coordinated model studies; Exchange of measurement data; Common database at NILU; Exchange and use of each other’s mailing lists; Future conferences, where MEGAPOLI and CityZen should meet; Action items; Research questions of MEGAPOLI and CityZen.+  *The meeting included  discussions on identification of collaboration between the 2 projects (notes are available {{:cityzen:docs1:summary07JAN2009_v19JAN2009.pdf|here}}); differences and overlaps; IGAC assessment; Establishing links to each other’s web sites; Emission inventories; Coordinated model studies; Exchange of measurement data; Common database at NILU; Exchange and use of each other’s mailing lists; Future conferences, where MEGAPOLI and CityZen should meet; Action items; Research questions of MEGAPOLI and CityZen.
 ---- ----
 FP7 EC MEGAPOLI & CityZen, 2008-2011 FP7 EC MEGAPOLI & CityZen, 2008-2011
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  • Last modified: 2022-05-31 09:23:11
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