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bufr.pm:bufrread_help [2016-04-18 07:58:57]
bufr.pm:bufrread_help [2022-05-31 09:29:31] (current)
Line 16: Line 16:
           [--param <descriptor file>]           [--param <descriptor file>]
           [--strict_checking n]           [--strict_checking n]
 +          [--tableformat <BUFRDC|ECCODES>]
           [--tablepath <path to BUFR tables>]           [--tablepath <path to BUFR tables>]
           [--verbose n]           [--verbose n]
Line 47: Line 48:
                            n=2 Croak if (recoverable) error in BUFR format.                            n=2 Croak if (recoverable) error in BUFR format.
                                Nothing more in this message/subset will be decoded.                                Nothing more in this message/subset will be decoded.
 +       --tableformat   Currently supported are BUFRDC and ECCODES (default is BUFRDC)
        --tablepath <path to BUFR tables>        --tablepath <path to BUFR tables>
                        Set path to BUFR tables (overrides ENV{BUFR_TABLES})                        Set path to BUFR tables (overrides ENV{BUFR_TABLES})
Line 59: Line 61:
     the environment variable BUFR_TABLES to the directory where your BUFR     the environment variable BUFR_TABLES to the directory where your BUFR
     tables are located (unless the default path provided by bufrread.pl     tables are located (unless the default path provided by bufrread.pl
-    works for you).+    works for you). For tableformat ECCODES, se 
 +    <http://search.cpan.org/dist/Geo-BUFR/lib/Geo/BUFR.pm#BUFR-TABLE-FILES> 
 +    for more info on how to set "--tablepath" (or BUFR_TABLES).
     For option "--ahl" the <ahl_regexp> should be a Perl regular expression.     For option "--ahl" the <ahl_regexp> should be a Perl regular expression.
-    E.g. "--ahl 'ISS... ENMI'" will decode only BUFR SHIP (ISS) from+    E.g. "--ahl "ISS... ENMI"" will decode only BUFR SHIP (ISS) from
     CCCC=ENMI. This is the only case where a little knowledge of Perl might     CCCC=ENMI. This is the only case where a little knowledge of Perl might
-    be required for using the utility programs included in Geo::BUFR.+    possibly be required when using the utility programs included in 
 +    Geo::BUFR.
     For option "--param" each line in <descriptor file> should start with a     For option "--param" each line in <descriptor file> should start with a
  • bufr.pm/bufrread_help.1460966337.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2022-05-31 09:23:11
  • (external edit)