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bufr.pm:bufrdump.pl_help [2010-02-02 15:19:34]
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bufr.pm:bufrdump.pl_help [2012-02-06 15:46:01]
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 <code> <code>
-Usage: /metno/local/bin/bufrdump.pl <bufr file(s)> [options]+Usage: 
 +      bufrdump.pl <bufr file(s)> 
 +          [--filter <filter file>] 
 +          [--param <parameter file | parameter list> [--csv]] 
 +          [--sort] 
 +          [--sort_on <parameter>[-]] 
 +          [--station <station list>] 
 +          [--transform <transformation file>] 
 +          [--lon1 x1] 
 +          [--lat1 y1] 
 +          [--lon2 x2] 
 +          [--lat2 x2] 
 +          [--obstype <amdar|ocea|surface|sounding>
 +          [--tablepath <path to BUFR tables>
 +          [--help]
-Will print section 4 in BUFR messages in <bufr file(s)as "parameter=value" lines.+Options: 
 +      --filter <filter file> 
 +                      Decode observations meeting criteria in <filter file> only 
 +      --param <parameter file | parameter list> [--csv] 
 +                      Print parameters in parameter file or comma separated 
 +                      list (e.g. wmonr,TAonly, in same order as they occur 
 +                      there. If --csv, the parameters vill be printed using 
 +                      the CSV (comma separated values) format 
 +      --sort          Sort the decoded observations on station identification; 
 +                      first stations with wmonr, then stations with nationalnr, 
 +                      call sign, buoy_id or aircraft (others left out) 
 +      --sort_on <parameter>[-] Sort the decoded observations on increasing 
 +                      values of <parameter>, or decreasing values if a '-' 
 +                      follows the parameter name. E.g. --sort_on TA- will 
 +                      sort on decreasing temperatures. Observations not 
 +                      containing the parameter at all will be printed lastly, 
 +                      except when --sort_on is combined with --sort (in which 
 +                      case sorting is done firstly on station identification, 
 +                      secondly on <parameter> with missing values printed first) 
 +      --station <station list> 
 +                      Print observations for stations in station list only, 
 +                      e.g. wmonr=01384,01492 
 +      --transform <transformation file> 
 +                      Do the transformations of parameter values listed in 
 +                      <transformation file> 
 +      --lon1 x1       Decode observations with longitude >= x1 only 
 +      --lat1 y1       Decode observations with latitude >= y1 only 
 +      --lon2 x2       Decode observations with longitude <= x2 only 
 +      --lat2 y2       Decode observations with latitude <= y2 only 
 +                      x1,y1,x2,y2 should be decimal degrees 
 +      --obstype <amdar|ocea|surface|sounding>
 +                      Force observation typeIf this option is not set, 
 +                      will make an educated guess of observation type based 
 +                      on metadata in section 1 of each BUFR message 
 +      --tablepath <path to BUFR tables> 
 +                      Set path to BUFR tables (overrides ENV{BUFR_TABLES}) 
 +      --help          Print this Usage (but you might instead prefer to use 
 +                      perldoc bufrdump.pl)
-Options (may be abbreviated, e.g. --h for --help) are:+    Options may be abbreviated, e.g. --h or -h for --help.
-        --filter <filter file> +    To avoid having to use the "--tablepath" optionyou are adviced to set 
-                        Decode observations meeting criteria in <filter file> only +    the invironment variable BUFR_TABLES to the directory where your BUFR 
-        --param <parameter file> +    tables are located (unless the default path provided by bufrdump.pl 
-                        Print parameters in <parameter file> onlyin same order +    works for you).
-                        as they occur in <parameter file> +
-        --lon1 x1       Decode observations with longitude >= x1 only +
-        --lat1 y1       Decode observations with latitude >= y1 only +
-        --lon2 x2       Decode observations with longitude <= x2 only +
-        --lat2 y2       Decode observations with latitude <= y2 only +
-                        x1,y1,x2,y2 should be decimal degrees +
-        --tablepath <path to BUFR tables> +
-                        Set path to BUFR tables (overrides ENV{BUFR_TABLES}) +
-        --help          Print this Usage+
 +    The lines in <parameter file>, or the comma separated values in
 +    <parameter list>, should be name of the parameters you want to be
 +    printed. For example, if you want only station identification and
 +    temperature to be printed for a BUFR SYNOP file, either supply
-You should probably set +      wmonr,call_sign,TA
-        export BUFR_TABLES=/usr/local/lib/bufrtables +
-or use the --tablepath option.+
-The lines in <parameter file> should be name of the parameters you +    as argument to --paramsor supply a <parameter file> which should look 
-want to be printed. For exampleif you want only station +    like this:
-identification and temperature to be printed for BUFR SYNOP file, +
-the <parameter file> should look like this:+
-wmonr +      wmonr 
-DDDD +      call_sign 
-TA+      TA
-If you want "parameter=value" to be printed also when value is missing +    If you want "parameter=value" to be printed also when value is missing 
-in BUFR message, precede the parameter name with an exclamation mark +    in BUFR message, precede the parameter name with an exclamation mark 
-(e.g. '!TA').  Missing values will then be displayed as -32767.+    (e.g. '!TA'). Missing values will then be displayed as -32767. If the 
 +    argument to --param is a parameter list, you must prevent the shell from 
 +    attaching special meaning to the exclamation mark by enclosing the list 
 +    in single quotes.
-Using --filter will decode only those observations that meet at least +    If the parameter list consists of one parameter only, a comma must be 
-one of the BUFR descriptor criteria and all of the parameter criteria +    appended (e.g. 'wmonr,') because bufrdump.pl uses the appearence of 
-in <filter file>where the BUFR descriptor criteria should come first +    comma to signal that this is not filename but parameter name(s).
-in filter file followed by blank line, then comes the parameter +
-criteria which should match <param> <operator> <value> where operator +
-is one of =, !=, <, <=, > and >=An example filter file is+
-D: 001001 I2.2 +    If --csv is used in conjunction with --param, all values will be printed 
-01 +    using the CSV format, with first line listing the parameters, and with 
-D: 001001 I2.2 001002 I3.3 +    missing fields printed as -32767 if the parameter is marked with '!' in 
-03 895 +    parameter file or listWith the parameter file above, the listing may 
-06 252 +    for example start like
-D: 001011 A9 +
-NN != 0 +      wmonr,call_sign,TA 
-TA >= 5 +      01001,,-1.5 
-TA < 9.5+      ,LF5U,9.0 
 +    Using --filter will decode only those observations that meet at least 
 +    one of the BUFR descriptor criteria and all of the parameter criteria in 
 +    <filter file>, where the BUFR descriptor criteria should come first in 
 +    filter file followed by a blank line, then comes the parameter criteria 
 +    which should match <param> or <param> <operator> <value> where operator 
 +    is one of =, !=, <, <=, > and >=. The parameter criteria may be phrased 
 +    as alternatives by separating them with '|' on a single line. An example 
 +    filter file is 
 +      D: 001001 I2.2 
 +      01 
 +      D: 001001 I2.2 001002 I3.3 
 +      03 895 
 +      06 252 
 +      D: 001011 A9 
 +      LF5U 
 +      type = Manned 
 +      NN != 8 
 +      TA >= 5 
 +      TA < 9.5 
 +      RR_24 
 +    which decodes all observations with block number 01, two other specific 
 +    wmo stations and one specific ship, being manned stations and having 
 +    cloud cover different from 8 (but NN must be part of the message) and 
 +    temperature between 5 and 9.5 degrees Celsius and containing 
 +    precipitation for last 24 hours. Comment lines starting with # will be 
 +    ignored. 
 +    Another example: the filter file (starting with a blank line!) 
 +      wmonr < 04000 
 +      RR_1 | RR_12 | RR_24 
 +      TA < -10 | TA > 10 
 +    will print only those observations containing a wmonr less than 04000 
 +    (note the leading 0 needed for this special parameter to make it 5 
 +    digit), and containing precipitation for 1, 12 or 24 hours, and having 
 +    temperature below minus 10 or above plus 10 degrees Celsius. 
 +    To avoid the need of creating a filter file when observations for some 
 +    few stations are requested, you can provide the stations in a comma 
 +    separated list after option --station. Four examples: 
 +      --station wmonr=01001,01152,01492 
 +      --station nationalnr=614_0050410003,637_108 
 +      --station call_sign=LF5U 
 +      --station buoyid=64607,64609 
 +      --station aircraft=EU3421,JHCWUURA 
 +    You cannot mix different kinds of stations this way (before '=' you must 
 +    choose either wmonr, nationalnr, call_sign, buoy_id or aircraft). Note 
 +    also that providing the stations in the BUFR descriptor part (first 
 +    part) of the filter file will speed up execution time considerably, 
 +    compared to using option --station. It is possible to combine --filter 
 +    with --station if done with some care, e.g. specifying WMO block 01 and 
 +    the required parameters in filter file, then the requested stations in 
 +    station list. 
 +    The --transform option is provided mainly to be able to use other units 
 +    than what is default in bufrdump.pl. The transformation file should list 
 +    the transformations wanted, one per line as 
 +      <parameter> = <perl expression involving $x> 
 +    where $x is original value of the parameter. 
 +    For example, the following transformation file will display wind speed 
 +    FF and wind gust FG in knots instead of m/s, rounded to one decimal, and 
 +    cloud cover NN in % (instead of the default which is using WMO code 
 +    table 2700, roughly counting octas): 
 +      FF = sprintf("%.1f", $x*1.9438) 
 +      FG = sprintf("%.1f", $x*1.9438) 
 +      NN = int($x*12.5 + .5) 
 +    If --transform is combined with --filter, the filter criteria should 
 +    refer to the transformed values. E.g. if the above NN transform to % is 
 +    to be applied for sky not all covered by clouds, you should use NN != 
 +    100 instead of NN != 8 in filter file. 
 +    The --obstype option might be handy in some special cases, like when you 
 +    are interested only in the surface part of oceanographic data (then use 
 +    '--obstype surface'), or when data category and/or data sub-category in 
 +    the BUFR messages have unusual values.
-which decodes all observations with block number 01, two other 
-specific wmo stations and one specific ship, having cloud cover 
-different from 0 (but NN must be part of the message) and temperature 
-between 5 and 9.5 degrees Celsius. Comment lines starting with # 
-will be ignored. 
 </code> </code>
  • bufr.pm/bufrdump.pl_help.txt
  • Last modified: 2022-05-31 09:29:31
  • (external edit)