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bufr.pm:bufr_reencode_help [2010-02-02 12:08:33]
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bufr.pm:bufr_reencode_help [2022-05-31 09:29:31] (current)
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 <code> <code>
-Will create BUFR message(s) printed to STDOUT from content of input +Usage: 
-file, which should match exactly what you would get by running +      bufr_reencode.pl <file containing decoded BUFR message(s)> 
-bufrread.pl on the final BUFR message(s). +           [--outfile <file to print encoded BUFR message(s) to>] 
- +           [--width n] 
-Normal use: +           [--strict_checking n] 
-     /metno/local/bin/bufr_reencode.pl bufr.decoded bufr.reencoded +           [--tableformat <BUFRDC|ECCODES>] 
-  after first having done +           [--tablepath <path to BUFR tables>] 
-     bufrread.pl <BUFR file> bufr.decoded +           [--verbose n] 
-     Edit file bufr.decoded as desired+           [--help]
 Options: Options:
-      --width n +    Bufr_reencode.pl will create BUFR message(s) printed to STDOUT from 
-  The decoded message(s) was created by using bufrread.pl with option --width n +    contents of input file, which should match exactly what you would get by 
-      --tablepath <path to BUFR tables+    running bufrread.pl on the final BUFR message(s). 
-  If used, will set path to BUFR tablesIf not set, will fetch tables + 
-  from the environment variable BUFR_TABLES, or if this is not setwill use +    Normal use: 
-  /usr/local/lib/bufrtables + 
-      --outfile <filename> +         bufr_reencode.pl bufr.decoded reencoded.bufr 
-  Will print encoded BUFR messages to <filename> instead of STDOUT + 
-      --strict_checking n n=0 Disable strict checking of BUFR format +    after first having done 
-                          n=1 Issue warning if (recoverable) error in + 
-                              BUFR format +         bufrread.pl 'BUFR file' > bufr.decoded 
-                          n=2 (default) Croak if (recoverable) error in BUFR format. +         Edit file bufr.decoded as desired 
-                              Nothing more in this message will be encoded. + 
-      --verbose n +    Options (may be abbreviatede.g. "--h" or "-h" for "--help")
-  Set verbose level to n, 0<=n<=(default 0). Verbose output is sent to STDOUT, + 
-  so ought to be combined with option --outfile +       --outfile <filename>  Will print encoded BUFR messages to <filename> 
-      --help +                             instead of STDOUT 
-  Will print this help message and then exit+       --width n             The decoded message(s) was created by using 
 +                             bufrread.pl with option --width n 
 +       --strict_checking n   n=0 Disable strict checking of BUFR format 
 +                             n=1 Issue warning if (recoverable) error in 
 +                                 BUFR format 
 +                             n=2 (default) Croak if (recoverable) error in BUFR format. 
 +                                 Nothing more in this message will be encoded. 
 +       --verbose n           Set verbose level to n, 0<=n<=(default 0). 
 +                             Verbose output is sent to STDOUT, so ought to 
 +                             be combined with option --outfile 
 +       --tableformat         Currently supported are BUFRDC and ECCODES (default is BUFRDC) 
 +       --tablepath <path to BUFR tables> 
 +                             If used, will set path to BUFR tables. If not set, 
 +                             will fetch tables from the environment variable 
 +                             BUFR_TABLES, or if this is not set: will use 
 +                             DEFAULT_TABLE_PATH_<tableformat> hard coded in source code. 
 +       --help                Display Usage and explain the options used. Almost 
 +                             the same as consulting perldoc bufr_reencode.pl
-Note: 'Optional section present' will always be set to 0, as 
-reencode_message in BUFR.pm currently does not provide encoding 
-of section 2. A warning will be printed to STDERR if 'Optional 
-section present' originally was 1. 
 </code> </code>
  • bufr.pm/bufr_reencode_help.1265112513.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2022-05-31 09:23:11
  • (external edit)