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aerocom:user-server-windows [2016-10-05 09:06:30]
aerocom:user-server-windows [2022-05-31 09:29:31] (current)
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 ===== How to get access to the aerocom user server using Windows (7) ===== ===== How to get access to the aerocom user server using Windows (7) =====
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   - You should be connected to aerocom-users.met.no and see the terminal window.   - You should be connected to aerocom-users.met.no and see the terminal window.
-===== Tell WinSCP to use the just generated private key ===== +==== Tell WinSCP to use the just generated private key ==== 
-Still to be written +In order to connect with WinSCP to aerocom-users.met.no, WinSCP has to use public key authentication. This means that it has to use the same private key as putty to connect to aerocom-users.met.no. Here's a basic howto. 
 +  - Start Winscp. You should see a similar Desktop as the following picture:\\ {{:aerocom:Screenshot.WinSCP.Start.png?400|}}  
 +  - fill out the field //Host name// with //aerocom-users.met.no//  
 +  - fill out the field //User name// with your user name (usually your email address)\\ {{:aerocom:Screenshot.WinSCP.Login.window.cropped.png?400|}} 
 +  - press the button //Advanced// to get to the window where you can tell WinSCP to use your private key for connection. the following window appears: \\ {{:aerocom:Screenshot.WinSCP.Advanced.Site.Settings.cropped.png?400|}} 
 +  - at the box at the left hand side click on //SSH->Authentication//  
 +  - click on the three dots in the right hand side part of the window to select the private key file \\ {{:aerocom:Screenshot.WinSCP.Select.private.key.cropped.png?400|}} 
 +  - press the button labelled //OK//. You are at the Login window again. 
 +  - press the button labelled //Login// 
 +  - Say //yes// if you are asked to accept the host key 
 +  - type in your key's passphrase at the appearing Window
 +If everything went well, you will see your home directory on aerocom-users.met.no on the right hand side of the WinSCP window.
  • aerocom/user-server-windows.1475658390.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2022-05-31 09:23:11
  • (external edit)