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aerocom:phase3-experiments-faq [2014-08-19 09:00:30]
michaels created
aerocom:phase3-experiments-faq [2022-05-31 09:29:31] (current)
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 Answer:  It's only the anthropogenic emissions that are perturbed for NOx and SOx. For NH3, please only increase agriculture emission including domestic animal (i.e. manure) and fertilizer while keeps others unchanged. Answer:  It's only the anthropogenic emissions that are perturbed for NOx and SOx. For NH3, please only increase agriculture emission including domestic animal (i.e. manure) and fertilizer while keeps others unchanged.
 +Question: Which data output requests have been made for CMIP5, ACCMIP, HTAP2, AerocomPhaseII?
 +Answer: See the following files, orders historical:
 +{{:aerocom:aerocom_diagnostics_091024.xls|AerocomPhaseII}} version Oct 2009
 +{{:aerocom:accmip_data_nov_13_10.xls|ACCMIP}} version Oct 2013
 +{{:aerocom:cmip5_standard_output.xls|CMIP5}} version Nov 2013
 +{{:aerocom:htap2_variables_01042014.xlsx|HTAP2}} version Apr 2014
  • aerocom/phase3-experiments-faq.1408438830.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2022-05-31 09:23:10
  • (external edit)