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Model Update Info Blog

(please add time of entry when you edit information)

Alf Kirkevag: 30/1/2012

CAM4-Oslo-Vcmip5.A2 is the model version we would like the inter-comparison groups to use (for the time being, see below). CAM4-Oslo-Vcmip5online.A2 is the same version as CAM4-Oslo-Vcmip5.A2, except that it has been run in online modus (thus giving different meteorology in CTRL and PRE), not offline as was necessary for the standard forcing experiments. CAM4-Oslo.A2 is an old version and should not be used.

Since CAM4-Oslo-Vcmip5.A2 applied 2006 emissions for aerosols and aerosol precursors, while many other models seem to have used 2000 emissions (but 2006 meteorology), we would like to add data from simulations with 2000 emissions as soon as possible. Only 1 year data from test simulations are available so far, but these have not been post-processed and submitted to the AeroCom server yet. These new data may be important especially for the direct radiative forcing study lead by Gunnar Myhre.

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  • aerocom/modelupdates.1327935979.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2022-05-31 09:23:10
  • (external edit)