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This is an overview of registered users for the aerocom-users external AeroCom server at Metno:

Name (user) email, institution, last update, project

Xiaoli Wang(,Peking University,Beijing,China,Oct,2015,.To compare simulated the global air concentration of several air pollutants by Mozart-4 Model with observed or other modeled data Andrew Gettelman (agettel), NCAR, Boulder, USA Model author; Model submission CAM-BAM to the 2nd indirect intercomparison exercise, July 2008. Bjorn Samset (bsamset), CICERO, Norway Sep 2011, Analysis of the AEROCOM phase 2 direct RF experiment in collaboration with Gunnar Myhre, analysing the model submissions and working towards understanding intermodel uncertainties. After the core results have been assembled and published, the aim is to focus on the modeled vertical aerosol distributions. Brigitte Koffi (bkoffi), Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l'Environnement, France Sep 2011, The AeroCom database has been used to evaluate the vertical distribution of aerosols in 12 AeroCom I models using the CALIOP Aerosol Layer product. The methodology developped in this study will be adapted and integrated into the AeroCom evaluation tool, and applied to the evaluation of the AeroCom phase II simulations. Assess the impact of the models improvements, and further examine the models’ uncertainties and the potential limitations of the CALIOP data. For this purpose, a global monthly gridded (1°x1°) database is currently being built that will be also part of the AeroCom database. Koffi B. et al. (2011), Application of the CALIOP Layer Product to evaluate the vertical distribution of aerosols estimated by global models: Part 1. AeroCom phase I results, submitted Aug 2011 to JGR. Carly Reddington (credding), University of Leeds, UK Analysis of microphysics output from Aerocom phase II together with Graham Mann. Also, use of FMI SALSA model runs provided for an intercomparison of BL nucleation schemes in several models. Cynthia Randles (crandles) , NASA Goddard, USA Sep 2011, Analysis of AeroCom Radiative Transfer Experiment. The goal of the AeroCom Radiative Transfer Code Experiment is to assess the solar radiative transfer schemes in AeroCom global models without aerosols or clouds given a prescribed surface albedo and standard atmospheres (AGFL tropical and sub arctic winter O3 and water vapor profiles). This allows us to understand how each model treats Raleigh scattering, ozone absorption, and water vapor absorption. We also now include a clear-sky case with simplified aerosol optical properties (once scattering and once more absorbing) uniformly distributed in the lowest 2 km of the model. Dongchul Kim (dkim), NASA Goddard Sep 2011, Working with Mian Chin at Goddard and interested in using dust aerosol products from AEROCOM participating models. Dorothy Koch (dkoch) , DOE, Washington, US Analysis of BC distribution and BC indirect effects: Koch et al. Evaluation of black carbon estimations in global aerosol models Atmos. Chem. Phys., 9, 9001-9026, 2009 and Soot microphysical effects on liquid clouds, a multi-model investigation Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss., 10, 23927-23957, doi:10.5194/acpd-10-23927-2010, 2010. Elisabetta Vignati ( evignati), Joint Research Centre, Institute for Environment and Sustainability, Climate Change Unit, Italy Sep 2011, Intention: using AeroCom results for the BC forcing analysis over Europe with new absorption measurements obtained in EUSAAR framework. Graham Mann (gmann), University of Leeds, UK Sep 2011, Model author GLOMAP*, Analysis of AEROCOM model data for the experiments and diagnostics associated with the analysis for the “aerosol microphysics working group”. The analysis will be to intercompare size-resolved particle number concentrations (size distributions), CN and CCN concentrations among the models A2-CTRL and A2-SIZx experiments and to score/compare these models' data against benchmark observational datasets already compiled at Leeds. Greg Schuster (gschust), NASA Langley, USA Comparison of model results to Schuster Aeronet aerosol composition retrievals (i.e., column concentrations of BC and aerosol water content). Gunnar Myhre (gmyhre) gunnar.myhre@cicero.uio.n, Center for International Climate and Environmental Research , Oslo (CICERO), Norway Sep 2011, Direct aerosol effect experiment analysis, description on the AeroCom website. Hongbin Yu (hyu), NASA Goddard, US Sep 2011, Participate in and contribute to the AeroCom Prescribed Forcing experiment. Evaluate AOD over China from AeroCom models with ground-based observations (AERONET, CARSNET) and satellite measurements (MODIS dark-target and deep-blue) Understand trans-atlantic dust transport by comparisons between aerocom models and several satellite measurements (MODIS, MISR, AIRS, CALIOP). Huisheng Bian (hbian), NASA Goddard Sep 2011, GMI model author, model website:, model authors: Huisheng Bian, Mian Chin, Stephen Steenrod Jamie Rae (jrae), Met Office, UK Model Author HadGem2. Jan Griesfeller (jgries), Norwegian Meteorological Institute, Norway Sep 2011, Scientific Programming in support of AeroCom database and tool development. Jan Huttunen (jhuttu), FMI Finland The Aerosol Direct Radiative Effect normalized by the Aerosol Optical Depth (AOD), the ADREE, is simulated by several models from the AeroCom Phase II experiment and the estimates are compared with the results based on measurements. The ADREE is defined for clear sky and daily averaged ADREEs at the surface are determined at over 20 stations. Aeronet aerosol optical properties for few wavelength bands are compared between models and products based on sun and sky measurements. The aerosol optical properties are Absorption AOD, AOD, Single Scattering Albedo (SSA). Jean Jacques Morcrette (jjmor), ECMWF, UK Model author ECMWF model versions. Johannes Quaas (jquaas), University of Leipzig, D Sep 2011, Participate to model intercomparisons and -evaluations regarding aerosol indirect effects; and to re-use the data from past experiments in future assessments. Achievement: Contributed to the first indirect effect intercomparison (Penner et al., 2006), and led the second phase indirect effect intercomparison study (Quaas et al., 2009). Penner, J., et al., Model intercomparison of indirect aerosol effects, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 6, 3391–3405, 2006; Quaas, J., et al., Aerosol indirect effects - general circulation model intercomparison and evaluation with satellite data, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 9, 8697–8717, 2009. Kai Zhang (kzhang), MPI-M, D and PNNL , US Model author MPIHAM A2 simulations. Knut von Salzen (kvsalzen), Environment Canada University of Victoria, Canada Sep 2011, Access to data for model validation and verification purposes, particularly for aerosol microphysics and aerosol indirect effects. Emphasis will be on the development of the Canadian Global Climate Model and additional modelling capabilities for the NCAR/CAM model. Kostas Tsigaridis (ktsiga), University of Columbia, USA Model author GISS , Analysis of organic model intercomparison. Peter Vohralik ( CSIRO, Australia Development of the ACCESS climate model. Particular interest is aerosols, comparing ACCESS aerosol-related fields with available measurements and model results – including AeroCom and CMIP5 data. Plan to compare ACCESS with AeroCom median/mean results as part of ongoing model development. Maria Kanakidou (mkanak), University of Crete, Greece Model author TM4, Analysis of organic aerosol in phase II experiments together with Kostas Tsigaridis. Mark Flanner (mflanner), University of Michigan, USA Sep 2011, Retrieval of aerosol deposition fields (wet and dry deposition of BC, POM, and dust) from both Phase I B experiments and Phase II A2CTRL simulations. With the help of a graduate student, applying these data to quantify ranges of aerosol radiative forcing associated with snow and sea-ice darkening, and evaluate the simulated snow and sea-ice concentrations against recent measurements conducted throughout the Arctic. Assessment will help constrain the range of possible snow forcing within the current climate system, and will shed light on problems with model long-range transport and deposition processes, and potentially regional emissions biases. Extension possibly to analysis of the hindcast and pre-industrial classes of simulation. Mian Chin (mchin) , NASA Goddard, USA Model author GOCART, AeroCom co-cordination. Michael Schulz (schulz), Norwegian Meteorological Institute, Norway Sep 2011, Evaluation of AeroCom model output with surface observations, AERONET, satellite data. Analysis of uncertainty range of model data relevant for radiative forcing estimates. Visualisation of model output submitted to AeroCom. Nicolas Bellouin (nbellou), MetOffice, UK Sep 2011, Model author HadGem2. Eventually further joint analysis. Nicolas Huneeus (nhunneus), LSCE, France Assess the model performances to simulate the dust cycle. Recently published in ACP ( The next step is to extend this work to compare the performance of a set of regional and global models to simulate a given dust storm in order to find weaknesses of the individual models. Intention of studying the possible definition of a score that summarizes the model performance. Include in the AEROCOM initiative assimilation work on estimating the aerosol emissions. Nicole Riemer (nriemer), University of Illinois, USA Jan 2011, Research interest in developing aerosol models on the process level and looking at the aging process of black carbon. Usage of global model output to diagnose the aging time scale of black carbon. Comparison of these time scales with a very detailed aerosol model. I have attached our paper on calculating BC aging time scales for your reference. Riemer, N., M. West, R. Zaveri & R. Easter (2010) Estimating black carbon aging time-scales with a particle-resolved aerosol model. Journal of Aerosol Science, 41, 143-158. Peter Knippertz (pknipp), University of Leeds, UK Sep 2011, Together with PhD student, Stephanie Fiedler, considering to use AEROCOM data to analyse dust emission and loading for a recently started ERC project at the University of Leeds. Philip Stier (pstier), University of Oxford, UK Sep 2011, Continued analysis of the AeroCom Prescribed and AeroCom Direct and Indirect Experiments. Interest in analysing aspects of AeroCom Microphysics experiment. Publication using AeroCom: Stier, P., Seinfeld, J. H., Kinne, S., and Boucher, O.: Aerosol absorption and radiative forcing, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 7, 5237-5261, doi:10.5194/acp-7-5237-2007, 2007. Stefan Kinne (skinne), Max-Planck-Institute for Meteorology, D Co-cordinator of AeroCom, Model vs data analysis in the framework of AeroCom, MACC and aerosol-CCI. Susannah Burrows (sburrows) , MPI for Chmistry ? D Apr 2011, Interest to compare global distributions of different types of aerosols as simulated by models, especially the marine “surface” concentrations, with the AEROCOM model output data seem like the most appropriate reference data for this purpose. Work on a manuscript on marine aerosols to which this comparison would be a very valuable addition, although not the main focus. Using AEROCOM climatology for comparative purposes. The manuscript re-advances the hypothesis that a biological sea spray could potentially explain the observed distribution of IN in (remote) marine air. Thomas Diehl (tdiehl), NASA Goddard, USA Model author GOCART*, Preparation of emission fields for hindcast simulations. Tommi Bergman (tbergman), CSC - IT Center for Science, Finland Model author for FMI-SALSA. Toshi Takemura (ttake) , University of Kyushu, Japan Model Author SPRINTARS. Twan van Noije,, KNMI, Netherlands Model author for TM5. Yiran Peng (ypeng), Canadian Centre for Climate Modelling and Analysis, Meteorological Service of Canada, Canada Sep 2011, Interest in dust radiative forcing, Peng et al. ACPD 2011. Kyu-Myong KIM (…) , Morgan State University, GESTAR, NASA/GSFC, US Analyze dust distribution from each model and compare with the dust longterm change produced by GEOS-5 with interactive aerosol, Sep 2011 Ed Nowottnick (…) , NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, US Analyze some of the long term simulations to understand feedbacks between dust and the African hydrological cycle. Fangqun Yu (…) , Atmospheric Sciences Research Center, State University of New York at Albany, US Plans to assess and improve GEOS-Chem-APM by comparing its simulations with observations and results of other models. Vassilis Amiridis (..), Atmospheric Physics and Chemistry Group (APCG), Institute for Space Applications and Remote Sensing, Athens, Greece In the National Observatory of Athens, an ESA study is conducted aiming to derive a 5-year global extinction-profile climatology from CALIPSO Level 2 – Version 3.01 dataset. The final resolution of the database will be 1×10. In order to compare these retrievals with model simulations participated in AEROCOM. Drew Shindell (dshind) , GISS, NY, USA No recent update, Radiative forcing of aerosols and other atmospherice species, ACCMIP coordination. Chul Eddy Chung (cchung), GIST, School of Environmental Science/Engineering, Corea No recent update. Interest in BC forcing. Luca Pozzoli, (..) AeroCom hindcast data provider for ECHAM Jason Blake Cohen, (..), Singapore-MIT Alliance for Research & Technology / CENSAM Model Data provider Christian Hogrefe ( , Atmospheric Modeling and Analysis Division, National Exposure Research Laboratory, Office of Research and Development, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Plans to explore the potential use of archived AeroCom hindcast simulations to derive boundary conditions for long-term regional-scale air quality simulations. Ping Yang / Bingqi Yi ( Department of Atmospheric Sciences, Texas A&M University, USA We are interested in estimating the effect of aerosol morphology on direct aerosol radiative forcing. Observations have shown solid evidence that aerosolcparticles are largely nonspherical. Most numerical models, however, treat aerosols as spheres using Mie theory to calculate their optical properties. We intend to look at AeroCom aerosol forcing products (especially for dust and black carbon) and compare them with results using our new optical property parameterizations. We would also use the AeroCom archive of observational dataset as the benchmark. The expected results will greatly improve our understanding of the uncertainty of aerosol particle shape in affecting radiation. Another focus of attention in our study will be on the interactions between aerosols and monsoon. Monsoon is known to play an important role in regulating the aerosol distribution, while aerosols inversely affect the monsoon intensity. We would investigate the performance of AeroCom models in the aerosol‐monsoon relationship in the global and regional scales. Markus Putzke ( Rolls-Royce Deutschland, Potsdam, Germany International Aero Engines AG; Project Reliabilty study to quantifiy erosion on aircraft engines (Diplomarbeit); time frame now - End of October 2012; Goal: Analysing of AeroCom model data to get information about aerosol characteristics in different places in the world. The aim is to quantify erosion in aircraft engines. Aerosol data will be selected for the current inspected engine and will be accomplished with specific flightprofiles. ==== EARLIER USERS STILL WITH ACCOUNT ==== Database users with no recent update info or no further AeroCom analysis planned Achim Strunk (astrunk), KNMI, Netherlands Sep 2011, Model author TM5-V3 . Lauren Zamora (lzamora) lzamora@ifm-geomar.d, Marine Science (IFM-GEOMAR) in Kiel, Germany Sep 2011, Used the AeroCom dust models to estimate phosphorus deposition to the ocean based on dust:phosphorus ratios. That work was published here: L.M. Zamora, A. Landolfi, A. Oschlies, D.A. Hansell, H. Dietze, F. Dentener. Atmospheric deposition of nutrients and excess N formation in the North Atlantic, 2010. Biogeosciences, 7: 777-793. Currently no direct intention to use the AeroCom data again. Bethan Mary Harris (bharris), Feb 2011, no longer working on the project at Univ of Reading on radiative forcing. Betty Croft (bcroft), University of Dalhousie, Canada No recent update. Christiane Textor (textor) , DLR, D First AeroCom papers : Textor et al. Analysis and quantification of the diversities of aerosol life cycles within AeroCom, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 6, 1777-1813, 2006; Textor et al., The effect of harmonized emissions on aerosol properties in global models an AeroCom experiment, Atmos. Chem. Phys. , 7, 4489-4501, 2007. Franziska Reinfried (frein), IFT Leipzig, D No recent update. John von Ardenne (jvaard), EEA, DK Earlier supporting emission inventory work in AEROCOM. Jos Lelieveld (jleliev), Max-Planck-Institute for Chemistry, Mainz, Germany No update recently. Martin Menegoz (mmenegoz), Meteo France, France No recent update, Comparison of MOCAGE results with AeroCom model fields in the frame of a thesis. Nick Chalmers (nchalm) , Univ of Reading, UK No recent update. As part of the UK NERC ADIENT project, GlobAEROSOL aerosol optical depth retrievals from the AATSR satellite instrument are being used to calculate the monthly direct radiative effect of aerosol, across 22 regions over the globe during the period of a year. In order to estimate the aerosol direct radiative forcing, an estimate of the pre-industrial aerosol optical depth is required for which the AEROCOM-PRE dataset is ideal. Ragnhild Bieltvedt Skeie (rbskeie), CICERO, Norway No recent update. Rich Ferrare (rferrare), NASA USA No recent update, Interest in comparison to Lidar data from ARM sites. Robert Simmon (rsimmon), NASA Goddard No recent update, Interest in filling gaps in satellite date with AeroCom results: Ron Miller (rmiller), GISS, NY, USA no recent update. Rudolf Husar (rhusar), Washington University, USA No update recently, Goal to link AeroCom data to a more general access system of data relevant for Air Quality, See demonstrator access to AeroCom here and Air Quality Community of Practice website: . Steven.L.Baughcum (sbaugh), Boeing, US No recent update. Interest in airplane emission inventory. Surabi Menon (smenon), LBNL, USA No recent update. Tami Bond (tbond), University of Illinois, USA No update recently, General interest in BC distribution and forcing. Thomas Jones (tjones), Univ. of Alabama in Huntsville, USA No recent update, Requesting access to the AEROCOM model output to aid in addressing a few concerns make by a reviewer of a recent manuscript of mine. Basically, I will be comparing with similar GOCART output to cross validate the results when comparing model output to MODIS satellite observations. Ulrike Lohmann (ulohmann), ETH Zurich, Suisse No recent update on analysis project. Co-coordinating ECHAM model development. Veronika Eyring (veyring), DLR, D no recent update, ccmVAL coordination. Yevgeny Derimian (yderim), Univ of Lille, F No recent update. Interest in validation of ECMWF in the framework of the GEMS project. Yolanda Roberts (yroberts), University of Colorado USA No recent update, using data from the AeroCom database in a lidar class project. I need the data to rum simulations. The data will not be used for published research as this is a class project.

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  • Last modified: 2022-05-31 09:23:10
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