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AerChemMIP diagnostics

AerChemMIP contributes to the CMIP6 data request by suggesting aerosol and chemistry related output that is required for model analysis and evaluation (including the characterization of air quality extremes) and for diagnosing radiative forcings from NTCFs. See link to most recent files below.

Model diagnostics specific to AerChemMIP Tier 1 experiments need to be implemented also in the DECK and CMIP6-historical-simulation. The diagnostics will be contributed to the CMIP6 data request by AerChemMIP.


Diagnostics Excel file version Dec 14 2016

Data request summary page Dec 15 2016

Older versions:

Diagnostics Excel file version Dec 13 2016

Data request summary page Dec 13 2016

Diagnostics Excel file version Oct 27 2016

Data request summary page Oct 27 2016

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  • aerocom/aerchemmip/diagnostics.1481811358.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2022-05-31 09:23:11
  • (external edit)