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wdb:downloads [2008-04-14 10:58:05]
wdb:downloads [2022-05-31 09:29:32]
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-====== Downloads ====== 
-The best available version of WDB is version 0.7.1 
-You can install WDB by compiling its source code release directly, or by installing the prepackaged binaries (if there is one for your operating system). 
-WDB is currently in development toward 1.0; as a result, there is no attempt to keep successive updates compatible. To upgrade, one must uninstall the old version and install the new version.  
-===== Source Code ===== 
-The latest source release is here: ([[http://wdb.met.no/download/wdb-0.7.1.tar.gz|download]]). 
-Be sure to read the general instructions (INSTALL) for building from the source tarball, and the specific instructions within the source code itself. 
-WDB is dependent on a number of specific components and libraries. Specifically: 
-  * Postgres 8.1.x or later 
-  * Postgis 1.1.x or later 
-  * Boost 1.33.1 or later 
-  * Log4Cpp 1.0.x or later 
-In addition, the following libraries are required for the loading programs: 
-  * ECMWF GRIB API 1.3.x or later (for loading of GRIB files) 
-  * Felt2Grib Utility (for loading of FELT files) 
-  * KvalObs System (for loading of observations from KvalObs) 
-===== Binary Packages ===== 
-We are currently working on a Debian package of WDB, which we intend to maintain. 
  • wdb/downloads.txt
  • Last modified: 2022-05-31 09:29:32
  • (external edit)