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stars:publications [2020-01-23 11:53:34]
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-====== Publications ====== 
-{{stars:846_ftp.pdf|A climatological study of polar lows in the Nordic Seas}} 
-//Citation: Noer G, Saetra Ø, Lien T, Gusdal Y. 2011. A climatological study of polar lows in the Nordic Seas. 
-Q. J. R. Meteorol. Soc. DOI:10.1002/qj.846// 
-**Abstract:**The climatology of polar lows over the Nordic Seas has been investigated using 
-infrared satellite images for the period between 2000 and 2009. The same region was 
-studied in the 1980s using traditional weather charts for the period between 1972 
-and 1982. One motivation for the present study was to revisit this climatology, but 
-using a different decade and taking advantage of the vastly improved coverage and 
-dissemination of infrared satellite images since the 1980s. The fact that forecasters 
-at the Norwegian Meteorological Institute had introduced a routine to register 
-polar-low events systematically from 2000 and onward also provided a unique 
-opportunity for extending the existing repository of subjectively identified polar- 
-low observations. On average we found 12 polar-low events per year in the region 
-of study. This is more than the earlier investigation, but we believe that this can 
-be explained by the fact that the previous study relied almost uniquely on weather 
-charts with very little information from ocean areas in the Nordic Seas. The largest 
-numbers were found in January with an average of 2.8 polar-low events per year. 
-The study reconfirms the February minimum found in previous studies, but on the 
-basis of our data we could not show that this minimum is statistically significant. 
-It is suggested that this may be explained as a manifestation of the coldest winter 
-month, when a surface-pressure high over the Scandinavian mainland is common 
-and the large-scale atmospheric flow is less favourable to polar-low formation. This 
-hypothesis was tested by calculating the mean sea-level pressure (MSLP) anomaly 
-for January, February and March from an atmospheric reanalysis. This revealed a 
-positive anomaly over Scandinavia and northwest Russia not found in the pressure 
-distributions for January and March. 
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  • Last modified: 2022-05-31 09:23:28
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