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noresm:testlist [2013-10-31 13:25:08]
noresm:testlist [2022-05-31 09:29:32] (current)
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   - Verify that the last monthly average is equal in both runs.   - Verify that the last monthly average is equal in both runs.
-===Bit-identical meteorology === +===Bit-identical meteorology for "technical only" code changes === 
-When code which is not meant to affect the meteorology has been added or changed + 
-(e.g. output of extra diagnostics)check that the meteorology is unchanged after month +This test is applicable for code which is not supposed to change the model physics (e.g. writing out extra diagnostics, cleaning up code without changing the functionality..) 
-simulation.+  - Run the code without the new changes 
 +  - Run the code with the new changes 
 +  - Verify that temperature is equal in both runs (ncdiff should give zero values in 
 +===Physical tests (early development) === 
 +These tests are applicable for early development of the model. At later stages, closer to important deliveries, other (and stricter) tests may apply. 
 +Compare your new result with result from the previous version of the trunk code.  
 +If any of the global average of the following variables change with more than a limit X, then you must first pass through a discussion with the other developersSend an e-mail to noresm-ncc(at) before merging your changes to trunk: 
 +  - Aerosol optical depth (AOD_VIS, X=10%) 
 +  - Cloud droplet number concentration (CDNC, X=10%) 
 +  - Temperature (X = 2K) 
 +  - Liquid water path (LWP, X=10%) 
 +  - Total aerosol number concentration (N_AER, X=10%) 
 +  - Total precipitation (PRECT, X=10%)
-===Physical tests === 
-  - Temperature should not be above 400 K 
  • noresm/testlist.1383225908.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2022-05-31 09:23:24
  • (external edit)