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noresm:svnnorstorehowto [2014-12-19 13:00:50]
noresm:svnnorstorehowto [2022-05-31 09:29:32] (current)
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 ===== Prerequisites ===== ===== Prerequisites =====
-To create and manage a repository, you need a user account at NorStore and to be member in the ns2345k project. +To create and manage a repository, you need a user account at NorStore which is member of the ns2345k project. 
 The creator of a repository has the full flexibility to grant remote read/write access to external users. Once the repository is create, the use of the repository does not require a NorStore account. The repository creator can define svn users (consisting of a user-name with corresponding password) which in general have no relation to NorStore user accounts.       The creator of a repository has the full flexibility to grant remote read/write access to external users. Once the repository is create, the use of the repository does not require a NorStore account. The repository creator can define svn users (consisting of a user-name with corresponding password) which in general have no relation to NorStore user accounts.      
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 Further fine tuning of access rights can be done in ''testrepo/conf/authz''. E.g.,  Further fine tuning of access rights can be done in ''testrepo/conf/authz''. E.g., 
-  [/projects/NS2345K/svn/testrepo]+  [/] 
 +  harry = rw 
   guestuser = r   guestuser = r
-limits the access of the user ''guest-user'' to read-only access. The ''authz'' customisation is activated in ''svnserve.conf'' by uncommenting +gives ''harry'' read/write access but limits the access of ''guestuser'' to read-only. The ''authz'' customisation is activated in ''svnserve.conf'' by uncommenting 
   # authz-db = authz   # authz-db = authz
 to to
  • noresm/svnnorstorehowto.1418994050.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2022-05-31 09:23:24
  • (external edit)