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noresm:svnnorstorehowto [2014-12-19 10:55:12]
noresm:svnnorstorehowto [2022-05-31 09:29:32] (current)
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 ===== How it works ===== ===== How it works =====
-NorStore uses the [[|svnserve]] server solution to connect local svn repositories to the internet+NorStore uses the [[|svnserve]] server solution to take local svn repositories online
-For every new repository, an svnmerge demon is started as background process on the NorStore node The svn repository recieves the URL <nowiki>svn://<repository name></nowiki>  +On the NorStore node '''', a svnmerge demon is running as a background process. The demon serves repositories that are stored in NorStore's project work space in ''/projects/NS2345K/svn''. The svn repositories each receive an URL of form <nowiki>svn://<repository name></nowiki>   
 ===== Prerequisites ===== ===== Prerequisites =====
-To administer svn repositories on NorStorefollowing prerequisites must be fulfilled:   +To create and manage a repository, you need a user account at NorStore which is member of the ns2345k project.  
-  * you must have a user account at NorStore +      
-  * your NorStore user account must be member in the ns2345k group  +The creator of a repository has the full flexibility to grant remote read/write access to external users. Once the repository is create, the use of the repository does not require a NorStore account. The repository creator can define svn users (consisting of a user-name with corresponding password) which in general have no relation to NorStore user accounts.       
-  your NorStore user account must have access to + 
-   +To start and stop the svn server, your NorStore user must in addition have access to Currently, this group contains following people: Alf Grini, Ingo Bethke, Thierry Toutain and Martin King. 
-Users that fulfill these prerequisites can take local ns2345k repositories stored in (<nowiki>/projects/NN2345K/svn</nowiki>) online/offline and have the full flexibility to grant read/write access for NorStore svn repositories to external users (i.e., the normal use of the repositories does not require NorStore account)    + 
 +===== Start/stop server  ===== 
 +Log on to '''' via ssh.  
 +To take all svn repositories online, do  
 +  svnserve -d -r /projects/NS2345K/svn --log-file /projects/NS2345K/svn/svnserve.log --pid-file /projects/NS2345K/svn/ 
 +An svnserve demon has now been started as background process on The process id is logged in ''/projects/NS2345K/svn/''.  
 +To take all repositories offline again, do  
 +  kill `cat /projects/NS2345K/svn/`
 ===== Creating a new repository ===== ===== Creating a new repository =====
Line 24: Line 35:
 Create a new svn repository with  Create a new svn repository with 
   svnadmin create testrepo   svnadmin create testrepo
-where ''testrepo'' is to be replaced with name of your choice.  +where ''testrepo'' is to be replaced with the repository name.  
-The new repository is now set up in ''/projects/NS2345K/svn/testrepo''.+The new repository is now set up in ''/projects/NS2345K/svn/testrepo''
 ===== Customizing access rights ===== ===== Customizing access rights =====
-Edit ''testrepo/conf/svnserve.conf'' for general customisation of access rights. IMPORTANT: Make sure to remove all leading blanks when activating an option. +Edit ''testrepo/conf/svnserve.conf'' for general customisation of access rights. Important: Make sure to remove all leading blanks when activating an option. 
 The default is read/write access for authenticated users and no access for anonymous.  The default is read/write access for authenticated users and no access for anonymous. 
Line 49: Line 60:
   sally = sallyssecret   sally = sallyssecret
   guestuser = friendly   guestuser = friendly
-To activate the customisation, edit ''svnserve.conf'' and uncomment the line +The user customisation is activated in ''svnserve.conf'' by uncommenting 
   # password-db = passwd   # password-db = passwd
 to to
   password-db = passwd   password-db = passwd
 Further fine tuning of access rights can be done in ''testrepo/conf/authz''. E.g.,  Further fine tuning of access rights can be done in ''testrepo/conf/authz''. E.g., 
-  [/projects/NS2345K/svn/testrepo]+  [/] 
 +  harry = rw 
   guestuser = r   guestuser = r
-limits the access of the user ''guest-user'' to read-only access. The ''authz'' customisation is activated in ''svnserve.conf'' by uncommenting +gives ''harry'' read/write access but limits the access of ''guestuser'' to read-only. The ''authz'' customisation is activated in ''svnserve.conf'' by uncommenting 
   # authz-db = authz   # authz-db = authz
 to to
   authz-db = authz   authz-db = authz
 +===== Remote access ===== 
-===== Taking a repository online/offline ===== +After taking the repository online, the URL of the repository ''testrepo'' is <nowiki> svn:// </nowiki> 
- +
-Log on to '''' via ssh.  +
- +
-To take a repository with name ''testrepo'' online, do  +
-  svnserve -d -r /projects/NS2345K/svn/testrepo --log-file /projects/NS2345K/svn/testrepo/svnserve.log --pid-file /projects/NS2345K/svn/testrepo/ +
- +
-An svnserve demon has now been started as a background process on The process id is logged in ''/projects/NS2345K/svn/testrepo/''.  +
- +
-To take the repository offline again, do  +
-  kill `cat /projects/NS2345K/svn/testrepo/` +
- +
- +
-===== Remote access to repository =====  +
- +
-After taking the repository online, the URL of the repository ''testrepo'' is <nowiki> svn:// </nowiki> +
 To checkout the repository, do  To checkout the repository, do 
-  svn co svn://  svn co svn://
-Change directory to ''testrepo'' with+Change directory to ''testrepo'' 
   cd testrepo    cd testrepo 
-Create a dummy file with +Create a dummy file and mark it for adding  
   echo test > README    echo test > README 
 +  svn add README 
-Commit the repository with +Commit the repository 
   svn commit -m "my commit message"          svn commit -m "my commit message"       
  • noresm/svnnorstorehowto.1418986512.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2022-05-31 09:23:24
  • (external edit)