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noresm:settingupcamonlinuxpc [2015-12-08 14:55:06]
alfg [Compile CAM on your Linux PC]
noresm:settingupcamonlinuxpc [2022-05-31 09:29:32] (current)
Line 51: Line 51:
   * export CXXFLAGS=-O0   * export CXXFLAGS=-O0
-The netcdf c-library complains about a non-successful compilation because it can not find Doxyfile. This is not important.+The netcdf c-library complains about a non-successful compilation because it can not find Doxyfile. This is not important. The compilation needs also the following env-variables: CPPFLAGS=-I${dir}/include, LDFLAGS=-L${dir}/lib, where "dir" is directory you use for the "configure" scripts
 3) Get the netcdf source code (including the c-headers) from  3) Get the netcdf source code (including the c-headers) from 
Line 59: Line 59:
 c) make install c) make install
-4) Get fortran netcdf api ( and follow+4) Get fortran netcdf api ( and follow
Line 117: Line 117:
 NOTE: In CAM5.5 (upcoming versions) this same procedure is supposed to work with the following command (NOT VERIFIED):  NOTE: In CAM5.5 (upcoming versions) this same procedure is supposed to work with the following command (NOT VERIFIED): 
 <file> <file>
-$camcfg/configure -fc gfortran -fc_type gnu -debug -spmd -nosmp -dyn fv -res 10x15 -ntasks 1 -nthreads 1 -phys cam5 -ice none+$camcfg/configure -fc gfortran -fc_type gnu -debug -nospmd -nosmp -dyn fv -res 10x15 -ice sice -phys cam5
 </file> </file>
  • noresm/settingupcamonlinuxpc.1449586506.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2022-05-31 09:23:24
  • (external edit)